School District, Teacher’s Union Agree On Pay Increases

January 26, 2010

Teachers and staff members in Escambia County are getting a pay raise under a plan tentatively approved by the teacher’s union and the school board Monday night.

seesalary.jpgThe plan includes a higher starting salary — $32,500 — for new teachers, a small raise for teachers with up to four years of experience, and annual 2 -percent raises for teachers with five or more year of experience. The 2 percent raise ends at year 26 and then provides a $500 annual bonus beginning in year 27.

The salary deal will be retroactive to July 1, 2009, once officially ratified by the Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education Association. The union will put the proposal out to members for ratification in the next couple of weeks. The school board will then ratify the plan at their next regular meeting, possibly meaning teachers and staff won’t see the extra cash in their paychecks for a couple of months or more.

The salary increases will cost the school district about $3.7 million.

Click here to see the 10 month salary schedule.


39 Responses to “School District, Teacher’s Union Agree On Pay Increases”

  1. SW on January 30th, 2010 11:16 pm

    Dixie Chick,

    I understand your argument. I never said that these positions weren’t valuable. My point is only that they pay what the market will bear. Unfortunately, these aren’t private sector positions, they are government positions; funded by taxes. The taxpayers can only afford to pay so much to fund these government operations.

    I seriously doubt that anyone gets paid first in government; all the pay checks are issued at the same time. If you are trying to equate private sector executives (who are often owners) to government bureaucrats, then I am afraid you are comparing apples to oranges; many of these executives take no paycheck so the employees can be paid (not withstanding the ones who are less than honest-the ones we hear about on the news).

    I’m not sure what you mean in your comment about distribution. I vehemently object to distribution of wealth; that is a part of the communist manifesto.

    I again repeat my earlier statement that a person agrees to work for an employer for an agreed upon wage. If that wage becomes insufficient, then the employee must market the skill to another employer or re-negotiate the wage with the current employer. In our conversation, the employer is the Board of Education and they don’t have the luxury of negotiating wages because of either union contracts or other government restrictions on pay scales; therefore, if one finds their wage insufficient, then a new job would be in order, don’t you agree? It is not the concern of the employer of the employee’s financial situation, would you agree? If one spends money to get an education, it is for the purpose of obtaining a marketable skill and it is your responsibility to find a position that allows you to meet your monthly obligations-including student loans.

  2. Dixie Chick on January 30th, 2010 9:45 pm

    Bingo! Executives at the top pay themselves before taking care of their employees. Remember these people get your precious cargo to and from school. Once there they feed them because alot of times their mommas don’t want to feed them or they can’t afford it so the meals at school is their best meals of the day. Not to mention the special ed aides who take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. Don’t you think these people deserve to be paid what they are worth? Especially if they have to have a 2 year degree to be highly qualified as required by government. They may not be able to pay off the student loans they have to take out. Maybe pay raises are not possible this year but it is possible to work it in over next years. Money is thrown away in other areas so it needs to be redistributed.

  3. SW on January 29th, 2010 3:03 pm


    Then a person has a choice.

    It is the employee’s option to work for a ‘living wage’ isn’t it? The employer offers a salary, if the employee accepts, then they have agreed, correct? It seems rather absurd for an employee to accept a salary from an employer, then cry foul.

    If an employer has no applicants for jobs, then he has a choice to offer more money for the job, right?

    I also think your statement regarding being able to support a family is very subjective. It is up to us to live within our means. It is not the government’s job to make it happen; contrary to what many might believe.

    It is up to an employee to have a skill that can be negotiated into an acceptable salary. If the lifestyle creates a demand for more money, then one should attempt to move to the next level either with the same employer or a new one. If one has no marketable skill, then they are at the mercy of the marketplace, right? If the marketplace is not providing good jobs, then one may have to explore a new marketplace.

    However, regarding government jobs. The governments can only take money from the public; i.e., taxes, fines, fees. They do not generate revenue like private sector employers do. The government at some point must live within it’s means; it either can’t take any more revenue, or the public mandates it’s limitations. Maybe if the government agency weren’t so top heavy with high salary administrators, then more could be spent on average employee’s salaries?

    Of course, if union employees want a better pay scale, then they have their union negotiate. So it logically seems if your salary isn’t up to par, blame your union, not the employer.

    My point is, don’t blame the employer.

  4. Dixie Chick on January 29th, 2010 12:46 pm

    or above poverty level

  5. Dixie Chick on January 29th, 2010 12:46 pm

    “living wage” means able to support your family.

  6. SW on January 29th, 2010 10:13 am

    …and define ‘living wage’, please.

