‘Baby Shower’ Turns Into BYOB Party With Music Heard Across Century

February 3, 2010

The Town of Century is reviewing its community center rental policy after a “baby shower” turned into a late night party heard across the entire town.

bdaybashagree.jpgOn January 23, Quionsha Gomez rented the Century Community Center, commonly called the “Ag Building” on West Highway 4 for a baby shower, according to rental agreement (pictured, click to enlarge) she executed with the Town of Century on December 18, 2009.

But what happened late that night was anything but a baby shower, according to Mayor Freddie McCall. He drove to the community center late the night of January 23, he said, because he started to get complaints about the noise from across town.

“It rattled my truck windows when I drove by, and there were these wild flashing lights all over the little picket fence out front,” McCall said.  “This was no baby shower.”

McCall said he called the sheriff’s department and had deputies tell the partygoers to turn the music down. But he said when he returned home — about two miles away — he could still hear the “thump” of the music.

The mayor said when he inspected the community center the following day, January 24, he found “two sets of speakers almost as big as the wall”. The trashcans, he said, were full of alcohol bottles. The rental agreement on file for the “baby shower” specifically forbids alcohol.

bdaybash10small.jpgMcCall said there was a flier taped to the door advertising the event. That flier, as provided by the mayor to the Century Town Council, advertises a “Five Star Chick B-Day Bash…Calling all Five Star Chicks Celebrating Their B-Days in January to come party With your girl Sha celebrating her 20th”.

The flier advises that attendees “Must be 18 to party” and “B.Y.O.B” — a common abbreviation for “Bring Your Own Bottle”, which by definition refers to alcohol.  The flier also advertises that the party will be “Hosted by The ‘Bad Boy’ Jojo McToy from B.E.T. and Montgomery, Alabama Hot 105.7″. The flier also shows the words “all exposed” superimposed across the photo of a female.

“Our agreement says no alcohol,” the mayor said. “There were three huge trashcans of bottles.”

The community center rents for $200, which includes a $100 refundable security deposit. McCall said he refused to return the security deposit for the baby shower.

The Century Town Council plans to review the rental agreement and take steps to prevent such a late night bash from occurring again.

“People have to sleep, and the nursing home is next door” McCall said. “We aren’t going to stand for this, or for the alcohol.”


73 Responses to “‘Baby Shower’ Turns Into BYOB Party With Music Heard Across Century”

  1. former NHS student on February 7th, 2010 9:41 am

    ok, so why are we still talking about this? its over. if they wanted to apologize, they would have. obviously they feel they did nothing wrong. and if the cops were called and nobody went to jail for underage drinking, then obviously there wasn’t underage drinking. because I know for a fact that most of the cops in Century can be serious jerks when they want to, and they would have had a ball with that. just let it go. yes, the elderly were disrespected, but in all honesty, they probably weren’t surprised.

  2. David Huie Green on February 7th, 2010 9:15 am

    “I still see that some people is still talking everything but the matter at hand. ”

    That’s because the matter at hand is settled, in fact, you settled it.

    Well done.

    Now we have other fish to fry and other deep dark secrets to reveal, some power mad conspiracy to take over Century as a first step in conquering the entire county BWA HA HA HA–oh wait, it’s not me so I don’t have to do the evil laugh.

    David delving into the depths of delusion

  3. doingwhatsright on February 7th, 2010 8:03 am

    I still see that some people is still talking everything but the matter at hand. This has nothing to do with your property being taken or the schools being shutdown. the problem is that they two parties for the price of one. Cause the police has been call out there before for other parties so that is not an accuse.

    So drop it and let the young ladies deal with it cause you is not the one who has to pay for anything. So to sabrina and sha again please do as i ask before and maybe they will stop downing you.

    thank you for agreeing with me. We are trying to solve this issue

  4. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2010 7:57 pm

    Pray tell me more.

    Is there some vast fortune buried throughout Century which I need to know about?

    Do I need to take the acre on 4th off the market or raise the asking price above the mere $5,000?

    What other deep dark secrets need to be exposed?

    Is my high opinon of Freddy Wayne misplaced? I mainly like him because he acts decently and his sister was in my class and she was a good person (or so I thought until you got me all paranoid and worried).

    David the deeply troubled

  5. in your corner on February 6th, 2010 4:49 pm

    To spareribs49, I sorry that one concerning the taxes went over your head, but the residents in Century knows exactly what I’m talking about!

  6. spareribs49 on February 6th, 2010 9:50 am

    Well to in your coner, It’s NOT the mayor’s place to tell anyone any thing about their property taxes. They should be responsible home oweners and pay their taxes. ANYONE let me say again ANYONE can pay the taxes on any property and if it goes to auction anyone can bid. I think to many people expect the government to take care of them. Well sorry dont blame anyone but yourself if you loose your home. PAY YOUR TAXES and no one can hurt you. Step up tp the plate, don’t expext the mayor to tend to your business.

