McDavid Man Jailed After Fight With Ex-girlfriend Over Baby

January 28, 2010

A McDavid man is behind bars after allegedly getting into a fight with his ex-girlfriend over their baby.

walkerkeithdale10.jpgKeith Dale Walker, 28, is in the Escambia County Jail on a battery domestic violence charge.

The ex-girlfriend told deputies that she was asleep in her room when Walker grabbed the four-month old baby out of her arms. She said Walker slapped her across the face multiple times. Fearing that Walker would not return the baby, the victim said she called 911.

Walker admitted to Deputy James Gilman that the two did argue over the baby, but he denied that there was ever any physical contact. Gilman wrote in his report that one side of the victim’s face was redder than the other, but that there was no distinct hand print.

Walker is being held in lieu of $50,000 bond. If he makes bond, he will be required to wear a GPS tracking device and have no contact with the victim or child. He is due back in court on mid-February for an arraignment hearing.


49 Responses to “McDavid Man Jailed After Fight With Ex-girlfriend Over Baby”

  1. yancey on February 28th, 2010 10:51 am

    Unlike some of these other people I’ve happened to know this kid since he was 8 years old. He drilled wells with me, he along with me in this Tri-county area has helped many, many people get water to drink and to grow the food that they might even eat every day. He’s always been very respectful to me and my clients sorry that he turned out he turned out this way. People do not know that he does have a true disabillity. We have tried and tried to help him, but he really needs professional help that we can’t find in America. Keith has a very good heart and about 5 kids that are devasted in their lives. Will probabaly turn out as a product of there inviroment. This goes back to what ever kind of seeds you plant you will grow them. Bad seeds grow bad things good seeds grow good things be careful to judge just pray for all of us that know him he has big shoes to fill.
    Yancey Thompson

  2. John on February 18th, 2010 4:10 pm

    He’s out of jail now. Charges were dropped. Be more careful not to characterize someone as guilty of a crime that didn’t even occur according to the state.

  3. One Sak on February 3rd, 2010 12:12 am

    He needs help and he has to want the help and want to change before anything can happen for the better! Also the 26 week domestic violence or anger management class is a good start and works for some. It is never said to be 100% guaranteed to fix everyones problems but It does effect some enough to get better and change. But for all of you who say it’s no hope for some! Well your so wrong the only time there is no hope is when their 6 feet deep. There is hope for anybody up to that point. Thats when you can say nothing can be done or there is no hope. People need support and encouragement not discouragement!

  4. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2010 11:24 pm

    “Mama, did you notice the police artist’s sketch looks like Keith?”

    “Well, it wasn’t him, David, because he’s in jail.”

    “Can’t beat an alibi like that. Besides, if it were him, they would surely mention the tatto saying CUT HERE across his throat.”

  5. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2010 11:09 pm

    that’s my first cousin once removed

    we are all very proud of him

  6. bill on January 31st, 2010 10:46 pm

    slapped her across the face multiple times. not once, domestic violence usually gets worse. Treat your wife and children with love and kindness. Not violence.

  7. The Truth on January 31st, 2010 6:42 pm

    The Truth is you don’t slaughter someone one for a small mistake…he didn’t beat her up…just slapped her. He didn’t stab her or hurt her. Violence classes could save this family. Go to a local church and they will slap you in the face with a bunch of their ideas and they will sure condemn you if you don’t agree with their every word. This man has a right to be treated fairly and this family is worth saving if possible. Children need both parents if it is possible to save a relationship then do so…if not then o.k. but at least give it a chance.

  8. Wow on January 30th, 2010 10:10 pm

    onlooker and t must go to the same church…..

  9. onlooker on January 30th, 2010 9:14 pm

    Here’s another one for “the Truth”. The Lord said it would be better that a mill stone should be hung around his neck and cast into the sea, than to harm a little one. Who’s going to step forward and help him hang one on?

  10. onlooker on January 30th, 2010 9:09 pm

    Hey Truth
    Is that before or after the one that says “obey the laws of the land”?

  11. A person on January 30th, 2010 8:31 pm

    Why would someone put cut here on their throat. That is the most idiotic thing ive saw in years!

  12. The Truth on January 30th, 2010 7:33 pm

    Hey T,

    If you know of such a great church willing to help Keith and not take his money why not put you money where your mouth is and contact him with the church name and address and invite him.

    He might still be in Escambia Jail….(good book says those who visit prisoners are blessed)

  13. Pensacola on January 30th, 2010 7:26 pm

    Thank you, Bill, for your prayers.

    I feel compeled to speak to all the men who read this. Take time with your daughters, neices, and all the girls in your family to show them their value and how special they are. They will get their sense of self worth from you. If you dont, there are dozens of men just like this waiting to take them from you.

  14. bill on January 30th, 2010 6:37 pm

    To pensacola,

    The voice of pain, well spoken.

    My prayers to all those who hurt for their children, those who can feel others pain and those who share in pain with others.

