Animal Cruelty Suspects Arrested Wednesday Night For Failure To Appear In Court

February 18, 2010


Two Century residents were arrested Wednesday night after they failed to show up in court.

billiotandkyle10.jpgDeputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office served failure to appear warrants against Steven Wayne Billiot, 57, and Faye Marie Kyle, 48. The two were arrested without incident at their residence at 2390 Highway 168, Century about 9:30 p.m. Billiot was arrested for failure to appear on a 2008 battery case, and Kyle was arrested for failure to appear on animal cruelty charges.

Both were charged in July, 2009, on multiple charges of confinement of animals without sufficient food, water or exercise. They were also charged with child abuse and neglect, but those charges were later dropped.

Billiot and Kyle were arrested last year after authorities discovered a horse, a donkey, four goats, two pigs and dog were living without food and water at a mobile home  outside Century; and a young teen was found in their mobile home living in what deputies described as “squalor”.

The animals were discovered July 9, 2009, at mobile home at 2390 Highway 168, where rescuers say they had been living for days without water or food. The horse named Champagne was tied to a tree with an extension cord at the rear of the trash-covered property. Her ribs were clearly visible as she stood in an unfenced circle of dirt surrounded by tall grass. She had tried so hard to get to the grass that was just outside her reach that her bridle had worn a large sore on her head. Deputies said that when they provided water for Champagne the horse, she drank nearly a five gallon bucket of water.

abused-animals-53.jpgThe two small pigs were living in a crudely constructed pen made of wire and wood. The dirt in the pen was dry and dusty, according to deputy James Moretz, when he discovered it. There was no water in the pen for the pigs.

The four goats were in a wire pen, also with no water. The donkey was tied to a tree in the front yard of the mobile home, again, with no water. And the dog, also tied a tree in the front yard, appeared to be malnourished  and had no water.

Panhandle Equine Rescue, a non-profit group authorized by the court system to investigate equine cruelty in Escambia County, seized the horse and donkey. After difficulty getting any other agency to remove the goats and pigs, PER seized them as well. All of the animals were transported to an area veterinarian for treatment.The dog was seized as evidence by a crime scene investigator with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department and transported to the Escambia County Animal Shelter in Pensacola.

Click here for more exclusive photos from the 2009 rescue, the animals and the property. (Some readers may find some of the photographs in the photo gallery to be disturbing.)

Pictured top: This horse was found without food or water at a mobile home on Highway 168 in July. The horse was unable to reach the grass in the photo because of being tied to a tree. Pictured inset: Deputies James Moretz and Randy Murph remove goats from the property. Pictured below: The backyard of the mobile home were the animals were located. exclusive file photos, click to enlarge. 



21 Responses to “Animal Cruelty Suspects Arrested Wednesday Night For Failure To Appear In Court”

  1. allen on February 19th, 2010 1:06 pm

    a special place in hell is waiting for these 2. why have something if you don’t want to take care of it.

  2. bill, big b little ill on February 19th, 2010 9:29 am

    Morning none of,

    Always nice to hear your opinion. An animal that is not wild, and your’er the owner of that animal. You have a responsibility to take care of it. If these people can’t care for themselves they surely can’t take care of animals. If they have family, then the family may need to step up and clean up for them…

  3. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 8:52 am

    Morning Big B,

    Looks like this is another job for the new swat vehicle. lol
    Run over them a couple of times!!!!

    I have always said don’t get them if you don’t intend to take care of them.
    Still we see ppl with dogs in the backyard tied way back on the end of
    their five acres and nobody cares how cold it gets. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

    I hope when these ppl get old, someone throws them out in the cold
    with no food or water and let’s not forget to tie them to a tree just ouf
    of reach of the nourishment they craves.

    As for the squalor there is no excuse.
    A trailer will wash with just some soap and water, and since when
    is the whole yard your trash can.

    I would look at this house and yard and know that there is mental illness
    of some kind, there just has to be.

    I don’t understand why the child abuse was or neglect whatever it
    was, was dropped.

    This child should not go back into this home either. You wouldn’t
    do that to the dog would you!!!!

    This just makes me cry…..

  4. Em on February 18th, 2010 6:18 pm

    Don’t own animals if you can’t care for them. I find it hard to believe that they couldn’t afford food for the animals. Judging by her picture she looks like she can afford plenty of food.

