$22 Million: New EWMS Cafeteria, Work At Other Schools; No Field House For Northview

February 5, 2010

ewbus.jpgThe Escambia County School District is set to begin $22 million in construction projects — including a nearly half million dollar expansion at Ernest Ward Middle, as well as projects at Bratt Elementary, Molino Park Elementary, Northview High, Ransom Middle and Tate High. Other items such as a $1.2 million field house at Northview High are not likely to be approved.

Each school principal in the district submitted their wish list for capital projects to be funded by half cent sales tax dollars. Each wish list item was reviewed by the district, the half cent sales tax watchdog committee and school board members. A final vote on the projects to be funded will be taken by the board on February 16.

The final draft document is expected to be released later today when the school board publishes its February board meeting agenda, but NorthEscambia.com has obtained an advance copy that details which projects were requested and which are recommended for approval.

District 5, which includes the north part of Escambia County, will receive $2,820,883.39 if the plan is approved per the draft. Projects in North Escambia that are recommended for approval include:

  • Ernest Ward Middle, $480,000 — new construction to include cafeteria expansion
  • Bratt Elementary, $98,617 — sitework to include pave parent drop off loop
  • Northview High $105,706 — sitework to include pave parking lot west of main bldg. and several other areas
  • Molino Park Elementary $63,670 — general renovations to include acoustic panels in gym, ceiling nets to keep out birds
  • Tate High $99,000 — sitework to include covered walk from new gym to ESE building
  • Ransom Middle $99,000 — sitework to include new covered walkway with student gate
  • Jim Allen Elementary $29,799 — sitework to include replace covered walk from café to front door

The largest project recommended for approval in District 5 is $1.5 million for a dining room expansion and remodeling at Lipscomb Elementary.

District Five projects not expected to be approved by the school board include:

  • Northview High School $1,238,606 — new construction to include field house
  • Ernest Ward Middle $90,000 — sitework to include sidewalks to connect each building
  • Molino Park Elementary $157,141 –  sitework to include fence playground and new track
  • Ransom Middle $1.1 million — new construction and renovations to include media center
  • Jim Allen Elementary  $949,379 — new construction to include Art and/or Music Suite
  • Bratt Elementary  $150,000 — sitework to correct drainage between buildings
  • Tate High $475,000 — general renovations to include boys locker room and attached public restroom

The largest recommended projects district-wide at individual schools are $1.6 million for new construction to include a NJROTC building at Pine Forest High School and $1.4 million for renovations and HVAC replacement at the McMillan Center. The funds expected to be approved by the board in mid-February include $2.6 million in heating and cooling system upgrades across the district for increased energy efficiency.

The $22 million will be from $23,746,648.32 in available half-cent sales tax reserves.


25 Responses to “$22 Million: New EWMS Cafeteria, Work At Other Schools; No Field House For Northview”

  1. EWMS Student on February 7th, 2010 8:24 pm

    We only have 2 classroom at EWMS that walkways are not covered. Mrs. Perry won’t even let leave class or she brings us inside if it is raining hard. the kids who get soaked are the ones out playing in the rain and not listening to what Mrs. Perry and Dean Dumas tells them. But the cafeteria is another story. We are so crowded and it is in bad shape.

  2. PHS Tiger Fan on February 7th, 2010 5:07 pm

    Go Tigers!!! Yes PHS is a “B” school and yes we are “State Champs” but what does that have to do with their new field house? The field house was being built long before that ever happened. PHS truly deserved and needed the field house despite what some of you may think. The ones of you making the comments about PHS, have you ever been to PHS campus to see how badly they needed the facility? In my opinion, PHS is the best kept secret in the district and they got what the deserved.

  3. NHS and EWMS MOM on February 7th, 2010 5:03 pm

    EWMS needs covered walk ways really bad,These kids are getting soaked on rainy days walking to class.

  4. irritated on February 7th, 2010 3:03 pm

    Ummm…PHS just won state, correct? And I believe they are an A or B school….NHS is a D…If there were a way to make all of the LIARS from AL pay some FL taxes, everyone could have their cake and eat it too…ps…not talking to AL ppl who are legit:)

  5. NHS Student on February 7th, 2010 2:56 pm

    we need a field house because during football season, when it rains, there are three sports practicing in the gym. That is not enough room, and you cant get anything accomplished. And then, when it’s basketball season, and it’s cold outside, all four basketball teams have to practice and the cheerleaders get kicked out of the gym, and have to go outside. Which causes them to get sick.

  6. former NHS student on February 7th, 2010 12:13 am

    I don’t understand why Northview NEEDS a field house. There is nothing wrong with the gym, or the two workout rooms that they already have. It just seems a little ludacris to spend that much moeny on something that is just fine the way it is. Yes, the students complain because Northview isn’t as grand as most schools in the other end of the district, but thats the hand we were dealt. Its still a perfectly fine school, regardless of whether we spend millions on ridiculous amenities or not. Why not spend that money on a professional to fix the roof, instead of a bunch of random workers, who took months longer than they said, and STILL didn’t actually fix the room. You can see the nails coming through the roof of the gym, and last I checked, almost every room and hallway had a leak in it.

  7. Concerned Parent on February 6th, 2010 10:09 pm

    What is wrong with you people. All the projects are for District 5 and long overdue. It seems all “we” do in the northend is fuss and gripe. It seems we are never happy with what we have or what we are given. I understand all of your concerns, however I think the projects are very much needed. I also think all of you need to run for School Board seat 5, run for Supt of Schools, get your degrees and teach in our schools, and get your Masters in Ed Leadership and become a principal, walk a mile in their shoes and then complain. Again I will say I have kids at NHS and EWMS. I would love to see a field house at NHS however EWMS needs a cafe and was suppose to get one the year IVAN hit. Well you know the rest of the story. Another concern, at both schools parents will not join the booster clubs to support the sports programs…why in the world would the district want to spend all that money when parents will not even support the schools? Just a thought.