  7. In your corner on February 6th, 2010 7:10 am

    To Mr. Green, Oh believe me, the Mayor is not letting the residents in Century in on all that they should know, especially when it concerns things like why are all these pieces of properties being bought by certian people in office, (CENTURY RESIDENTS MAKE SURE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID!!!) and the tactics by which they are bieng snatched up. The people of CENTURY had better wake up before YOUR homes are bought right from under you. He’s not talking about that is HE!

  8. SW on February 5th, 2010 11:35 am


    Great idea. Very good show of ownership of the issue. Reckon your friends will buy-in to this? Unfortunately, all they seem to be doing is trying to divert and justify.

  9. doingwhatsright on February 5th, 2010 10:03 am

    to everybody

    I have been reading everybody’s comments about the whole situtation and instead of everybody downing these young ladies maybe you need to help find a solution to the problem. We have all made mistakes before and there is no one on this earth that who can tell me they havent. So i came up with a little something.

    1) they need to do is pay another $200 for the birthday brash.
    2) write or personally go and apologize to the nursing home and it residences
    3) apologize to the town of century

    Maybe by doing this everybody will be happy. The reason why I’m saying this is because I stay in Century and our has other problems to deal with than something as petty as this.

    So please Sabrina and sha do this for your commuity cause we all mess up sometimes

  10. spareribs49 on February 5th, 2010 7:57 am

    Excuse me “lol” your right we did not rent the building. But THAT building belongs to us the citizens of century. It was not built for that! Oh and to jen YES if the party had been at the old carver middle school it would have been a big deal too. THEY BELONG TO ALL OF US ! Follow the rules everone. Thats all you have to do.Pay for one time use it one time dont cheat us out of the utiliy money. WE the citizen pay thoses bills.

  11. SW on February 5th, 2010 7:48 am


    You didn’t see any alcohol; then obviously there wasn’t any there. All the empty containers were from another party….

    We weren’t there so we can’t talk about it? It is a public building, owned by the town; I believe as taxpayers and citizens, we most certainly can talk about it.

    Like I said to Sabrina, quit diverting from the issue? What does raising money for the needy have to do with this?

    Y’all messed up and got caught…deal with it.

  12. LOL on February 5th, 2010 1:12 am

    Lol, people are so crazy these days…I was there at the party and I didn’t see any alcohol..so let’s clean that up right now..and why do ya’ll care so much..yo kids weren’t there and apparently you wasn’t either…For ya’ll info..none of ya’ll put money in to rent the building so therefore I think ya’ll can’t say nothin about it…Ya’ll need something else to do then just sit here and argue about a party..You need to be someone raising money to help the people in need since ya’ll supposedly care about the nursing home so much..

    And to Sabrina, I had fun at the party..These people just mad because they wasn’t there..

  13. Mrs. Rude on February 4th, 2010 11:25 pm

    What’s wrong with these young adults that still enjoy having the music blasting. When are you going to grow up and settle down? Bad examples are being set for our young people and I gather that suits you just fine. GROW UP PEOPLE.

  14. truth on February 4th, 2010 7:23 pm


  15. truth on February 4th, 2010 7:18 pm


  16. Now, Children!!! on February 4th, 2010 7:05 pm

    David Huie Green-
    I like your explanation/interpretation of the situation best of all!! Very creative!

  17. David Huie Green on February 4th, 2010 5:51 pm

    “I don’t know what the Mayor’s motive was for publicizing this situation, because he could have just as easily revised the procedure for renting out the Ag building without divulging who violated the terms of the agreement. ”

    ABSOLUTELY. How dare he not keep it secret from the citizens of the town!

    Isn’t the function of government to keep secrets from the voters?

    One has to wonder, however, how one could hope to keep secret (assuming one wanted to do so) an event which shook windows two miles away.

    David who missed an impressive baby shower

  18. David Huie Green on February 4th, 2010 5:41 pm

    It was just a misunderstanding.

    Some thought BYOB meant bring your own bottle.
    Some think BYOB means bring your own booze and that booze is the plural of bottle and that bottles only contain alcoholic beverages…beverages?
    Bring Your Own Beverages!!!!

    Since the facilities were promised to only be used for for a baby shower, it is reasonable to assume it was intended to mean BRING YOUR OWN BABY or that the bottle was to be a bottle of formula.

    Surely the loud music was a modern attempt at a lulaby.

    The complaints that the party had to be held in the Ag Building because the school had been closed shows they would otherwise have been partying at the school.

    And it WAS the Agriculture Building. Beer is one step removed from agriculture, so those who misunderstood they should bring a baby were at least honoring agriculture.

