‘Our Roads Are In Terrible Shape’ — Century Looks To Improve

January 6, 2010


Century Town Council members have decided that something needs to be done about the condition of their streets, roads and bridges.

“Our roads are in terrible shape,” Council President Ann Brooks said, adding that if the town’s employees do not have the equipment or knowledge to make road repairs, an outside contractor needs to be hired.

Each of the town’s five council members will compile a list of roads they believe need work. They will bring that list back to the council, combine it with a list already maintained by the mayor, and create a master list of bad roads.

“You need to be proactive now so you are ready when money is available,”  Dale Long, the town’s engineer said, adding that the potential project list is a good idea.

“All over Century the streets are bad,” Council member Sharon Scott said.

Council member Gary Riley said that Century’s bridges also need to be inspected.

Last year, a portion of West State Line Road and Industrial Boulevard were resurfaced during 2009. The Industrial Boulevard project was funded by a settlement with a contractor that hauled debris to a dump site after Hurricane Ivan. A drainage project is currently underway on North Century Boulevard just south of the state line.  North Century Boulevard (Highway 29) is a state highway.

Pictured above: West State Line Road in Century was resurfaced last year. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “‘Our Roads Are In Terrible Shape’ — Century Looks To Improve”

  1. century on January 9th, 2010 12:43 pm


  2. Concerned on January 7th, 2010 1:51 pm

    The WORST RD I have seen is Carter Lane, off Hwy 4, It’s horrible to live a place and you can’t get home if it rains. The residents of the area have asked for years to have someone PAVE the rd, but only empty promises. So WHILE your are making a list put that one on the top.

  3. Jim Stanton on January 6th, 2010 8:17 pm

    Fresh paint on some speed bumps would be a good place to start.

  4. Angi on January 6th, 2010 3:50 pm

    I have noticed that coming from byrneville going down hwy 4 to hwy 29, at the end of that road before it meets 29; it seems to be getting more and more potholes in the road, this really needs to be fixed… PLEASE

  5. Century Resident on January 6th, 2010 8:42 am

    Thank you council members for taking initiative on this one. That’s good leadship.

    Put Jefferson Street and Hilltop Road on your list. And all of those little streets that are not big enough for a go kart.

  6. Angi on January 6th, 2010 7:13 am

    I agree, these roads are in terrible shape and need fixing…