  7. SW on January 29th, 2010 10:12 am

    …but then that goes back to my original fiscal statement: how does the Board pay for it? Raise taxes or cut back?

    They appear not willing to cut back and the taxpayer is not willing to be taxes more.


  8. SW on January 29th, 2010 8:57 am

    …or the support personnel get tired of being underpaid and seek better paying employment; assuming they have skills that are marketable. At some point, the Board of Education would get the message: pay better wages or not be able to hire employees….

  9. Dixie Chick on January 29th, 2010 7:37 am

    I reckon it stops when you pay the support personnel a living wage.

  10. SW on January 28th, 2010 9:45 pm

    …And let’s not forget the custodians who clean up after our little ones; oh, and the food service workers who feed them. Let’s not fail to recognize the groundskeepers who keep the playgrounds nice and manicured…

    Where does this stop?

  11. northend on January 28th, 2010 5:16 pm

    Just wanted to let everyone know that School Bus Drivers should be recognized as being under paid as well. Lets remember that it takes the “bus drivers” to get everyones children that ride the buses to school on time and safely for everyone else to be able to start their jobs everyday. So bus drivers play a big roll in starting everyones payday!! Everyone should keep that in mind.

  12. SW on January 27th, 2010 10:02 pm

    ‘Duh.’ Funny. It appears that a couple of people bashed teachers; however, I believe the majority of the posts were fiscally oriented.

    For the record, I do think teachers and law enforcement are underpaid. However, I feel that the American taxpayer is over-taxed, too.

  13. Dixie Chick on January 27th, 2010 9:19 pm

    Teacher made it personal because of the comments attacking teachers. DUH!
    When insurance premiums are raised etc then that is really a paycut. But hey at least they make more than a teacher’s aide. Aides are required to have a 2 yr degree now and are not making more to compensate for that. They make more than half of what a teacher makes. Your husband has to have a good job to make ends meet!!

  14. SW on January 27th, 2010 6:32 pm


    You made a wonderful argument against someone becoming a teacher; however, you didn’t make your case as to why it is fiscally responsible for government employees, in this case-teachers, should get a pay raise at this time.

    Why did you have to make it personal near the end of your post?

    I have said a couple of times on this forum, anyone deserving a raise should get one, providing the employer can pay for it; everyone should not get a raise just because their union negotiated for it. What if someone got a raise that didn’t deserve it-I bet that didn’t happen,did it? Bet you could have gotten a bigger raise if they hadn’t gotten theirs. Wow, how’s that for fair?

    Unfortunately, government right now is not in a position to be tossing money around. I am against fiscally unwise spending in an economy that can’t bear it. It sounds like I am not the only one.

    I haven’t made it personal against teachers, per se. I would feel the same way if it were any county employee, at least for the time being.

  15. I'm a teacher on January 27th, 2010 5:58 pm

    I have been teaching for 11 years. My take home pay is about $2700 per month. I didn’t get into education knowing I would be paid so little. I thought I would get automatic step increases and annual pay raises and a good retirement that would provide the financial security that I went to college to receive. That combined with the altruistic desire to help kids inspired me to be the best teacher I could be. My second year I learned that we don’t get step increases unless the school board votes to give us one. I learned that most of the kids aren’t happy to be in my class and most of the parents I would interact with obviously didn’t appreciate what I was doing for their children. I learned that the retirement barely pays for health insurance. I kept chugging away and doing my best because I was taught that hard work was its own reward. I work about 9 hours a day, arriving an hour and a half before I have to and staying about an hour late. I use my own phone to call parents as I’m not supplied a phone. I grade and email parents on my own time. I spend $500 to $1000 dollars per year of my own money on supplies because my school can’t provide what I need. I deal with disrespect from kids daily. They get it from home. I deal with angry parents who are lied to by their kids and believe them. I deal with hate, bullying, fights, cheating, lying, stealing, defacing my property and the schools. I do all of this for YOUR children and you don’t think I deserve a crappy little raise that won’t even cover the Gulf Power increase.

    Well despite YOU detractors I will continue to do the best I can for these poor kids who are unfortunate enough to have YOU as parents. I hope I can steer them in the right direction DESPITE you.

    Have a nice day!

  16. Wild Bill on January 27th, 2010 4:45 pm

    Responding to Girl,
    Escambia County Deputies salary is pretty much in-line with Escambia County teacher salaries according to the ECSO website. Deputies make $32,894.99 – $49,342.59 annually depending on years of service (not taking into account the overtime they inevitably receive).

    It takes less than six months of post-secondary education to become a police officer, whereas it is closer to 5 years of post-secondary education to become a teacher. So what is your point?

