Bratt Man, 72, Guilty Of Child Sex Abuse, Faces At Least 25 Years In Jail

February 4, 2010

A 72-year old Bratt man has been found guilty on child sex abuse charges and will likely spend the rest of his life in jail.


Jody Posey  was convicted Wednesday by and Escambia County jury on charges of lewd or lascivious molestation of a child under 12. He was arrested March 5, 2009, for fondling a five-year old girl at his residence at 7100 North Pine Road in Bratt between November 2007 and January 2009.

The child victim took the witness stand and testified about Posey touching her underneath her clothes as she sat on his lap. The most recent molestation reported by the five-year old was January 9, 2009. The girl told officials that Posey told her she would go to jail if she told anyone about the incidents.

The State Attorney’s office also presented testimony from another girl who testified that she had been molested by Posey between 2001 and 2006 at Posey’s home. Posey faces additional charges of lewd or lascivious molestation in that case.

Following the verdict,  Circuit Judge Kenneth Williams remanded Posey to custody and set sentencing for Friday  afternoon. Posey faces a maximum sentence of life
imprisonment. Florida Statutes require that Posey be sentenced to no less than 25 years imprisonment followed by probation or community control  the remainder of his life.


34 Responses to “Bratt Man, 72, Guilty Of Child Sex Abuse, Faces At Least 25 Years In Jail”

  1. DJSheffield on February 5th, 2010 5:47 pm

    OH…and to the young lady that took the stand in her defense, AMEN! I am extremely PROUD of you! That is something I never had to do because my father pled guilty so I wouldn’t have to take the stand. My you begin to heal from all that has happened and just know that NONE of what took place is YOUR fault. You are one hell of a young lady and have your whole life ahead of you. Give your heart to JESUS and he will walk with you through the pain and suffering. My heart goes to you and your family. If you need anything or just someone to talk to that has been there I am here for you.

  2. DJSheffield on February 5th, 2010 5:43 pm

    First allow me to say that I am a survivor of child sexual abuse. My father is doing two life terms because of what he did to me in my younger days as a child. My life has been FOREVER affected by his and my mothers actions. Nonetheless, my father is where is belongs and will die behind those gates. There is NO getting over the abuse no matter what age you become. You will always have flash backs and memories that will haunt you. One thing that you must do in time is forgive in order to heal, but that is easier said than done. I am now 37 years old and still dealing with the affects my father has had on my life. My heart goes out to the young ladies that have been abused by this man.

    I can tell you that even though Mr. Abuser goes to prison. His life will be guarded and he will have more material things than you all think. Each prison has cable television, warm showers, 3 meals a day, protective custody, and free medical & dental care. I know this because I have forgave my father and moved a little forward in the healing process. My father is down south and a prison where there is nothing but sexual offenders. The times I have visited him in prison nothing has happened out of the norm. I know alot of you will not understand the fact that I speak to my father, but he still my father. The LORD JESUS CHRIST states you must forgive and that is what I have been doing over the past several years. My father has been in prison since 1998. As far as Mr. Abuser goes, he is sick and there is NO excuses for his behavior. I just pray that one day he will ask for forgiveness and mean it.

  3. N on February 5th, 2010 4:07 pm

    To Mother of 2: Taking a knife to his “you know what” will not solve the problem. I have read that those that are castrated by use of chemicals or a blade are worse than before. They still have the desire and can not act on it so they use objects to harm their victims. If this is true and the problem is in the persons mind—-don’t cut off their “you know what” —cut off their head where the thoughts are formed. My grand daddy use to say there were some people that just needed to be cut and fed to the hog or just throw their body in a ditch.

  4. mother of 2 girls on February 5th, 2010 2:47 pm

    This is a sad situation. These poor innocent babies being hurt in this way. I was raped as a teenager by a cousin, never have forgotten. My heart goes out to all families involved in this situation. That is all members of the families involved except this man! What he needs is some good old boy justice: good old boy justice= take him out in the woods, poor honey on him, nail his u know to a stump and stir up the ants. Make sure you give him a knife before you leave, give him the choice on what to do.

    I know there are some people that have been accused and were innocent, but, in this case it looks like not only was he guilty once, but, more times than one.

    God be with each of the family members. He is the best remedy for the cure!