    And regarding the people who were kept awake by the lulaby speakers: Isn’t sleep over rated? CCC awakens the residents at 5 AM so they were just getting an early start of their day with the high class music.

    Anyway, people who can’t spell may not be able to read so how do we know they understood they were not complying?

    (translation: Shut up and let me do my thang!)

    David, jealous Century has high class facilities and activities and Bluff Springs doesn’t

  19. In your corner on February 4th, 2010 5:17 pm

    I don’t know what the Mayor’s motive was for publicizing this situation, because he could have just as easily revised the procedure for renting out the Ag building without divulging who violated the terms of the agreement. I know he probably don’t know this family personally, but I do and they are not bad people. Those girls were raised very well, and I don’t care what all you people THINK, I know they were. I always felt like the parents of these girls did a very fine job and nothing will change my opinion. All kids and young adults make mistakes and it should have been left at that. I cannot believe how people has blown this all out of proportion. I know Century don’t really have anything here for us to do, but please find something better to do with your time PEOPLE. I guess all of you who had negative comments have been perfect all your lives. Leave these girls alone. They are good girls, who made one of the many mistakes they will make as they continue to mature into adults. Girls do not let this get you down, shake it off and go on and feel good about yourselves, because you have nothing to feel bad about.

  20. jen on February 4th, 2010 3:58 pm

    please let me help you better understand what i was saying from the eailer comment(not being mean). Yes, i did attend the birthday brash as i said before. but what i was saying is that before i left i didnt hear anything and that was at 11:30 and the party was well into effect by than. But this whole situation has blown up to far. sabrina and sha has both apologized to the community and the elderly for the loud music. so let it go.

    ?) if the party was at the old middle school would it be such a big deal? I would like to know what u think.

  21. storm on February 4th, 2010 1:37 pm

    surly you have family here….mom, dad, grandparent., etc…then why not throw your party at their house. or maybe they were not invited to this event. no one said you could not have your party. you should have done it somewhere else and not connived and lied your way into the comm center. oh and by the way guess while your in college they are not teaching you how to be a honest citizen. way to go!!!

  22. Tired of "the card" on February 4th, 2010 12:57 pm

    All I know is that I would not want this illiterate excuse for a “nurse” or her sister working on me!

  23. Jennifer on February 4th, 2010 11:20 am

    I think that the biggest issue that should be addressed is breach of contract between the young woman that rented the center on the pretense that it was for a “Baby Shower”. There might have been a baby shower that Ms. Gomez hosted but having pre-printed flyers, a DJ and “Surprise Guest Performances” means that Ms. Gomez knew that there was going to be a party with alcohol later in the day. The center clearly stated their policy on not allowing alcohol so that alone should mean she foreits her deposit. Kind of like if you live in an apartment that doesn’t allow pets, your pet causes no damage but before getting your deposit back your landperson discovers your pet… you lose your deposit. The center was rented under misrepresenting what the intent of the celebrations were to be.

    Did Ms. Gomez even consider the consequences of what would have happened if one of the under 21 guests had consumed alcohol? Ms. Gomez was the “hostess” and could possibly have been held liable for anyone under 21 that may have been caught drinking or caused an accident after consuming alcohol at her party.

    Do I think that Ms. Gomez should be taken to jail and prosecuted? No. Do I think she should lose her deposit and learn a valuable lesson? Yes, lesson (hopefully) learned and move on.

  24. SW on February 4th, 2010 11:04 am


    You rented the building with the agreement to have a baby shower…no problem. If you had a professional DJ, a photographer, and ’security? It looks like having the BYOB party wasn’t a last minute thing, it was planned all along. You were not truthful with the Town of Century when you rented the building. The BYOB didn’t say ‘no alcohol’, so…. You didnt’ rent the building for a birthday party.

    The mayor has no control over the School Board.

    Keeping kids off the street is the mayor’s job, too? I believe keeping kids off the street is the parent’s job or the sheriff’s job, don’t you?

    Okay, bringing in jobs, that is something the town government could be doing.

    What, do people have a right to party, now?

    Quit trying to divert responsibility for your lack of integrity.

  25. Noenglishmajor on February 4th, 2010 10:45 am

    Wow! I have seen and heard it all now! The excuses, the bad spelling, the bad grammar period! Ok on the subject of the party. It is not primarily that there was a party! I believe what everyone is so upset over, is, there was alcohol at this party, known or not, that is prohibited in this facility! Also, you were only scheduled for a baby shower, NOT A birthday bash. If there was underage drinking, whether you or your sister drank or not, that is ILLEGAL! You state that people weren’t drinking? How did the bottles get there in the trash, did a ghost drop them off?

