103-Year Old North Escambia Woman Honored

February 18, 2010

North Escambia’s 103-year old Elmira Gandy Crapps was honored by the Escambia County Commission Thursday night.

crapps20.jpgBorn in Butler County, Alabama, in 1907 to John Oxford and Victoria Black Gandy and married to William Haynes Crapps, she has been a member of Poplar Dell Baptist Church for over 75 years.

For 45 years, she and her husband operated a successful trucking business, Gulf & Southern Transport, in Century, providing hauling services for timber, lumber and equipment.

“Bonds, savings accounts and CD’s are the best and safest places to invest money, and a person should invest at least 20 percent of their annual income with an additional 10 percent going to charity and tithing,” was the advice the Gandyville resident gave as a county proclamation was being prepared.

“She is the third descendant in her family to live past the age of 100 and creates a link to our history,” the county commission’s proclamation states. “She lauds the spirit, inspiration, and endurance represented by one of our oldest residents and is a valued member of our community.”

secret.jpgCrapps was recently recognized by the Town of Century with a day in honor. Florida Governor Charlie Crist offered his congratulations, as did Congressman Jeff Miller.

NorthEscambia.com featured Crapps in a January 30 article. Click here for the story, and to learn more about Crapps’ secret for a long life.


2 Responses to “103-Year Old North Escambia Woman Honored”

  1. Lucile Stinson on April 16th, 2010 10:47 pm

    Mrs. Elmira is my husband’s 2nd cousin. My mother-in-law was Mrs. Esther Black Stinson. She and Mrs. Elmira were 1st cousins from Butler County, Al. Many times I have heard her speak of uncle John and aunt Vick. I would really love to sit down and have a good long talk with her. I’m sure she could tell me a lot about the Black family. I live in East Texas and rarely get back to Alabama.
    Congratulations to Mrs. Elmira. God has been good to you and us.

    Lucile Stinson
    Elkhart, Texas

  2. Angi on February 18th, 2010 9:13 am

    WOW! 103 years old… This lady looks good for her age, she surely doesn’t look 103, she has taken very good care of herself that’s for sure… Congratulations, and you should be honored Mrs. Crapps…