Pensacola Delays Decision On Consolidation Vote Support

January 12, 2010

The City of Pensacola will not decide until January 25 if they support a vote on government consolidation in Escambia County — ten days after the final document is presented to the Northwest Florida Legislative delegation.

Councilwoman Diane Mack introduced a motion at a council committee meeting Monday afternoon to ask the Florida legislature to delay play a consolidation referendum on the ballot until at least 2012, similar to a move taken last week by the Escambia County Commission. Mayor Mike Wiggins introduced a substitute motion to delay any council action until January 25. The mayor’s motion passed 7-3

The Escambia County Consolidation Committee’s final proposal is due by this Friday, January 15, to the legislative delegation.  As of Monday, the group had only produced a draft document and had not approved a final consolidation plan. The Pensacola council had the opportunity to review the draft document only hours prior to their Monday meeting.

“As a council, we have not really had time to discuss it,” Pensacola Deputy Mayor Jewel Cannada-Wynn said. “There are some inherent things I have concerns with.”

Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Kenneth Bell, who heads the consolidation committee,  Escambia Consolidation Study Committee member Rick Finch, and Escambia All For One leaders Jason Crawford and Scott Remington pushed for the Mayor’s requested delay.

remington10.jpgAt one point, Remington even scolded the council for not becoming more involved in the process, asking for a show of hands from council members that attended one of about 50 consolidation committee and subcommittee meetings. Mayor Wiggins refused to have the council comply.

Once the consolidation document is presented to the legislative delegation, Remington said, only the legislators could make changes. He told the council that if they were unhappy with the plan, they could lobby the legislators.

Last week, the Escambia County Commission voted to ask legislative delegation to delay putting consolidation on the ballot until at least 2012.

Pictured: Scott Remington of Escambia All for One lobbies the Pensacola City Council Monday afternoon. 


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