Some EREC Customers Without Power For The Third Morning

January 11, 2010

For the third consecutive morning, some EREC customers were without power.

From Oak Grove to Walnut Hill, Enon, Bay Spring to Barrineau Park, an unknown number of Escambia River Electric Cooperative lost power about 7 a.m.

Power was restored for must customers by shortly after 8:00.

Most of the same customers were in the dark — and cold for those with electric heat — for the third morning. Saturday morning, they were without power for about four hours; Sunday morning the outage lasted about two and a half hours.


12 Responses to “Some EREC Customers Without Power For The Third Morning”

  1. me on January 11th, 2010 11:14 pm

    it makes for a bad day thats for sure for parents and kids

  2. Brenda on January 11th, 2010 10:49 pm

    I seriously think that they could FIX it. There are areas on Molino Road where poles need to be set between the major sags. I invite you to drive along and look at how bad some of the lines sag between poles. I’m not an engineer, but I do have common sense. My appliances and heat pump have been acting up because of all these flicks in the power. It’s probably going to cost me a lot of money.

  3. KB on January 11th, 2010 5:54 pm

    You can bet that they will restore it as soon as possible, if the meters don’ t turn, the money don’t flow. Just some food for thought.

  4. Ruby on January 11th, 2010 3:13 pm

    wow – I live on Crabtree and was without power again for the second day in a row. My power went out @ 06:49 am and finally came back on at 08:38 with many power surges inbetween. I have learned on the first power surge to unplug everything and not plug anything back on until at least 15 mins after power has been restored. Maybe it won’t happen again tomorrow. I am an EREC customer.

  5. William on January 11th, 2010 2:40 pm

    Actually, the cold weather does create problems for all of the electrical utilities — whether it be EREC, Gulf Power, Alabama Power or Southern Pine.

    We’ll have a couple of stories in the next few days with more info.


  6. Bob on January 11th, 2010 2:39 pm

    My Bad Jason; Didn,t understand that electrical power would not flow through power lines @ 17 degrees outside airtemp.

  7. interested reader on January 11th, 2010 2:02 pm

    Our power was out this morning for awhile. We live on Hwy.99 S and we noticed the power crew out shortly. I’m sure they are trying to keep the power on in both counties but mother nature has not been cooperating of late. Looking forward to warmer days soon.

  8. Frank on January 11th, 2010 1:54 pm

    It’s BUSH and CHENNY’S fault!

    Gas is going upward of $3, EVERYBODIES to blame BUT ME!

  9. Jason Simmons on January 11th, 2010 1:21 pm

    Most UNEDUCATED RESPONSES Bob & Benny (If those are your real names)…It would be nice if people would get the FACTS straight. I live on EREC’s lines in Santa Rosa county and, yes, had power outages this morning as well. But I would like to applaud EREC for handling this “Act of God” in a timely manner. Have either of you noticed that it was 17 DEGREES THIS MORNING?? Did either of notice that GULF POWER has been having THESE SAME ISSUES for the past WEEK?? Grow up people!

  10. BENNY on January 11th, 2010 10:54 am

    Great response Bob!!!! Wish more people would get concerned! Although, it is not about water systems and cable TV. It is about Santa Rosa Verses escambia county. Escambia is on the bottom of the priority list and until people go to all the board members (WHICH IS BOSS TO ALL!!! THESE PEOPLE – ENGINEERS AND TOP MANAGEMENT!!!! AT BOB PUTS IT) nothing will change!!! Think about it!!! Haven’t heard of no one complaining in Santa Rosa!!!! Wonder Why!!!!!!!!!

  11. Bob on January 11th, 2010 8:35 am

    I guess our engineers and top management are too busy trying to gobble up more water systems and cable T V than trying to fix our age old problems. I also live on one of these feeds that come from miles away and everyone around has power but three souls.Shame on you EREC get your priorities in order.

  12. Angi on January 11th, 2010 7:54 am

    OMG! I surely hope they will get all of those peoples electric back on soon, it is too cold to be without heat… It is not right at this moment 18 degress ouside and that’s not considering with the windchill factor.