    To the person that states she lives close to the mayor and didn’t hear anything from the party, if you were at the party, how could you be at home to hear?

    It sounds like the mayor responded to the noise complaint calls, called the sheriff’s office, instead of shutting the party down, just asked it be quietened. If he wanted, he could have shut you down completely! So, instead of complaining regarding losing your deposit, maybe, you should thank him for not booting you all out on the spot!

    This situation is getting out of hand. I do have one question, what does the mayor doing business in Alabama have to do with a party in Century? Answer: NOTHING! The mayor isn’t restricted to Century, he can do business in Alabama, heck, he can own businesses anywhere, as long as his job is being done in Century, what could possibly be wrong with him wanting to make money for his family?

  26. jen on February 4th, 2010 9:33 am

    the along reason why everybody is having such a big problem with this party is because it was by a nursinghomethat it started off as a baby shower for eailer that day which did not have alcohol and i know that these younger ladies would not risk their nursing lisenses by having alcohol there and if there was beer or whatever you can not stop people from bringing it in unknownly and parents kno this but they did clean up afterwared. so there really wasnt any harm done and i also stay in century clos by the the mayor and i didnt hear anything so with everybody saying that they heard noise all across town that is a lie but as i closer the party i did cause i did go and had lots and lots of fun without drinking. my thing about this whole situation is that this is not the only party the was held in century and it never blow up into a big problem like this. so my ? to u is what really is the problem? do you want our kids to have fun? do you what they adults to have fun? cause without this party or something fun for the kids to do not includin alcohol the kids in century are going to find things to do and they might get in trouble behide it. This is just going to result in people having yard parties and what is the everybody going to say than. That they want people to stop having parties in their own yards. Just a question? you think about it. and to sabrina and sha thank you i had a good time.

  27. Wild Bill on February 4th, 2010 8:09 am

    Observer wrote:
    to all the “no harm done” fools, we don’t need your kind around here, we are trying to make this a community and not some inner city “hood” if you want to act like that go to montogomery or mobile, anywhere but here!

    And what kind would that be? I am a white, middle-aged, tax-paying american citizen who served 21 plus years in the military so people like you could speak their mind freely and so young people could have the freedom to have fun. You better be thankful you have people like me in your community. BTW, can you name anything you have personally done for this community to make it a better place lately? I can name several, so as Flo used to say …..KISS MY GRITS!!!!

  28. Wonder on February 4th, 2010 7:49 am

    You keep saying grow up, it seems to me the ones needing to grow up are the Adults that threw a party for a bunch of middle and High School Kids. You need to grow up and quit living the glory day in High School. Those days are gone. Do something useful for your community and quit crying over a rundown old school. No one likes the situation. The School Board needs to build a bigger better school for the children. Not make them cram in or go to school in these rundown old buildings and that includes Bratt and Ernest Ward!

  29. wondering on February 4th, 2010 3:11 am

    why was the lease agreement not stamped by a notary?????? to the ladies who had the party congrats on the baby and birthday i am sure you were aware of the stink this was going to cause this is century but dont worry too much officials wont hold you accountable they just want to put ur buisiness out there you feel me

  30. observer on February 3rd, 2010 11:31 pm

    if city of century owns the building they should press charges and make an example of this person. entering into a contract under false pretenses, fraud, falsafying government documents (yes this works as city of century is a municipal government as long as the rental form is a city form too) they can find charges to add I am sure. a good city attorney, and police can find charges to stick!
    to all the “no harm done” fools, we don’t need your kind around here, we are trying to make this a community and not some inner city “hood” if you want to act like that go to montogomery or mobile, anywhere but here!

  31. bill on February 3rd, 2010 9:58 pm

    That’s whats wrong with the it don’t matter, and the no harm done crowd. Next time the do a little more than this time, and again it don’t matter, no harm done. Then the next time a little more, get my drift.

  32. Angi on February 3rd, 2010 9:47 pm

    To Get a life…
    When you have people coming into our town and doing things like this and then not being adult enough to even admit what they did and that it was wrong, then no I’m not the one that needs to grow up hun, they are! And as far as having a bone to pick with these people, uh! I don’t even know them; I read the news that is put on here that I am sure of which the writer of all of this news happens to get his information from sources such as the sheriff that probably was called to this party. And as a matter of fact, NO! none of them have stole my boyfriend back in high school; these people are kids; I am a grown woman… I personally wouldn’t have wanted to be invited to this party either, thanks… And believe me, I do have a life! I’m glad they had a good time, but they didn’t have to lie about it, and yes maybe there was a baby shower before the not signed up for Party… I mean if they were going to be drinking alcohol (of which the minors should not have) then they needed to have had this party at the house so no one was on the roads, driving under the influence… And having the consequences of getting a DUI, Killing themselves or someone else or even both…

    Why do you care so much? It is obvious that you have a bone to pick with these people. What happened, did one of them steal your boyfriend back in high school? Mad because you weren’t invited? Grow up and get a life of your own. You really appear petty.

