Want To Raise Chickens Or Have Fresh Eggs? This Program Is For You

January 25, 2010

Are you interested in having fresh eggs on your table and raising chickens on your property? Then classes scheduled in Cantonment and Davisville might be for you.

Escambia Extension will host “Small Scale Poultry and Egg Production” — a course designed to help everyone from novices to professionals in raising chickens. Guest speakers include Dr. Gary Butcher, University of Florida veterinarian and Dr. Richard Miles, University of Florida poultry scientist. They will offer research based information to educate attendees on health and diseases of chicken flocks, nutrition and management of flocks, poultry breeds, and keys to successful egg production.

Escambia Extension will host the program via interactive video on Monday, January 25, at 6 p.m. at Escambia Extension, 3740 Stefani Road in Cantonment. The course will be offered again at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26 at the Davisville Community Center, 10200 Highway 97. The speakers will also be present at the Davisville program.

A $5 fee will be charged to cover materials and refreshments. To pre-register, call (850) 475-5230. For additional information, email Libbie Johnson at libbiej@ufl.edu.


19 Responses to “Want To Raise Chickens Or Have Fresh Eggs? This Program Is For You”

  1. LULU on January 27th, 2010 9:08 am

    Bill, don’t you know a casual comment when you see it. You too are a trip!! : )

  2. none of your business on January 26th, 2010 8:36 am

    It’s been my pleasure Bill! Thank you….

  3. bill on January 25th, 2010 7:47 pm

    I even had chicken wings for dinner. Yum yum

  4. bill on January 25th, 2010 5:36 pm

    T and LULU, don’t you know casual conversation when you see it. None of just made my day. Thank you None of your busuness.

  5. T on January 25th, 2010 4:52 pm

    Now how did a subject about chickens & eggs turn into a neighbor dispute about hound dogs?
    WOW it never ends with some people.
    They will turn “ANYTHING” around and make it about “THEM”.
    Can’t we all just get along?

  6. LULU on January 25th, 2010 4:49 pm

    WOW! Who knew this little article would cause such a feud!! LOL!! This is just to funny!

    none of your business, you are a trip!!

  7. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 12:31 pm

    yes lol

  8. bill on January 25th, 2010 12:15 pm

    All this over eggs.

  9. bill on January 25th, 2010 12:10 pm

    I love my neighbors, they don’t bother me and I don’t bother them. Maybe we focus on the good and not the bad, you know you can find whatever you look for. But then I don’t get broken in to, or ever have anything stolen and thats not to say that it can’t happen. I hope that it never happends to you again.
    The worst thing that happens here is someones cat got ino my garbage and that was no big deal. The cat was just being a cat. My dogs make a mess but they are my dogs and I clean up after them. The deer don’t bother me, I feed them so someone can have a nice grain feed deer for supper. I hear people shoot all the time when I am out with the dogs, but they have game wardens for that. But then again the poor guy may just be trying to feed his family. Cause Obama aint sent me no free money. LOL HAVE A GREAT DAY. SMILE LIFE HERE IS SHORT.

  10. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 12:01 pm

    spay and neuter your pets!

    Do I know you, do you work for doggie railroad too!

  11. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 11:26 am

    Oh and the guy next doors dogs have always came on my property
    and crapped all over my yard and pee’d right on the matt every morning
    at my front door. This has gone on for almost 6 years.

    TILL my husband got feed up about 3 weeks ago because they set
    loose a pair of hunting dogs that came on our property and started
    the same stuff, and yelping and bothering him.
    He had three stents put in his aeorta in MARCH!

    If it’s too much for neighbors to have a little respect for US.
    YOU tell me WHY we should have respect for THEM.

    I helped out all over this town just like my grandfather always did.
    THEY were the one’s that had no respect for US or the LAWS.

  12. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 11:18 am

    I know neighbors are neighbors where every you go.
    THIS is the only place I have ever lived where I don’t like my neighbors
    and YES they don’t like me.
    I don’t have a problem with chickens, like I said grandfather had them,
    and Yes he was a good guy. So was my grandmother. After the crash
    in 29, my grandmother ran a soup kitchen and fed anybody who came
    to the door, and it went on for years.
    I don’t have a problem with someone putting a trailer on their property.
    I do however think, that if codes can be broken for one, they should be
    broken for ALL. That’s IT ! I never said didn’t think they should let
    the man have it.
    I wouldn’t do it. But thats my business and my property.
    I think kids would really rather have a way to earn their own way,
    and have their own work, money and property. I think it gives them
    a greater sense of who they are, and more self respect.
    But if a guy want to go home and live on his fathers property in a trailer
    and THEY don’t have a problem with that, thats their business.

    I don’t care what my neighbors do as long as they keep it OFF my
    property. It’s when they come on my property that I have a problem with

    Like when they ROB my house over and over.
    STEAL my mail over and over.
    PEEP! Continually
    And poach my land (out of season) by the way.

    Wake my husband every night who works everyday of his life and abides by
    the laws.

    THAT’S when I have no mercy.

  13. spay and neuter your pets on January 25th, 2010 11:16 am

    We have chickens and really enjoy them. The feed is pricey and it was also expensive to build the chicken coup. Our Rhode Island Reds even laid during the recent cold snap.

  14. bill on January 25th, 2010 10:59 am

    None of you make me smile, sounds like your grandfather is or was a very good man. But I think you know that people get very unhappy with neighbors, sometimes over a dog or cat using their yard for potty purposes. Chickens in large numbers smell, just like a hog pen can smell. I think you understand more than you say. My grandparents also farmed, shared the with neighbors, had cows, chickens, horses. My grandfather plowed with a mule, planted seeds by hand, chopped cotten, picked cotten, planted gardens, killed hogs etc. But that wasa long time ago. Now with all those houses in neighborhoods a chicken house or hog pen usually causes some friction. But thank God I still live in the countey where I can have those things if I want them. Oh don’t forget for some reason people don’t like you putting a house trailer next to 250,000 – 300,000 dollar home either.

  15. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 10:07 am

    “That’s a great way to make you neighbor happy. ”

    Sorry Bill,
    guess I am reading this wrong. It sounds to me your being facitious and
    saying this will somehow tick them off.

    I’m not thinking of doing it. But I wondered WHY it would tick off neighbors, that’s all.
    My grandfather always had chickens out at his farm house and the
    neighbors were never bothered, of course he gave them eggs and things
    out of his garden every year and still managed to give some to all of the

  16. bill on January 25th, 2010 9:36 am

    none of, go back and read it all. Then tell me where I said I wanted to make them unhappy. But if you have the property and no restrictions on the property to have a chicken coop or chicken houses then it’s your business. But in your case, if I were your neighbor I would build one just to tick you off. Just kidding none of. I think more of others than that. No chicken poo on my shoe.

  17. Who's Who on January 25th, 2010 8:46 am

    If you are going to do this to make money, Good Luck. Small operations are to expensive to operate. But if you just want eggs for your house and maybe family this is the ticket. At least you will know what they are eating and there will be no hormone and so on.

  18. none of your business on January 25th, 2010 8:06 am

    Why would it make the neighbors unhappy, I don’t understand?

  19. bill on January 25th, 2010 7:52 am

    That’s a great way to make you neighbor happy. But if you have the property and need the income go for it. But take your shoes off outside before you go into the house. :)