Boom Again? Residents Report Boom Or Explosion For Second Day

February 24, 2010

A “boom” or explosion was felt or heard across a portion of Escambia County from Walnut Hill to Pensacola again Wednesday afternoon, the second afternoon in the row.

There were  no reports of explosions or other situations that would have caused the rattle. Real-time earthquake data from the U.S. Geological Survey did not show any seismic activity in our area.

So far, the Air Force and Navy still say they did not create the boom.

Several 911 callers in the Pensacola area reported large explosions Wednesday afternoon.


48 Responses to “Boom Again? Residents Report Boom Or Explosion For Second Day”

  1. Ann on February 21st, 2013 8:06 am

    It happened at around 745 last night. I live on the border of Gulf Breeze and Navarre. There were 2 booms back to back then a flash in the sky. Only selected electronics shut off and turned back on. No lights or appliances shut off, just tv, satellite, and receiver, same in my sons room, all his electronics with the exception of his PS3. It completely reset my satellite receiver. His window was open and he said smelled a strange odor after it happened. My friend near by said it happened to her too but it rang her door bell. Odd stuff.

  2. bill, big b little ill on March 1st, 2010 10:30 pm

    Jayyy…it could be..someone blew up the out house.

  3. Jayyy on March 1st, 2010 1:45 am

    The same thing happens up here in Molino every once in a while; and its usually followed by a weird neighborhood-wide odour. Strange? I think so.

  4. SW on February 27th, 2010 11:27 pm

    It could be some secret things going on over at the new nuclear power plant site near Christian Home, FL….

  5. Angi on February 27th, 2010 3:12 pm

    Guess I missed this, but hope to find out what it is soon…

  6. bill, big b little ill on February 27th, 2010 11:28 am

    Just heard and felt another boom….

  7. bill, big b little ill on February 27th, 2010 8:59 am

    Sherrie…i’ve been through Nanner fly and Two egg AL..but where the heck is Deatsville

  8. sherrie jones on February 26th, 2010 7:49 pm

    I live in Deatsville, AL and I of course didn’t hear your boom, but I have heard the same loud boom twice in the past 2 years. Shook my house. Never found out what it was.

  9. NHS person on February 26th, 2010 10:44 am

    Heard and felt it at Bratt

  10. GRITS on February 25th, 2010 11:55 pm

    There was a big *boom* here in Flomaton about noon today. The windows rattled. It came from the southwest. I thought maybe Kelly Brothers had blown up another tanker truck, then went back to work…

  11. someone on February 25th, 2010 1:12 pm

    Been hearing them in Clarke County (AL) in recent weeks too

  12. bill, big b little ill on February 25th, 2010 7:48 am

    Nobody knows or admits to knowing. It must be hell expanding getting ready for the rapture. Church going up, lots of bad things going to happen it a moments time, Catch the ride up.

    JESUS IS coming soon.

  13. EMD on February 25th, 2010 2:37 am

    I have heard booms several times in Walnut Hill in the last 15 years, but didn’t hear these. I wasn’t home.

  14. Hmm on February 24th, 2010 9:32 pm

    I think it is testing at NAS Pcola. These loud booms happen on a regular basis near the South side.. We are located near the base and hear the booms almost every week.. They are loud enough to make the building shake..

  15. Chris on February 24th, 2010 8:50 pm

    It was Chuck Norris kicking somebody.

  16. just me on February 24th, 2010 8:05 pm

    ESP or any other natural gas company oe even Gulf power might be performing some routine maintenance on our natural
    gas pipelines the area. As part of this work, you may hear a
    particularly loud noise known as a “blowdown.”A blowdown is the act of releasing natural gas from a section of pipeline
    so work can be done safely, like welding.
    It becomes interesting to note that there is a natural gas pipeline about one mile north-northwest of the property purchased by Gulf Power on Roach Road for the future site of the nuclear power plant

  17. Citizen X on February 24th, 2010 6:47 pm

    It could be Roy Jones Jr. hitting the heavy bag in training for the Hopkins fight. Go Roy go, but keep the noise down. You’re scaring folks!!!

  18. Chuck on February 24th, 2010 6:41 pm

    I heard it in Navarre on 2/23. I went outside to check my truck because it sounded like someone had slammed a car door loudly. It was kind of a cuncussion sound and the windows shook a little. I don’t think I would have noticed it but I was reading on the computer and the house was silent.

  19. SW on February 24th, 2010 5:06 pm

    Wild Bill-

    Good point , however…

    It could’ve been a result of the government spending blowing by, too.