    And Jennifer
    Comparing Bank Tellers to teachers is like comparing apples and oranges. Bank Teller salaries are low……well to put it frankly, because the only requirements to become a Bank Teller is that you have the ability to count money and have a clean criminal record. And not to slight Bank Tellers or McDs employees, but those are the same requirements needed to become a McDonald’s cashier. As to FCAT, have you taken a look at your child’s FCAT study guides lately? FCAT from what I can see basically encompasses the same material you would expect your child to be learning in their grade level. It may not be the best measure of a child’s learning ability or a teacher’s teaching ability, but right now it is the standard by which both are being compared so it must be taught.

    Teachers deserve pay raises just like everyone else who performs at or above their required levels. However I feel it is fiscally irresponsible to give pay raises given the state of the economy today and the fact that the inflation rate is near zero according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

    Did you know this is the first year since the early 1970’s that military retirees and social security recipients did NOT receive a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) raise?

  17. Escambia County Educator on January 27th, 2010 8:28 am

    Thank you Mary!!! I am truly humbled!

  18. River Rat on January 27th, 2010 8:22 am

    If you stop and think about it, the employees of the district did not get a raise. At the beginning of the year their insurance benefits changed. They now must pay a higher deductible to see a specialist. They must also pay the first $150.00 for prescriptions before co-pays can even be considered. If they PAY for the Choice Plan they now have 80/20% deductable to meet on procedures that were once 100% paid. So, yes things in life are crazy but what are you to do?

  19. me on January 26th, 2010 8:15 pm

    I was in awe over some of the comments my favorite has to be terry. You made a great statement . I would just like to say I have made many wrong and right choices in life and my current job is not what I would like to be doing but it is the only job I can get right now .Shoot I think all the people who are living way below the poverty level should get a raise I understand how great teachers are needed but guess what ,we too are hard working people that have kids and piles of bills i could cry you a hill of tears about christmass or the power man comeing to shut my lights off but whats the point” “”" IT IS WHAT IT IS “”" COUNT YOUR BLESSING AND PRAISE THE LORD FOR WHAT YOU HAVE you can always see someone else worse off than what you are try being thankful all of us

  20. One More Teacher on January 26th, 2010 7:25 pm

    I am currently an Escambia County teacher and like anyone, I would enjoy a pay raise – IF my employer could afford it. At home, I do not spend money I don’t have. How can the school district continue to spend money they do not have? I feel blessed to even have a job right now. I work hard for my money but there are plenty of other hard working people who have lost their job or are having to endure pay cuts. In this economy, I feel guilty to have a pay raise at this time.

  21. jennifer on January 26th, 2010 4:21 pm

    bank tellers don’t make as much as a teacher……….and i do think all they teach is the f cat. they start so young, why not go ahead and make it kindergarten and start teaching it then?

  22. Girl on January 26th, 2010 3:49 pm

    Teachers complain about their pay, but most have the summers and holiday’s off….How about a 21 year veteran officer makes less than a starting teacher…..

  23. SW on January 26th, 2010 3:01 pm

    Teachers must go to college and pass exams to get certifications. Then they must pass background checks before they can work. I respect that. I also understand that it is a labor of love and dedication. I understand because I, too, am a former public servant.

    However, as a citizen and taxpayer, I feel that it is very important to be fiscally responsible. As I said in my previous post, I don’t begrudge anyone a desrved pay raise. My concern is how to pay for it. Do we increase taxes? Does the school board cut back? Why is it ridiculous to question where my money is spent? Sure I want a raise; but I work in the private sector, now. If my company gives me a raise, it’s because they have earned enough to make that part of the budget. If you get a raise, then often taxes must be raised to accomodate. My company can’t forcefully take money from anyone; the government can. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if we knew the government was spending our money wisely instead of tossing it around like confetti.

    I get weary of hearing “it’s for the children”, too, though. If it were for the children, what difference would a pay raise make? One could argue that more money brings better teachers; and there is merit to that argument. If that were the case, then why are local schools always seeming to be at the bottom of the ratings? Why are many parents choosing to home school? Why do many of our children not know who the President, Vice-President, founding fathers, etc. are, but can sure tell you who won the recent music award or who starred in certain movies? Why can’t children count money, why don’t they know how government works? Why can’t they write properly or spell? The argument could me made that the system is bad, not the individual teacher; and I can agree with that argument…to a point. After all, if things are so well at the individual level, why do you need a union? The union is not concerned with the student, it’s main concern is the dues paying employee.

    I guess the blame game can go from teacher to parent to government in the vicious circle.