  33. it don' matter on February 3rd, 2010 8:57 pm

    To all of you who are making excuses.. Grow up!!! You got caught only not punished,,,The more you open your mouth the more lies are told…..This has nothing to do with the school closing.. only people who are selfish and do not respect other people or their property…Not to mention the elder next door.. I bet none of your parents or grandparents were in the nursing home. Or would you have cared if they were????? I doubt it!!!! Grow up admit Yea you had fun, Yea you got drunk and Yea you threw a hell of a party but you still done wrong.. if you wanted to have this much fun and drink and be loud why not at your own house., Or do you not have one?

  34. Toni White on February 3rd, 2010 8:35 pm

    Sabrina don’t waste your time trying to explain yourself to these people because some people just love to believe the worst and love to judge people. The people who know you, your family and know how you girls were raised know the truth.
    @Angi, there is 24 hours in a day. Just because you saw a party that night doesn’t mean there wasn’t a baby shower earlier. But I know for a fact that there was a baby shower because I saw lots of pictures.
    @Hmmmmm, you worry about yourself standing before God.
    @BaBa, “Sabrina…the witch of Century”, some people become mighty bold sitting behind their computers.

  35. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on February 3rd, 2010 8:29 pm

    TO SAFEBEAR__ i could not have said it any better.

  36. Concerned Parent on February 3rd, 2010 7:50 pm

    Oh this is not the first party at the community center. I have children at both Ernest Ward (Century resident though) and Northview (and no my child would have gone to Ernest Ward regardless if CC was still open). Back to the issue both of my children have come home to tell me about a “birthday party” or some other type of “party” at the community center in Century. I told them NO WAY!! Not as long as you live in my house. Then I heard how mean I was for weeks and all the other kids were going to be there…….they even wanted me to drop them off!!!!!!! When I read this article to both of my kids they both just replied “mom this happens a lot…they just got caught this time” and yes some of their friends were there. My question is where are the parents? and our City officials should have to be on cite at least one of them. If someone leaves there and gets killed our whole town is GONE to the highest and smartest Lawyer. Come one parents do your jobs raising your kids and keeping them off the street and then maybe our little town will return. We all are just kidding ourselves is we really think we do not know what is going on!! I know my kids may not really like me but I hope one day they will thank me. MEAN MAMA

  37. Get a life on February 3rd, 2010 7:33 pm

    Why do you care so much? It is obvious that you have a bone to pick with these people. What happened, did one of them steal your boyfriend back in high school? Mad because you weren’t invited? Grow up and get a life of your own. You really appear petty.

    You can blog all day and night and nothing is going to change. The kids had a party………..SO WHAT!!!!!!!!!! NO HARM, NO FOUL………..Get over it already!

  38. Angi on February 3rd, 2010 6:09 pm

    Again more lies, just admit it hun; the facts are all there…

    1.The Town of Century is reviewing its community center rental policy after a “baby shower” turned into a late night party heard across the entire town.

    This was highly disrespectful to the elderly next door at the nursing home, and for the people that live close by!

    2. What happened late that night was anything but a baby shower, according to Mayor Freddie McCall. He drove to the community center late the night of January 23, he said, because he started to get complaints about the noise from across town.

    I highly doubt the mayor would have went out that late, just to be going to the community center for no reason, if there weren’t any complaints from all the way across town!

    3. “It rattled my truck windows when I drove by, and there were these wild flashing lights all over the little picket fence out front,” McCall said. “This was no baby shower.”

    If the music wasn’t blasting so loud, it surely wouldn’t have rattled the mayors truck windows!

    4. McCall said he called the sheriff’s department and had deputies tell the partygoers to turn the music down. But he said when he returned home — about two miles away — he could still hear the “thump” of the music.

    If the music wouldn’t have been so loud, I really don’t believe the mayor would have had to call the sheriff’s department! And then maybe it was turned down a bit or maybe not, but when he arrived back home 2 miles away, he could still hear it, this is highly disrespectful from all of you that attended that party, besides not to mention of breaking the law by disturbing the peace even after all of you were told to turn it down!

    5. The mayor said when he inspected the community center the following day, January 24, he found “two sets of speakers almost as big as the wall”. The trashcans, he said, were full of alcohol bottles. The rental agreement on file for the “baby shower” specifically forbids alcohol.

    You are trying to tell us all that there was no alcohol at this party? Uh I guess the mayor just brought some alcohol bottles with him and filled the trash can full of them! (DON’T THINK SO!)