  20. What is this world coming to? on February 24th, 2010 5:00 pm

    I heard it earlier here in Cottage Hill. It didn’t rattle the windows and the dogs didn’t even twitch. I was busy with household chores and couldn’t get on here until now and thought “Aha, so it wasn’t just my imagination, lol”.
    I wonder what it is. Hope William lets us know soon.

  21. Bruce Yoder on February 24th, 2010 4:55 pm

    I bet it was another Mother of all bombs being exploded in Eglin AFB Fort Walton, FL. There was two explosions a minute or two apart. This happened last summer but they warned everyone before the explosions.

    Someone in authority should call Eglin AFB…

  22. Wild Bill on February 24th, 2010 4:49 pm

    It was the sound of progress speeding past Escambia County. It has happened for several decades.

  23. Katrina on February 24th, 2010 4:08 pm

    I’m with you JJ….I felt it again today at the same time. I got back on here to check cause I know William would let us know. How strange!!

  24. wondering... on February 24th, 2010 3:28 pm

    so it happened again? and what time yesterday?

  25. stef on February 24th, 2010 3:16 pm

    im in molion!

  26. stef on February 24th, 2010 3:15 pm

    just heard and felt it. my trailer moved some side to side!! felt kinda weird!! hope to find out what it is soon!!

  27. JJ on February 24th, 2010 3:11 pm

    Just heard it again, I think. (Wednesday 3:08pm) Windows rattled…. here in Walnut Hill…

  28. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2010 2:46 pm

    not her, me

  29. Patsy Green on February 24th, 2010 2:45 pm

    i always figure it’s some did pilot in a navy jet having some fun. if so, enjoy

  30. Patsy Green on February 24th, 2010 2:43 pm

    i missed it

  31. ROFL on February 24th, 2010 2:25 pm

    I thought it could have been something to do with A(n) UFO or something like that

  32. Splat on February 24th, 2010 11:04 am

    wow…what was it, i heard it too.

  33. Terri Sanders on February 24th, 2010 9:54 am

    Just give William time and he will give us the scoop!!!

  34. Janice Parker on February 24th, 2010 9:52 am

    We lived in Orange Beach for 15 years. This was a common experience for us. Most of the time it had so much percussion, it rattled our windows. We never had any explanation from anyone. It was always denials. Janice

  35. Sonic Boom! on February 24th, 2010 7:39 am

    Look up HAARP on Google. I heard it to btw.

  36. Chris Maloney on February 24th, 2010 5:31 am

    Yeah, I’m going to say sonic boom or Eglin testing out something new for the middle east…

  37. Kyle on February 24th, 2010 1:10 am

    I heard a boom once and the windows in my house shook twice and I live off Fairfield just a lil north of 98

  38. Butterfly on February 23rd, 2010 8:55 pm

    We heard it in Cottage Hill, shook the whole house. I was inside my hubby was outside and he said it appeared to come from the S W direction.
    A friend at the west end of Kingsfield had something simular last year, but it was utility workers “letting loose” a gas line. She said she thought they were being bombed and the whole ground shook.
    Could it have been something like that?

  39. wondering... on February 23rd, 2010 8:01 pm

    was it around 3-4pm? I did not hear anything, but my dog who never comes in except when its storming was SCRATCHING at the door?????

  40. Alex on February 23rd, 2010 7:13 pm

    I heard it while i was at school going to my seventh period class! I thought something might have hit the school! I’d really like to know what it was!

  41. D on February 23rd, 2010 6:01 pm

    Probably a sonic boom! I didn’t feel it though.

  42. chaser on February 23rd, 2010 5:57 pm

    we heard them in walnut hill friday probly 4 times.. you could feel the boom

  43. Brett on February 23rd, 2010 5:29 pm

    Didn’t hear the boom but all the windows in the house shook.

  44. Jerry on February 23rd, 2010 5:13 pm

    I am in the Warrington area near Pensacola Golf and Country Club and I heard the explosion here.

  45. riversunshine32 on February 23rd, 2010 5:12 pm

    I’m in Cottage Hill just north of the paper mill. I heard it twice, the second time it shook my house and made all the dogs start barking. Wish I knew what it was…

  46. FYI on February 23rd, 2010 4:35 pm

    I heard and felt it too.

  47. Dan on February 23rd, 2010 4:27 pm

    I am in Ferry Pass and heard it here. It startled me. It sounded
    like an explosion !

  48. Katrina on February 23rd, 2010 4:14 pm

    I was wondering if I was just crazy. I got on here to check. Thanks William for confirming that I’m not…. :-)