  5. spay and neuter your pets on February 18th, 2010 3:11 pm

    So sad to keep hearing about cases like this. I feel sorry for the child of these two!
    Since many of you reading this are lovers of animals, maybe you can help me find the owner of a sweet, brown and black, female, tabby cat that showed up on my porch the other cold night.
    She is a good size cat and has an older glittery collar w/a bell on it and is not declawed. We live in Enon/Walnut Hill area but she may have ridden in someones truck that uses the hunt club behind us. b/c she doesn’t belong to any of my 5 neighbors. I can’t keep her so I’d appreciate any help if you may know who she belongs to! Email me at

  6. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 2:50 pm

    Stories like this pop up way to often, I don’t understant why they keep the anamils if you can’t feed and water them. If you can’t take care of them, don’t just tie them up and let them suffer.

  7. Ashley on February 18th, 2010 2:23 pm

    I totally agree with you.

    I don’t see why anyone could do this to these poor animals. All living things need love, & care (food, water, room to play) to live. If we was to tie her to a tree with an extension cord, with no food or water, she wouldn’t make it 2 hours. Any animal is just alive as a human. These people should serve the time that would be deserved for abusing a human, or even something more extreme as too life.

  8. William on February 18th, 2010 12:25 pm

    Further comments must remain on the topic of the story.

  9. whitepunknotondope on February 18th, 2010 12:21 pm

    “Terri & Christian Girl ….AS christians we don’t need a definition for soon do we. All christians in this day and age that pay attention to what the Bible and the prophecys can feel that day coming. I know that we are not going to heaven on a feeling but thank God we can feel. See you there soon.”

    Hee hee hee. You people are all going to be sore when you realize you spent precious time here on Earth believing a load of donkey doo.

  10. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 11:32 am

    Terri & Christian Girl ….AS christians we don’t need a definition for soon do we. All christians in this day and age that pay attention to what the Bible and the prophecys can feel that day coming. I know that we are not going to heaven on a feeling but thank God we can feel. See you there soon. :)

  11. Christian Girl on February 18th, 2010 9:10 am

    White Punk: You have a very rude awakening coming your way when Jesus does come back and I agree, it’s going to be very soon! I’m so glad these people are getting exactly what they deserve! No animal deserves to be mistreated like that! You do not have to have money to clean up either…there is no excuse for a yard and house being that messy other than just being lazy!

  12. whitepunknotondope on February 18th, 2010 8:38 am

    “Jesus is coming back and soon.”

    Yeah, it’s only been what, 2,000 some odd years? Can you define “soon” for me, I’ve got a plane to catch.

  13. riversunshine on February 18th, 2010 8:31 am

    It doesn’t look like she missed any meals…shame on her for letting those animals get in that condition

  14. Angi on February 18th, 2010 8:27 am

    It is a crying shame that people have to be so cruel to animals, they have feelings too… most of them very loving and wanting attention… If one finds that they can’t take care of animals in the right manor and give them the things that they need (food, water, shelter, love), then they don’t need to get them. Maybe they should do to these people what they did to these poor animals… ( Tie them up with an extention cord with no water or food for days)…

  15. Who's Who on February 18th, 2010 7:50 am

    Even if you are poor, it don”t give you the right to treat animals like this. And the filth is anybody guess. Everbody poor or rich can clean up thier yard. People like this need to be jailed and put in work camps. Regular day life is to good for them. And the trult be told we (Taxpayers) probably support them anyway. Welfare and all other Gov. give aways.

  16. Terri Sanders on February 18th, 2010 7:50 am

    To EMD; the bible says in the last days people will be turned over to reprobate minds.Events like this prove that more and more people have reprobate minds,having no conscience, caring for selves more than anything else.People shooting innocent people at random,not caring for animals,not a care in the world except for their own selves. Jesus is coming back and soon.

  17. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 7:33 am

    Squalor…just a fancy word used here that’s simply living in filth

  18. whitepunknotondope on February 18th, 2010 7:13 am

    Squalor is “the quality or state of being squalid”.

    Wanna know what squalid means? Google it.

  19. unchain your dog on February 18th, 2010 5:54 am

    Kudos to Escambia Co. for taking a stand against animal cruelty.!! Animal abuse has long run rampant here.

  20. mary on February 18th, 2010 5:23 am

    what is a “squalor”??

  21. EMD on February 18th, 2010 1:48 am

    Why do people do this? I just do not understand. I cannot think of any logical reason. Any ideas, anyone?