    God bless you all

  15. Pensacola on January 30th, 2010 5:59 pm

    I have read these comments. Some made me laugh and some made me cry….let me tell you of the nightmare of raising your daughter in church, having her end up with someone like this and then bringing kids into the situation. Noone can imagine the heartache, fear and anger of watching a situation like this for more than three years. So pray for them, for him to see himself the way he is and want to change and for her to love herself enough not to live with someone who treats her this way.

  16. bill on January 29th, 2010 6:06 pm

    MILTON – A 26-year-old man was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping and sexual battery of a female victim. Now that a sentence.

  17. samantha uphold on January 29th, 2010 11:40 am

    that is so sad about what that man did to his ex girlfriend and the baby

  18. lucymoore on January 29th, 2010 8:03 am

    This guy if given a chance would most likely make the news again, I for one would not trust that he would not harm the baby, girlfriend or himself. His statement, ” cut here” speaks for it self. I myself will be praying for him. I hope he can get the help he needs and learn to love his self.

  19. bill on January 29th, 2010 7:58 am

    Hello, I know that some people just act like and present themselves as a hopeless case. Maybe I have an I. D 10. T. error in my way of thinking. But I refuse to believe that any human, no matter how bad has no hope.

    None of your business has a very good point as well. If my daughter had brought home some of the guys she dated before she dated them I would have shown them the highway, one way. I always told her that she went to college and came back stupid. Maybe that’s because of the generation gap in me. Some of the old ways are better, but on the other hand, I like 55 & 57 Chevy but they don’t measure up to new models today. Some of them anyway.

    We like to let emotions rule sometimes but observations can tell a lot. Observations are not judgment people. These people should not look the part if they don’t want to be seen as being defiant, rude, crude, or even evil. My observation says he wants to by Mr B/A. These types end up dead, in prison, or they change.

  20. T on January 29th, 2010 6:32 am

    Don’t agree:
    Seems like your opinions “vary” for each offender. You must remain consistant for ALL OFFENDERS.
    This one could use a class, BUT that one is a “bad guy”. (flaw of logic)
    You failed to read or comprehend what I said ABOUT HELP & REHAB!!
    But the part about maybe finding a church for his family to attend you took it and tore it apart with your personal opinions of church(flaw of logic), just to inform you, that I know a church that would NEVER ask him for a penny AND OFFER help to him!!
    The only thing I am very well versed in is repeating that I am sick & tired of supporting chidren made by stupid people, if this offends you then honey go get 3 jobs and feel free to support him, the baby, and baby mama, I got a feeling you already do anyway.

    And by the way, I don’t know a thing about Williams dog’s.

  21. none of your business on January 29th, 2010 5:45 am

    This whole thing is just so sad, and some of you make really good points.

    We don’t know him, but we all want to paint a picture of how we see ourselves,
    or at least want others to view as us.

    Be very very careful what you want others to see as YOU!

    I’m sorry but if my daughter had ever had this as a gentleman caller,
    I would have thrown it out with the garbage before she could get down stairs to receive him.

  22. hello on January 28th, 2010 10:23 pm

    There is NO hope for this guy, and that is so sad. Anyone who knows him would know that.

  23. blondeiy on January 28th, 2010 8:55 pm

    at least none oif yall are related to this crazy family!!!

  24. The Truth on January 28th, 2010 7:24 pm

    Well the truth of the matter is that a course in Domestic Violence would be a much better option, since it might save a good relationship and it would give a good foundation to build upon. Just because someone has tatoos doesn’t make them a bad person and just because someone goes to church on Sunday doesn’t make them a good person either. The Bible says we are not to sit in judgement, don’t kick him when he is down; give him the opportunity to learn from his mistakes and the direction to correct his behavior and that is not found in a church..Favor House would be glad to assist him.

  25. Don't agree on January 28th, 2010 7:06 pm

    T – (minus) I am 100% confident that simply goin to church would not help him at all. Best to stay clear of all churches and for him to get the manditory 26 weeks domestic violence classes from Favor House or similiar training.

    Most of the churches just want money and gossip like you are so very well versed in.

    Maybe William will not restrict this one and allow freedom of speech….tough to get a word in edge wise when someone has a dog in the fight.

  26. bob on January 28th, 2010 6:31 pm

    Boy this guy looks like a real winner

  27. T on January 28th, 2010 5:36 pm

    RE; Don’t agree…….
    My comment was not judgemental but pure fact!!
    I, for one am sick and tired of children being brought into this world for me to work even harder to support!!
    I don’t think there is anyone commenting that is claiming to be without sin, but feel the same as I do in my previous post and if you have a problem with my personal complaint then you must be either a relative,friend, cuz, or without a doubt someone who lives the same type of life as this young man.
    If common sense offends you then by all means I do send my apology.
    I also hope that this young man can find help and get rehabilitated for the baby’s sake.
    Maybe he and his baby mama can find a nice church to go to and show that baby a whole new way of life!

  28. Don't agree on January 28th, 2010 5:15 pm

    I really see the flaw in logic of so many of you who sit back and tear someone up after a mistake. It is nice to know so many of you are so perfect as to admit not have any errors of judgement within your lives. Glad to know that so many of you are without any sin and ready for the pearly gates……………..