    6. The flier advises that attendees “Must be 18 to party” and “B.Y.O.B” — a common abbreviation for “Bring Your Own Bottle”, which by definition refers to alcohol. The flier also advertises that the party will be “Hosted by The ‘Bad Boy’ Jojo McToy from B.E.T. and Montgomery, Alabama Hot 105.7″. The flier also shows the words “all exposed” superimposed across the photo of a female.

    As far as the B.Y.O.B., we weren’t born yesterday hun, and I have worked in enough bars to know exactly what it means!
    And if your gonna be all exposed, I think you all need to head towards pensacola to the gentlemens clubs!

    7. “Our agreement says no alcohol,” the mayor said. “There were three huge trashcans of bottles.”

    Breaking agreement, I’m sure you won’t see your deposit back, and once again…
    You quote ” There were no alcohol”, wow! 3 trash cans full… Are ya still drunk or what?

    8. The community center rents for $200, which includes a $100 refundable security deposit. McCall said he refused to return the security deposit for the baby shower.

    Security deposit, I don’t blame the mayor at all for not giving it back; when all the rules were broken!

    9. “People have to sleep, and the nursing home is next door” McCall said. “We aren’t going to stand for this, or for the alcohol.”

    I agree with the mayor here, and if I was one of the people that lived around down there close to the community center, I probably would have filed a complaint and there would have been some arrests!!!

    I personally like our town here in century and I think you people don’t need to be coming in here and disrespecting it!

  39. BaBa on February 3rd, 2010 5:54 pm


    Better quit writing…your getting deeper…BYOS Bring your own shovel …you have to look down to see up as it is

  40. BaBa on February 3rd, 2010 5:41 pm

    When you asked..Do you want all those people out on the streets ? Dude…where do you think they came from…and where do you think they went ( drunk ) AFTER THEY LEFT ..They did not drink…wake up dude…. was you there Vick ?
    BYOB means Buy your own building (if you want to drink)…
    BYOB..Burn your own brain ?….Bring your own baby ?…come on now !!
    Sabrina…the witch of Century….got to be some videos and pics around somewhere
    Wonder who the SECURITY was..BARNEY PHIFE ?

  41. Wild Bill on February 3rd, 2010 5:32 pm

    It is amazing to me how many of you have forgotten about the lies YOU told and the rules YOU broke while trying to have fun growing up.

    As for the seniors next door in the nursing home…… give me a break! Have you ever visited one of those places? Many of those senior citizens would have much rather been next door partying and having fun than be stuck in a nursing home by children who never seem to have time for them anymore.

    Get off your high horses, like Sabrina said “What damage was done?” NO fights, NO arrests, NO damage, NO DUI accidents……just kids having fun like many of us did many years ago…….

    I am glad none of you live in glass houses……….or else you might be a little cold and wet tonight.

  42. Safebear on February 3rd, 2010 5:31 pm

    Sabrina – give it up….you started the whole thing by not being honest on the application. A baby shower is a baby shower, not a baby shower followed by a BYOB party when you signed an agreement fully knowing alcohol was not allowed in the building.

    Now, saying that, I wonder what the heck the Sheriff’s Department was doing? just appeasing the town of Century. How about some sort of penalty for the party organizer other than keeping the depost? How about an internal investigation as to why the Sheriffs department apparently didn’t do their job. And how is it that the Mayor of Century seems to be involved with more stuff in Alabama business wise?

  43. / on February 3rd, 2010 4:49 pm

    liar liar pants on fire.

  44. am on February 3rd, 2010 4:37 pm

    Say what you want no one will believe you because it all started as a lie. I ain’t saying you all are a bunch of trash, just start with the truth and everything usually turns out ok

  45. Trish on February 3rd, 2010 4:18 pm


    You asked “What harm was done?” You honestly think you did nothing wrong? First you lied if you signed the contract and said you were only having a baby shower. You tried to get one over on the town by having a two for one price. I believe the contract said no alcoholic beverages. Did the bottles just magically appear?

    You said we need to stop our comments and support the community by tutoring the students. How many students did you tutor that night and may I ask what subject they were studying?

    We are not idiots, we know what you did and you need to be held accountable.

  46. bill on February 3rd, 2010 4:16 pm

    Sabrina G.

    give it up girl, you can’t explain it away.