    As I said earlier, my initial comment was related to the fiscal responsibility, not to teacher credibility.

  24. Mary on January 26th, 2010 2:54 pm

    I want to thank each any every teacher that has influenced my child to become what they are today. And the same to the teachers that influenced me.

    It’s ashame there are a few that have nothing better to do that make negative comments. I, for one, am glad you got a much deserved raise. My expenses have gone up well over 2.5 percent. I think you deserve more.

    Thank you for your service and for working with our children. Sure beats the lip service from a very few here.

  25. Terry on January 26th, 2010 2:51 pm

    1. Teacher has posted 3 times since this morning… at 8:00, 11:18, and at 1:24. I thought school was in at these times? Someone is playing on the internet on company time !!!!!!

    2. Forget about FCAT….how about teaching the subject for the class. I am totally against FCAT.

    3. I do agree that teaching a child begins at home….but there are teacher that will just push kids to the side if they think they are trouble makers or they cant learn as fast as the other kids in class. Yes I do know from child is one of them kids. Barely graduated but went to college and was on the presidents list twice and is finally learning math in college. Nobody ever took the time in school to teach my child.

    4. They are already cutting hours. You just will not hear about it unless you know someone who has hours cut. They are starting at the bottom. Lunchroom staff has already been informed that they are losing time starting in Feburary. How about starting at the top. Mr. Thomas?????

    5. Teacher are you ashamed of who you are or is it because you know you are doing wrong by posting on NE durning school hours? Is that why you will not sign your name.

  26. CRANKSHAFT on January 26th, 2010 2:50 pm

    Teachers everybody deserves a raise if they work but you dont have the right to complain about your pay you chose what you do now shut up and do it you could not come out of that class room and do my job I could not go in there and do Yours if You dont like teaching do something else everyone knows nobody makes enogh money thats life We dont live for money We are suppose to live on faith, faith that we will die and go to Heaven We are just here to do the best We can and thank GOD for that so be happy You are able to work and be happy You are not in HELL

  27. Teacher on January 26th, 2010 2:45 pm

    I am off today if you must know

  28. they say on January 26th, 2010 2:33 pm

    While I do agree that teachers are under paid and under appreciated, Teacher you do not make a very good case for yourself or your profession by posting on northescambia at 8am, 11:18am, and 1:24pm. I may be wrong, but shouldn’t there be some teaching going on at these times?

  29. Teacher on January 26th, 2010 1:24 pm

    Dear Northender,
    How can you judge what you have heard from just few teachers and put all others in that category. I guess you never complain, but oh wait, we all just read your complaints. There is no difference between this profession or others because everyone has bad days and complains. How many teachers have you heard complain? Enough to say they are all the same, I dont think so. It just burns me up to know that people degrade public servants and then throw the blame back on those people.
    I can assure you if you knew what really went on in the teaching profession, you would use your scrutinizing energy to help change the system instead of throwing remarks at the ones who cant change what they are required by law to teach. Many of the politicians making the rules have not been in the classroom, and obviously neither have the one making remarks on or you would have a different outlook.
    But the whole idea is it seems the public does not think that teachers do not deserve a raise or you all would not even had posted these ridiculous things. Just think, you all sure do want and enjoy raises, why not teachers. I will tell you the same thing northender, learn the FACTS before you go to preaching to the choir.
    I challenge you and the whos who to get enough people to help improve the lives of our children instead of pointing most fingers at teachers.
    After all, teachers try to make a difference and it involves help from everyone.
    I saw a t-shirt that said, thank teachers as they make all other professions possible!!!!!

  30. Douglas on January 26th, 2010 1:24 pm

    I am a teacher in Santa Rosa County and we do not just teach the FCAT. The FCAT standards get worked into the curriculum to help prepare the students. I am not getting a pay raise. We, in Santa Rosa County, just hope we keep our step increase this year and not lose it. I believe for all of the hard work we put into teaching children we deserve to get paid well and not on the bottom end of the totam poll.

  31. Northender43 on January 26th, 2010 1:08 pm

    PEOPLE : I think that the teachers need to teach, parents need to participate in their childrens lives. The biggest propblem with the schools today is that they have NO POWER to do anything with the chikldren if they don’t behave. I do think that teacher complain TOO much about how under paid they are. Our children are suffering because the teacher can’t teach what needs to be taught because of the FCAT. They spend 8 months teaching JUST the FCAT. We as concerned parents need to tell the state to stop the FCAT and allow the teachers to teach and then we can judge how good of a job the teachers are doing, then we can complain about the job they are doing.