  29. bill on January 28th, 2010 3:30 pm

    My pleasure Al,

    ever try and talk to someone that just got a tongue piercing. What a hoot, or see someone who had, in past tense had piercing all over the face and got them ripped out in a fight. ouch!

    can’t help laughing at some of these people.

  30. T on January 28th, 2010 1:47 pm

    He tries hard to look “Gangsta” He tries hard to look mean.
    The tattoo’s are all homemade, looks like ink from an inkpen.
    He is what you call a “WANNABE”
    The “Teardrop” tattoo under his eye on most rep. that you have killed someone, and sometimes rep. that you have lost someone.
    The saddest part here……an innocent child brought into this world that we will support that will live fatherless unless the Mother is lucky enough to find a real man that will raise this child, and not beat, abuse, molest and neglect it, which will be hard to find.
    Most likey one day he will encounter someone who will follow his directions, thus adding to the bill for tax payers, ambulance ride, hospital bill then county morgue, county funeral.
    Will it ever cease?

  31. Hmmm on January 28th, 2010 1:45 pm

    I meant to quote Al on that one ;o)

  32. Hmmm on January 28th, 2010 1:44 pm

    LOL! A picture really is worth a thousand words!!!!!!!! Yikes!

  33. observer on January 28th, 2010 12:19 pm

    rough photo

  34. AL on January 28th, 2010 11:56 am

    I never once advocated killing this guy or wished he was dead… those decisions are higher than my paygrade.

    bill said “….. see some who look like he or she fell face first into a tackle box and left it there”

    I will laugh all day…. thank you!!!

  35. JUDY C. MASEK on January 28th, 2010 10:07 am

    WELL SAID, waterlady501..totally agree!

  36. bill on January 28th, 2010 9:57 am

    I’ve lived in the country almost all my life. Country living used to be hardworking, caring loving people who would give you the shirt of there back. Family was important, friends and neighbor, church and community living all a way of live that we were proud of. But when you see some of the things that have happened to our small home towns it’s so sad. You go into one of the restaurants in Brewton, Atmore, Jay, Flomaton, Century, or Molino and see some who look like he or she fell face first into a tackle box and left it there. Wow. Or someone who has use there body for a art gallery. Not saying these are bad people. Just wondering where it all went wrong.

  37. waterlady501 on January 28th, 2010 9:52 am

    To “Know Your Neighbor”: Apparently you don’t really know your neighbors (if you actually live here). The illegal actions of a few people DON’T overshadow the good lives being led and acts of kindness being done here by decent people every day. Good and kind people just don’t take out an ad in the paper to tell everybody what they’re doing–”Virtue is its own reward”. As to your comment that you’ve never heard of so much crime, please keep in mind this is a SMALL town. If the PNJ tried to print a story/arrest photo on every incident like this one that happens within their metro area, they would run out of space. I appreciate that is printing these articles so we can be aware of certain dangerous elements in our neighborhoods, but they certainly are NOT an indication of the character of the vast majority of people who call this home.

  38. Know your neighbor on January 28th, 2010 9:21 am

    When God created the world, did he make the area around Century, Bluff Springs , McDavid, and Flomaton the trash heap? I’ve never heard of such drug using, drug selling, wife beating just plane trashy people. They over shadow the good people that have to live there. He’ll never make a interview cause we’re supporting him with a monthly check I bet. If I knew my daughter was with a man like that, I’d follow directions as listed by Mr. Walker.

  39. riversunshine32 on January 28th, 2010 9:17 am

    What comes around goes around….

  40. JUDY C. MASEK on January 28th, 2010 9:16 am

    without assuming TOO much, those tatoos remind me of what ive seen on shows like, “behind bars” (i think thats the name of it)…especially, the tears…alot of negativity for a young 28 yr old…sad.

  41. North Escambia Resident on January 28th, 2010 9:07 am

    And, btw, some of these comments are ridiculous! I can’t believe that anyone advocate killing someone because of their appearance. What a shame that you guys are so judgmental.

  42. Trisha on January 28th, 2010 8:55 am

    wow kieth…..nice pic…

  43. Amber on January 28th, 2010 8:54 am

    I’d like to “CUT-THERE”!!!!!

  44. Wild Bill on January 28th, 2010 7:28 am

    This girl needs to run, run, run far away as fast as she can. Judging by appearances, I believe this “stellar citizen” would have no qualms over taking her and/or the babie’s life.

  45. bill on January 28th, 2010 6:19 am

    Al I agree.

  46. Old Cherokee on January 28th, 2010 5:43 am

    This cat is actually somebody’s “Boyfriend”????

  47. NF on January 28th, 2010 5:42 am

    AL, I couldn’t agree more.

  48. Oak Grove Bud on January 28th, 2010 5:07 am

    This guy comes with his on directions, like a package. Would probably have to wear a turtle neck skirt to a job interview.

  49. AL on January 28th, 2010 12:56 am


    A picture really is worth a thousand words.