Man Gets Prison For Failed Attempt To Rob Bank With Toy Gun

January 27, 2010

A convicted bank robber has been sentenced to a lengthy prison term as a habitual offender.

whaley.jpgWilliam Jerry Strickland, Jr. was sentenced to 30 years in state prison — the maximum allowed — as a habitual felony offender by Judge Paul Rasmussen. In November, Strickland was found guilty of attempted robbery by an Escambia County jury for the June 4, 2009, attempted robbery of the Whitney Bank on Nine Mile Road.

Strickland Jr. 49, was in the parking lot of the bank wearing a black trench coat, plastic gloves and a blondish wig covering his face, but he never had a chance to rob the bank thanks to the quick thinking of a United States Marine Reservist and an off duty Pensacola Police Department officer.

Marine Reservist Jansen Smith and off duty PPD officer Jamon Johnson observed the suspect as he was approaching the bank, according to Investigator Jeff Van Camp with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. Bank Branch Manager Christine Coulter secured the bank, and Strickland then fled the scene with the Marine and police officer in pursuit.

Strickland was apprehended about a block away, with a black toy gun in his trench coat pocket along with a note, Van Camp said.


6 Responses to “Man Gets Prison For Failed Attempt To Rob Bank With Toy Gun”

  1. bill on January 30th, 2010 9:14 pm


    They gett’en hard to find my friend.

  2. an observer on January 29th, 2010 3:20 pm

    GET A JOB FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. SW on January 29th, 2010 10:30 am

    I know the employees of that bank. I am grateful for the quick thinking of these two gentlemen and of the bank staff.

    Great job law enforcement and courts.

  4. none of your business on January 28th, 2010 10:16 am

    I’m with bill, send them ALL Somewhere cheap where they don’t furnish
    them with cable, and clean sheets. lol

  5. Cynical on January 27th, 2010 10:41 am

    According to a July 10 editorial at Investors Business Daily which draws on a recent Pew study, 25% of California’s prison population are illegal aliens? Think about it – 25 percent. Illegals make up seven percent of California’s population, and 25 percent of its prison population, the same percentage as the ordered size of the prisoner release. There are other impressive statistics in the IBD editorial. According to the FBI, 95 perceof warrants for murder in Los Angeles are issued for illegal aliens. IBD also reminds us that the “sanctuary” policies of many California cities, which bar police from reporting illegal aliens to federal immigration authorities so that they can be deported, has assured that illegals remain free and in the U.S., until they commit more serious crimes requiring incarceration.

    Arnie may have a point about Mexico.

  6. bill on January 27th, 2010 6:52 am

    Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to send his illeagel inmates to Mexico. Build a prison in mexico to house them. Says it will save billions, maybe we should send all inmates to mexico, then when they get out they may think it’s better not to rob, steal, rape or kill.
    I don’t know how much of that 30 years he will have to serve. Sure is a waste of your life locked up. 30 years, thats more than life for some. Think before you act.