  5. bill on February 5th, 2010 10:45 am

    None of going to take a skillet to him,…… robert and rebel gonna shot him,……… i guess i can run over him with the bushhog a couple times,….after he gets to prison he may wish for some of that counrty justice. Lots of people in prison who hate child molesters.

  6. bill on February 5th, 2010 10:35 am

    Morning, none of,

    I was wondering if maybe you were going to heat that skillet up real good and hot hot hot. :)

  7. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 8:21 am

    Well I still have a great cast iron little skillet for that head of his, and am
    very willing to take care of this problem. lol

    GOD can for give him.
    The CHILD can forgive him,
    B ut I just want him off the face of the earth.
    The sooner this creep dies in prison, the happier I will be!

    AND, morning Bill! lol


  8. curious on February 5th, 2010 6:33 am

    Reflecting, he will get better medical care in prison than on the street plus it is FREE.

  9. rebel on February 5th, 2010 1:57 am

    ditto robert. (BANG)

  10. Mr, Rodgers on February 5th, 2010 12:29 am

    I too feel so bad for his wife, especially the children he hurt and his children and family. The apoloize from “Reflexing” was humbling. “Josh” there are many, many men and women, even young people this day and time who have pulled the wool over OUR EYES.
    Don’t waste your time hating just spend your time praying for your children, all children from being used.

  11. bill on February 4th, 2010 9:09 pm

    Dang ROBERT, shot on sight. LOL, if the law allowed the community to solve its own problems, crime would go way down.

  12. robert on February 4th, 2010 6:04 pm

    Should have been shot on site.

  13. Southern Girl on February 4th, 2010 4:59 pm

    I am first thankful that this 5 year old told what he had done to her so soon after it happened. Many kids keep these things inside for years before they tell anyone, and some never do. I am also thankful that she was brave enough to take the stand and tell the TRUTH! I will be praying for healing for these girls and their families

  14. Reflecting on February 4th, 2010 4:31 pm

    Yes, you are right. I apologize for any way I may have offended or hurt the family. I know the wounds are still raw, and will be for a long time. I spoke as I have know this local part of the family for years, and was not aware, nor did I give thought to the rest of the family. I am so sorry for the pain that you are all experiencing. As I said, I have personally gone through a similar experience, and can empathize. I will be praying for each of you, and again, I am so sorry for contributing in any way to the hurt you are going through.

  15. Mother on February 4th, 2010 3:10 pm

    Reflecting – You are trying to talk sense into a 20 year old who is hurt beyond what you could imagine. He is not ready to forgive the man who stole his sister’s innocence after he got custody of her. She was in a happy, loving home, making strides. She was placed with her aunt and uncle after being ripped from the custody of her drug-addicted mother. She lived with us for 6 years. He touched her from the time he got her in 2001 until Jan ‘09. That doesn’t go away so easily. These kids were like siblings, not cousins. He took her away for his own personal use and did not attempt to talk to my boys in almost 10 years as if they did not exist. Talk about christian. He claimed to be one. I thank my FATHER every day that this man was not into little boys. I forgave him many years ago for the hurt he causes my children. The severity of my niece will take longer because I blame myself for not being able to protect her from him and neither was my son. My GOD will take care of him. I hope he does ask for his forgiveness before he meets his end. I know these children will give him forgiveness as it is a part of the healing process. Just give them a little time…. we all need to vent. GOD bless his wife and her family as well as his and put a hedge of protection around them as the deal with the media and public. We as a people can be so cruel at times.

  16. Splat on February 4th, 2010 2:55 pm


    the truth came out and he was found guilty!!

  17. anydaynow on February 4th, 2010 2:50 pm

    …absolutely out of line.
    Leave judgement to St. Peter and God. They don’t need your advice in how to do their jobs.

  18. N on February 4th, 2010 2:44 pm

    I guess my memory must be getting weak. I seem to recall when this case was first reported there were a ton of messages about what a good man this fellow was. How the truth would come out and that he would go free—that he was arrested based on lies told by some child. What a difference a day makes. I am sorry for his family who will have to live with this.

  19. Splat on February 4th, 2010 2:36 pm

    Reflecting –

    You might just need to step back. The emotional wounds are too fresh to have this type of discussion. You seem to want a reaction but I think your out of line.