  8. John Payne on February 6th, 2010 10:27 am

    Same old story’s from our leaders that vist Bratt and talk about a field house for Northveiw. Tell you what you want to here at the time. This can change when voting time comes again if the people get together on the north end of the county.

  9. grandparent on February 5th, 2010 10:37 pm

    Gail Wever runs a tight ship. This school is as clean as it was the day it open. I have never seen one piece of paper on the ground. Weaver was there when my children attended Northview. Hope she will be there when thre children attend in 4 years. It will be a sad day in the neighborhood to see her go.

  10. parent on February 5th, 2010 10:19 pm

    Is the school board going to pay to replace the new mod buildings at Bratt that have water in the lights after it rains. The ceilings have water damage. I do not think this is a safe I do not think this is a place for a child to be because of the mold that this will cause. I have a daughter that said you could see the water in the lights in these new buildings and that they have a bad smell after the ceilings are wet. The ceiling has already turned brown. I thought water did not mix well with electrical power. Could this not cause someone to be shocked or for the buildind to catch on fire. When will this be fixed? I am very pleased with Bratt but this is a problem that needs to be fixed. The company that build these buildigs or the company that put them together needs to be made to fix this problem. The school board should not have to pay no older than these buliding are. As far as the field house goes this is not fair to the northend . Did PHS have one or is this going to be a new one or the first one?

  11. SW on February 5th, 2010 4:43 pm

    OMG! George Bush is on the school board?

  12. Willie B. Flatulant on February 5th, 2010 4:29 pm

    Quit bashing North View and it’s administration. Drive by the school any evening and you will see the Principal and assistant’s car there long after school is over.The same goes for weekends.If she was paid by the hour ,she probably wouldn’t be making minimum wage.She puts in some long work weeks,and is doing a great job. Considering the comments from some parents,it’s a wonder she has accomplished so much, remember, intelligence is hereditary!

  13. a real diehard NHS fan on February 5th, 2010 12:44 pm

    Amen to fan, Most people open their mouth when they don’t have an idea of what is going on. It is their tax money, they should fight for the students and school, but most would rather blame someone else than stand up and fight. I guess you can always blame Bush, everybody else is.

  14. fan on February 5th, 2010 11:32 am

    Just for people who don’t know what they are talking about, NHS administration has been pushing and pushing for a field house since day one. Why is it that parents always want to complain to the school and not to the district. if we had more parents and community people to go down and push the district, we might get something accomplished. If PHS can get a new field house, even though they already had one, there is no reason we couldn’t have one, but it takes dedicated parents and people with a little back bone to stand up.

  15. Same Sad Song on February 5th, 2010 11:07 am

    The field house at Northview was supposed to be a done deal several years ago. No leadership! Play the victim card again.

  16. Glenn Beck on February 5th, 2010 10:46 am

    Well NHS and district get tax money based on number of heads. Pensacola is too far to drive. And EA
    is not a good school. Call till you are blue in the face. And see what you get.

  17. SW on February 5th, 2010 10:26 am

    Well, Glenn, there already is a private school or two in the area-EA and PCS, which is in Pensacola.

    Your idea of hitting them in the pocketbook is good. Unfortunately, the money comes from taxes. The only way to have an influence is to contact board members or, better yet, vote new ones in.

  18. Glenn Beck on February 5th, 2010 9:38 am

    Huh sounds like NHS Weaver is
    Not pushing for the field house.
    We the people need to build a private
    school here. We would get kids
    From all surrounding areas. Welcome
    black and white, and put God in it.
    Sounds like a recipe for success.
    Coach Wheatley run for your life. NHS will never be great. Your coaching back yard football cause the district could care less. Their kids don’t come out here. We need to hit them all where it hurts, in their pocket book.

  19. Casandra on February 5th, 2010 9:16 am

    For those wondering about the field house, they are usually used to house workout equipment for school athletes. It also serves as a meeting place for the different athletic teams. I believe it could also be used for physical fitness classes.

  20. Northview Student on February 5th, 2010 8:56 am


    I would like to know….WHY IN THE WORLD..do we need a field house…Well and can we see….a what about what will it look like…

  21. Amanda on February 5th, 2010 8:19 am

    Yes a paved parent drop off at Bratt would be so great!!

  22. SW on February 5th, 2010 8:03 am

    I would’ve thought that correcting drainage problems at Bratt would’ve been a priority, too. But, I guess not getting wet walking from buildings trumps health issues.

  23. Teacher on February 5th, 2010 7:45 am

    Once again the students at NHS are shafted. NHS is the only high school in the district without a field house. They just spent about 5 million dollars for a new one at PHS, that was over the bid price by about 2 million dollars. We can’t even get 1.2 million to build one. Same old story, the north end is shafted again.

  24. Mom on February 5th, 2010 7:31 am

    I agree! The paved parent thing at Bratt will be nice.

    Have you ever seen the kids in the cafeteria at EWMS at lunch? My God! The fire marshall would have a heart attack. They really need that too.

    What would a field house at Northview have been? I guess I don’t understand.

  25. A.Nicole on February 5th, 2010 6:59 am

    WOOHOO! Pavement for the parent pick up line at Bratt will be AWESOME! I wonder how long all of this will take?