    TEACHERS : You chose to go into this profession. Did you go into this job for the pay or for the enjoyment of working with the children? You knew that this was a low paying, low appreciated job when you decided to do this job. Why are you ALWAYS complaining? Do your job and get the enjoyment back in seeing the children learn and understand, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS !

  32. E.W. on January 26th, 2010 12:45 pm

    What happened to the Florida lottery education money?

  33. Teacher on January 26th, 2010 11:18 am

    Well, you have a right to speak your mind but the only part of this I see wrong is you have not done enough research to fully give a reliable answer. First, do you think it is all the teachers fault children cannot count money. Absolutely not. As you stated, over half of the battle in education is to get parents involved and without parents teachers cannot be fully successful. I dont think I was the one complaining that about money and the length of days cause if teachers were worried about the money a lot of them probably would quit. So, do you think that tax dollars are not susposed to go toward education. If you do the proper research then you would know that teachers and police officers are probably two of the most underpaid professions but the public sure does need them. Sure, dont pay taxes and see how much you miss, the protection and education. As far as the bar should be raised, which bar. The bar of qualifications of teachers. Then I guess that college and all the certification exams are not significant of the ability of teachers. If the bar should be raised by students then instead of complaining about teachers try getting the state to mandate parents are to be part of their childrens lives and then watch the bar be raised. As far as other countries, if you do the research again, the only students that are reported are the ones that are successful, not all the school children. We in America try to help all students from low performing to high performing.
    You know, you and I could bash each other all day, only to find that you have not done enough research to back your words up.
    As far as this country spending most money on education, you must have been asleep the past year to know that more money was spent on bailouts than education.
    I will try not to reply back to you again, but do your research and support our teachers instead of bashing them. The blame has been thrown onto teachers for so long that people forget that parents have more influences on children than teachers.
    Do some research on your concerns and then once you have the FACTS you probably will be singing a different tune.

  34. Who's Who on January 26th, 2010 10:05 am

    I’m not bashing the teaching profession. When was the last time you went to a store and the kid working the cash register could give back correct change without the machine telling them how much. As far as 10 month it’s also consider a 7-hour a day job. Sure you may work over some days or come in on your day off but you knew that could happen when signing up. As for complaining, you considered it ridiculous. It is my right to state what I think and how my tax dollars are being spent. If everyone would stand up and say what they think instead of just taken what is given this country would be a whole lot better off. I think the bar should be raised and if you do not agree, then that where part of the problem lies. Maybe you should contact your state Reps. and tell them how this way is not working. And as a teacher you would like to do it a different way and I hope that would be the right way. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this country spend the most money on Education, but most other countries kids are far smarter then ours. It’s not all the teachers fault, a lot of it is home training.

  35. Anonymous on January 26th, 2010 10:05 am

    Nothing against our teachers, but I just don’t understand how the district can afford to give out pay raises when last year they were in such a budget crunch that they had to cut teachers like me. I have been unemployed since July when I got laid off from the district and now I here they are giving out pay raises. It just does not make any sense to me. Can someone please explain what the district does?

  36. Another Teacher on January 26th, 2010 9:18 am

    Unless you have walked a mile in any teacher’s shoes, don’t judge–or presume. You know not what you say.

  37. Teacher on January 26th, 2010 8:00 am

    I am not sure why someone would write and say that teachers should earn at the middle of the scale. First of all, even though it says a 10 month position it is far from that 10 month position considering the amount of time put in during the summer and all other breaks to prepare for the upcoming year and prepare for students. For those who do not teach it is ridiculous for you to even suggest the pay amount when those people do not even know or obviously understand the profession. As far as getting more for less, its the children that we are talking about. Is there a price to be put on that. I wish people who did not know what they were talking about would be more mindful of their attacks and keep it to themselves. As far as what should be taught, maybe contact your state rep. and throw ideas at them. Dont act this way toward teachers cause teachers hold high regards to the children and they teach what they are required to teach. Obviously someone wants to complain when they dont even know what they are complaining about. Ridiculous

  38. SW on January 26th, 2010 7:48 am

    This goes back to July 2009? Is that to presume that everyone will get back pay? I don’t begrudge anyone a pay raise, but there are only two ways to pay for this-1) raise taxes, 2) cut back. Which will it be?

    Just exactly what are we getting for our investment?

  39. Who's Who on January 26th, 2010 7:35 am

    Let’s see pay more for less. It must be nice to make $5000.00 a month and the taxpayer get the results we get. Remember these are 10 month employees. I would agree that the starting pay needs to be raised but the middle of that pay schedule is about the max they should make. To get pay more would mean we need better results. Forget the FCAT and teach real life.