  20. Reflecting on February 4th, 2010 2:10 pm

    All of us fall short of the glory of God. Are any of you without sin? I am not saying this man doesn’t deserve punishment for what he’s done. I am relieved and thankful that he is being punished, but at the same time, I recognize that he needs Christ in his life. I, too, was molested as a child, so I can understand better than most the trauma that these girls have faced, and the long-term effects this will have on them. However, as a Christian, I am able to see that God doesn’t classify our sins into different categories. Sin is sin, and we’ve all sinned. Joe needs to seek Jesus’ forgiveness just as you and I do when we sin. None of us deserve the grace and forgiveness of the Lord, but I am so thankful He gives it, and I would not wish Him to withhold it from anyone.

  21. Josh on February 4th, 2010 1:37 pm

    To the one person who said he was nice. How long have you known this man. Because I’ve known him for many long years. For the things he has done to his family he deserves to not get out of prison. Forgiveness shouldn’t be an avenue of solace for him. He is not and has never been a ‘nice’ man. Why don’t you ask his real children about him. Why don’t you ask his other actual grandchildren related by blood and not by marriage. This man deserves to die in prison whether it be cruelly or to just die old there. And confessing the truth to his second wife? The older child who isn’t even related to the people she lives with and was dragged away from everybody she knew when younger because of this ‘nice’ man. I think all of you maybe thinking forgiveness from God for him should be available. I say not

  22. What! on February 4th, 2010 1:34 pm

    To Reflecting!-

    The health problems he has sure didn’t hold him back from the horrible things he did to those little girls! What a monster! Who cares if hes nice or not! I’m sure most child molesters are! Prison and all the things that will happen to him is what he deserves!

  23. Reflecting on February 4th, 2010 1:21 pm

    To OMG-
    The way someone looks in a picture doesn’t reflect whether they are guilty of a crime or not. This man actually happens to be very nice, and you would never think it. Unfortunately, you can’t always know what is in a person’s heart.

    He needs prayer as much as the rest of the family. He is an old man who has medical problems, and will redoubtably be treated badly in prison. I pray he will confess the truth to himself and his wife and family, and beg the LORD for forgiveness before it is too late.

  24. Splat on February 4th, 2010 1:16 pm

    Billy….no one likes a child molester.

  25. OMG... on February 4th, 2010 1:13 pm


  26. Splat on February 4th, 2010 1:11 pm

    I am so glad these two little girls had the courage to face the man who stole their childhood. Maybe now, they can begin to heal a little each day knowing justice has been served. My heart breaks for these two….

  27. Billy on February 4th, 2010 1:07 pm

    I can’t believe that there aren’t any yahoo’s on here saying that he was wrongly convicted and that type of junk. Everyone must be having a good week.

  28. bill on February 4th, 2010 1:02 pm

    Give him to NONE OF YOUR B.

    I think she will save the tax payers a bunch. :)

  29. CJ on February 4th, 2010 12:53 pm

    He can die in prison

  30. Angi on February 4th, 2010 12:43 pm

    All I can say for Joe is, he got what he deserved! To do this to two innocent little girls is just wrong. Whose to say that he hasn’t done this to even more children. I thank god for giving these two little girls the strength to come forward with this to someone, or else there is no telling what he would have done next (if he hasn’t already). I do feel sorry for his family for putting them through such embarrassment for such behavior. This is something that these girls will never forget, they will have to carry this with them the rest of their lives. Bless these little girls and give them the strength to go on with their lives, and hopefully not have to worry about this happening to them again…

  31. none of your business on February 4th, 2010 12:29 pm

    Likes to pick on 5 year olds huh!

    Give him to me for 5 mins, bet he wouldn’t be so tough when I got finished with


  32. Reflecting on February 4th, 2010 12:28 pm

    I am relieved that the truth has been heard, and that this sick man will not be able to hurt another girl. People like this will find a way to fulfill their urges.
    I pray that the WHOLE family will be able to heal individually, and that the division that has been a result of this horrible crime will be healed as well.

  33. No Doubt on February 4th, 2010 11:50 am

    Its a shame that happened to them. Wheres the rope. I hate it for him, because those guys at prison will take care of him everyday he takes a breath.. Which is what he deserves. He took away from the girls, that is their childhood. Child bless and with some type of counciling maybe their lives can go back to some what normal. As for him only God knows.

  34. bill on February 4th, 2010 11:23 am

    God forgive him, 12 YEARS OLD. He’s not going to have a happy retirement. Thank God the lttle girl was not raped by him as well.