  47. smith and wesson 357 on February 3rd, 2010 4:11 pm

    Where were the parents in this situation? Were they parting with their children.
    Thats what’s wrong with Century today we have more children than parents!!!!!
    Just a note the apple does not fall from the tree. Grow UP

  48. Sabrina G. on February 3rd, 2010 3:36 pm

    Ok first NO im not trying to take the light off me by blaming the mayor for the schools being closed looks to me like thats what the mayor tryna do by picking on a young woman who threw herself a birthday party after throwing her sister a beautiful baby shower. Second NO my sister did not have anything to drink because SHE DOESNT DRINK AT ALL and I know this for a fact she is a nursing major at PJC and a nurse aid at baptist mannor so YES she and myself who is also a CNA at a nursing home in montgomery, al and a nurse major at Auburn University Montgomery and who also didn’t drink that night HAS LOTS AND LOTS OF RESPECT FOR THE SICK AND ELDERLY. Third I dont have any kids just 4 younger sisters that NO I dont want the mayor to keep out the streets because they already are all but one in college and the one thats not is a straight A student at northview. I stand my everything I said WE DID NOTHING WRONG. You said we disrespected the building? Was anything damanged? Were the premises left dirty? Did anyone get hurt? Where there any fights? What harm was done? Majority of clubs policies is 18 to party 21 to drink we never told anyone to bring alcohole I couldn’t care less if people didn’t want to party because we didn’t have alcohole I was celebrating 20yrs that my sister was blessed to be here. And nameless person is it not the mayors job to help keep the streets clean? Again WE DID NOTHING WRONG. Lets try focusing some of this attention on ways to get the schools back in Century, or bring some new jobs your way or how bout everyone one who left a comment on this article donate some time to tutor failing students or youth who have turned to the streets because they have no where else to turn. Those of you who are commenting are the ones who probably wont even ride on that side of town. I GREW UP IN CENTURY that weekend was one of the first ive been home in a while and I was extremely disappointed. What happend to the school? What happend to the football games and baseball and softball games that use to bring life to Century. THAT TOWN IS DEAD and for one night we brought it to life.

  49. Kim on February 3rd, 2010 3:29 pm

    This was very disrespectful with the nursing home next door. They should have had more consideration for the elderly patients next door! Shame on You!!!!

  50. W.R. on February 3rd, 2010 3:01 pm


  51. Opinion on February 3rd, 2010 2:40 pm

    Keep your own kids off the street. The Mayor is doing his job. You disrespected the town, and the community center. If you would have went to the mayor and asked about having the party my guess is that he would have said no. This has nothing to do with the school. Thats just an excuse to take the light off the situation. The part was wrong and If I was part of the sheriffs department I would have arrested who ever was responsable. byob means your to cheep to provide it and you new if you did provide it you would have been responsable for those who where caught drinking and driving. And I’m sure that you all where not on the streets drunk, so don’t give me that crap about helping the city. That’s exactly the help we don’t need.

  52. THICKEBURGER on February 3rd, 2010 2:19 pm


  53. bill on February 3rd, 2010 2:06 pm


    I guess that they did the community a favor and just picked up those bottles in the trash right off the curb… don’t think so.

  54. Hmmmmm on February 3rd, 2010 1:57 pm

    Sabrina,grow up,Girl !!!! You know and so does many more folks know that you practiced deception and you might get away with it…….BUT!!! I know there will be a payday someday!!!! You will stand before a Mighty GOD and I hope you are not so dumb as to think HE will believe your lies!!!

  55. bill on February 3rd, 2010 1:51 pm


    My apology, from bill

  56. storm on February 3rd, 2010 1:44 pm

    did none of these people care that there is a nursing home right next door. this shows how our country is losing all respect for anything. even our sick and elderly don’t matter anymore…..parents you had better wake up and teach your children some values!!

  57. Vick on February 3rd, 2010 1:39 pm

    @Angi actually there was a baby shower there earlier that day. To the rest of you, it wasn’t ruining anything you had or will have. Trash? really? no.. this gave people a chance to have FUN… you all look at it as trash?? would you rather those people been out in the streets? and why is this matter even this big?? It was a PARTY! that’s all.. Does nothing go on in that town that you all have to CREATE a problem?? And FYI for all of you: Those kids didn’t drink any alcohol! It’s sick that you blow up something so small… Slandering FUN because you don’t feel the same way they did when they were dancing to their favorite music.. C’mon! be serious, when you were at that age did you NOT go to house parties or Frat parties? I understand ppl have to sleep, but the music was turned down. I was the photographer at that party and i did hear it coming from pensacola, BUT it was not loud enough to WAKE YOU UP!! you ALL are just complaining because someone brung something new to your SMALL CITY

  58. just wondering on February 3rd, 2010 1:11 pm

    you say there was no underage drinking…well what does “18 to party ,byob” mean? Everyone knows what it means.I know you are not gonna try to say you threw your sis this big party and she did not drink at 20 yrs old. You also signed a contract that stated no alcohol when you knew there was gonna be a party..why can’t people just own up to their own actions anymore? Instead of being a big girl and admitting you were wrong,you try to turn it around on the mayor… i have a 18 yr old. if he would have been at this party your but would have been in jail.I’m sure you are gonna want your 100.00 deposit back now!

