Man Charged With Weekend Stabbing Outside Bar

January 18, 2010

A Flomaton man was arrested early Monday morning and charged in connection with a weekend stabbing outside of a Century Bar.

mathisdennisclyd.jpgDennis Clyde Mathis, 31, was arrested shortly after 5:00 Monday morning and charged with a felony count of aggravated battery. He was released Monday from the Escambia County Jail on $15,000 bond.

A 27-year old white male was stabbed in the neck outside of Odom’s Bar in the 9500 block of North Century Boulevard about 2:20 a.m. Saturday. The victim was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola where he was listed in stable condition.

Deputies originally had no suspects and no witnesses in the crime, but a tip later led them to Mathis. He was arrested after a traffic stop in the 200 block of Bluff Springs Road.


17 Responses to “Man Charged With Weekend Stabbing Outside Bar”

  1. Natoshia on January 22nd, 2010 3:03 am

    Have you all lost your minds.Apparently the only ones defending the attacker “DENNIS” must be his friends and family, because anyone who respects another individual would have been asking about the person attacked. So lets face it alcohol is nothing more then a truth serum and apparently his “Dennis” true side apparently showed. How the heck would any of you all feel if the role was reversed and he was the one whose throat was cut opened and could have lost his life. I hate to be the one who broke it to you all but if he was not guilty he would not have been picked up and as far as I can see the charge of felony count of aggravated battery, ( which is a petty charge ) he should have been charged with attempted murder. So why don’t you all look at both sides a man nearly lost his life because of poor judgment by another so who was in the wrong apparently not the guy he cut because I am very sure it would have been a fight before he was cut because hes not the type of person who would run their mouth and not back it up so what does that tell you. umm let me think it would mean that there was no confrontation between the two so apparently Dennis isn’t as sweet and innocent as you all portray him to be. So face the fact he was charged and arrest get over it.

  2. Concerned Friend.. on January 21st, 2010 11:50 pm

    It is amazing how so many people are amazed that this man was not capable of this crime but OBVIOUSLY he did it or he WOULDN’t HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED. Come on people be serious. People ALWAYS make mistakes and do stupid things, Nobody ever expects for someone to cut another mans throat.. The victim was down to visit family and friend before he left for another deployment to serve our country, to serve all of you here that are in denial that this is even possible. He is a very respected, amazing, loving, generous, father, friend and militiary member.. who will do any do anything for for family, friends, and his country. He has put his life on the line more than enough times to serve his country and DID NOT deserve to be attacked when he was preparing to put his life on the line once again .. NOBODY deserves to be attacked in that nature.. He was lucky to have walked away with his life, and now has a big scar that will always remind him of this horrible nite..

  3. Local resident on January 20th, 2010 10:19 pm

    There’s no way that Dennis just jumped this guy for no reason at all. That doesn’t make any kind of sense, friend. I think maybe there was a problem with identification and witnesses because there’s something fishy with that.

  4. friend on January 19th, 2010 8:09 pm

    I’ve seen the scar in person, and my friend is lucky to be alive. He is also a father as well as a respected member of the Air Force, having served his country for several years now. He was in town visiting friends and family when the event occurred. He did not know this person at all and had no hostile interaction with him that night. The attack was unexpected and unprovoked. While it is a mystery what could have been going through the mind of the attacker that would cause him to cut another man’s throat, what is clear is that he came very close to taking the life of a good man, and that tends to overshadow what his character may have been up until that night.

  5. friend on January 19th, 2010 5:21 pm

    I do not think people know what happed. Dennis would not hurt somebody unless he had to.He has a dad that showed him right from wrong.I know he loveshis girlfriend and kids.So nobody needs to judge him .

  6. Florida Physics on January 19th, 2010 4:01 pm

    I went to school with Dennis at Northview for 2 years, I didnt know him before 1995, but we all used to hang out on the weekends and do our thing, and I remember that if there was a fight during the weekend, there was a chance he was in it, but it was nothing major back then, it was all fair ones, we made sure no one would jump in, no weapons, you know adolescence, but he was never scared to get in a fight, I remember him being in trouble for a time then too. I’m not passing judgement cause I was not there, but Dennis wasn’t no alter boy back then, I wouldn’t say he was a bad person, cause we have all done stupid things and acted crazy at some point in our life, I haven’t seen nor heard from him since I graduated in 97, but maybe he changed since then and this was a momentary lapse of judgement if he did it…..but man this is the second person this week from the north end that I used to hang with that has had an article about them….who is left?…..not me!

  7. whitepunknotondope on January 19th, 2010 11:33 am

    Lots of character witnesses showing up here… so what in tarnation HAPPENED that night?

  8. question on January 19th, 2010 11:32 am

    Who was the man that was stapped? I have know Dennis for a long time. He was a sweet child in school. Always respected his teachers. I hope this is all a big mistake. People that have children should be at home with their children. Going to bars does not set a good example for their children. Dennis is a good person I hope if he did this it was to protect him self. This is what happens in bars. You can get caught up in things that does not even concern you.

  9. bamagirl on January 19th, 2010 10:49 am

    ive known dennis since we were in diapers and i know from a shadow of a doubt that he wouldnt ever do anything like this that is just to crazy….im just going to keep prayer for him and his family i can only imagine what his grandmother is going through

  10. chuckie on January 19th, 2010 9:50 am

    i know dennis and this dose not sound like anything he would do .he has two kids that love him.and please dont judge him before you here him.

  11. friend on January 19th, 2010 6:51 am

    I have known Dennis for a good amount of time and does not sound like the dennis I know the Dennis I know is easy goin and easy to get along with and a good father to his kids

  12. North Escambia Resident on January 18th, 2010 11:38 pm

    I’ve known Dennis for many many years and I agree that this just doesn’t sound anything like him. He’s not that kind of person.
    I feel very sorry for the man who was stabbed, but I can’t believe that Dennis was involved unless there was a very good reason for it.
    I also don’t know of Dennis frequenting bars.

  13. Ronnie on January 18th, 2010 9:28 pm

    I have known Dennis for 17 years he is one of my best friends and this does not sound like anything that he would do . He does have a 10 yr old daughter and 12 yr old son that love him dearly. I believe that this is a big mis- understanding . Please hear him before you judge him. He is a sincere ,a great guy , dad and friend.

  14. Co-Worker/Concerned Friend on January 18th, 2010 6:18 pm

    Dennis Mathis is a good man, he has a 9 or 10 year old daughter that he cares for dearly. I know this from working with him. I don’t know exactly what happened, I just ask that before anyone passes judgement, they would take into consideration the type of person he really is.

  15. Angi on January 18th, 2010 3:19 pm

    I don’t know this guy, but if it’s true that he did this crime, then he needs to do the time. Hope the guy that got stabbed in the neck is alright…

  16. Concerned Friend on January 18th, 2010 1:14 pm

    I agree, this doesn’t sound like the Dennis I know either. Did he turn himself in?

  17. rs7044 on January 18th, 2010 10:56 am

    I know Dennis and this so does not sound like anything he would do.