  59. EMD on February 3rd, 2010 12:53 pm

    sabrina g. now lies about the lie?

  60. robert on February 3rd, 2010 11:33 am

    Let me get this straight, you wan’t the Mayor to get your kids off the street. Thats your job.Grow up an take responsability.

  61. Sabrina g. on February 3rd, 2010 11:16 am

    and oh yeah i do apolagize for the loud music and when the cops said turn it down we did the dj was a professional cause i wanted the best for my sis………i also apologize to everyone who had a great time and begged us to come back SORRY ur mayor says NO FUN ALLOWED

  62. Sabrina g. on February 3rd, 2010 11:09 am

    I am higly upset this story is being blown out of porportion first there was a baby shower earlier that day it was very nice then there was a birthday party that nite I THREW THE PARTY FOR MY SISTER THERE WAS ABSOLUTLY NO UNDERAGE DRINKIN I HAD SECURIT TO MAKE SURE AND BYOB STANDS FOR BRING UR OWN BEVERAGES NOT BOTTTLES this is being looked at the wrong way we were trying to bring some positive fun to century there was no fightn shooting nothing bad happend jus pure fun this is rediculous HEY MR.MAYOR WHY ARE YOU SO FOCUSED ON THIS PARTY THATS OVER AND DONE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO GE THE SCHOOLS BACK OPEN OR BRING MORE JOBS TO CENTURY HOW BOUT PROGRAMS TO GET OUR TEENS OFF THE STREETS.????????

  63. susan on February 3rd, 2010 10:42 am

    I agree about the high probability that there was underage drinking going on. Why was this not addressed when the deputies were called to the scene. Charges should be pressed. Im sure a lot of money was made on the event…and how many people drove home drunk???? Shame on those who lied and disrespected this facility. What trash.

  64. Melani on February 3rd, 2010 10:22 am

    I was talking about either one. By the way, I didn’t say that “I” had to have alcohol to have fun; I was referring to the people at this particular party being that the article mentions how many bottles of alcohol were in the trash.

  65. Angi on February 3rd, 2010 9:22 am

    I agree, the people that do this kind of behavior ruins the rest of the publics chances of maybe even getting to rent out the place at all…

  66. Angi on February 3rd, 2010 9:17 am

    Oh I forgot to mention, The flier advises that attendees “Must be 18 to party” and “B.Y.O.B” … Excuse me, but unless the laws have changed; you must be 21 to purchase alcohol, so if this girl is 20 then she is not even old enough to purchase alcohol. My question is… Who purchased the alcohol for these minors?
    You would think the Mayor would not do such actions as providing an invitation to minors … {Stated} That flier, as provided by the mayor to the Century Town Council, advertises a “Five Star Chick B-Day Bash…Calling all Five Star Chicks Celebrating Their B-Days in January to come party With your girl Sha celebrating her 20th”. and also {Stated} The flier also shows the words “all exposed” superimposed across the photo of a female. Uh excuse me, but this is not a gentlemen’s club and if so the owner would have to have a license for such…

  67. bill on February 3rd, 2010 9:06 am


    Taking advantage of cheap rates. 100.00, for the building is cheap. It’s what cost the rest of us the privilege of getting to use these type of places.

  68. Mom on February 3rd, 2010 8:52 am

    Did you notice the part about she was 20 UNDERAGE and it was a BYOB party? Jeez.

  69. Angi on February 3rd, 2010 8:51 am

    I don’t understand why someone would have to lie about having a birthday party and using the excuse of having a baby shower. And to do such a thing as to bring alcohol to a place that is not permitted is just wrong. I personally think this was a very disrespectful thing to do, to the property owner and to the community surroundings that were probably aggrevated by the blasting music going on…
    Anyway Happy Birthday to the girl, but next time please respect the property of others and the surroundings…

  70. bill on February 3rd, 2010 7:52 am

    some people going to break the rules no matter what. The ag building and permit was never intended for an alcohol party. I agree, charges and fines should be what they get. But more than likely, they just got away with it.

    you talking beer or bottles of alcohol, and why do you have to have it to have fun?

  71. Melani on February 3rd, 2010 7:18 am

    Actually, B.Y.O.B. stands for “Bring Your Own Booze” (bottle is singular (who would want just one bottle of alcohol?) yet, booze refers to one bringing as much or little alcohol as they want).

  72. am on February 3rd, 2010 7:11 am

    The question I have is why not pursue charges to discourage further problems such as this. Don’t think the word hasn’t gotten out how easy it is to fool this bunch up in the North end. They probably made a few thousand dollars by charging a cover charge. Just maybe you should get some of that money for the tax payers.

  73. bill on February 3rd, 2010 6:31 am

    BUSTED. 5 star chicks, what a hoot.