Library Director Asks For Public’s Support For New Molino Branch

January 22, 2010


The director of the West Florida Library is asking the public to push our local legislative delegation to work to fund a new library in Molino.

Last year, Escambia County purchased the old Molino School on Highway 95A for $400,000 for a library, community center and perhaps a museum. The county has budgeted funds toward the renovations, but additional funding is needed to complete the library.

molinolibrary.jpgIn 2007, the county applied for a $500,000 state library construction grant. That 2007 application was ranked number two for funding among 23 applicants; but, the Florida Legislature did not fund any applicants. The county has already committed $510,408 in matching local option sales tax funds toward the $1,010,408 total library cost. The same application was again re-submitted in 2008 and ranked number three, but due to funding constraints, the Legislature did not fund any projects. The county has submitted the grant request a third time.

“This $500,000 is vitally important for the construction of the library and the furnishings inside,” Gene Fischer, director of the West Florida Library wrote in an email sent Thursday to library supporters. Fisher asked in the email that supporters contact members of the legislative delegation and encourage them to approve the funding this year.

Escambia County currently does not have a library between the Tryon Library, located on Langley Avenue a short distance from Sacred Heart Hospital, and the Century Branch Library — a distance of about 40 miles. Fischer said that library supporters have tried for 12 years to locate a library in the middle portion of the county.

“This is an opportunity to fulfill that need,” he wrote. “Please let the legislators know that this construction is not only to support formal and informal education, but it is also an economic stimulus to the ailing state construction industry.”

The grant, if awarded by the legislature, would require the county to use the facility as a library in Molino for a minimum of 20 years.

Contact information for the local legislative delegation is in the comments section below. file photo, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Library Director Asks For Public’s Support For New Molino Branch”

  1. Mrs, Sunny Sunshine on January 27th, 2010 8:51 pm

    Folks, I have worked in a school media center/library for over 20 years. And yes there are a lot of details. Just as there are a lot of short cuts. Our school system updates there computer equipment ever so often to get faster more efficient equipment. The old equipment is not usually sent to another school but sent to the warehouse. Then bid sold. It’s not that the equipment was faulty it just wasn’t the latest. Same the with NAS in Pensacola. They constantly upgrade. So do some of our bigger companies. GPower, etc. Maybe we could ask there for starters Then there is the old book story, Yes a new shiny book is great but, an old classic reads just as well as that shiny new one. Libraries are all the time upgrading there books that they already have. Sometimes they get several of the same one because of corporation donations, having to order sets, etc. Furniture, well what about the school closings. They all had library furniture. Is it all for bid too, it could help the citizens of the county who paid for it.
    No it’s not going to be easy as pie but there are ways to help ourselves.

  2. rrg on January 25th, 2010 8:49 pm

    I am a retired librarian and I feel that the $500,000.00 is needed not just for books. While donations of books is commendable, not all books are usable (condition, etc.) Library furniture (shelving, tables, chairs, etc) are a vital part of a library. Computers, computer software and licenses, printers, copy machines and other equipment is also necessary. Lighting, wiring and cabling for the equipment and computers is not cheap either. This amount is not unrealistic and supporting this effort is vital if we want a library in the north Escambia area.

  3. Trish on January 24th, 2010 6:43 pm

    To None of your business:

    The look on a child’s face when they go to see a library program. Watching them look at all of the books with wide eyes. Public libraries are nothing like school libraries (I am not knocking schools). Public libraries are fun and adventuress. Look at some of the pictures of programs in Century on NorthEscambia. A lot of kids in this area don’t have the chance to experience that. When parents work all day, go home to cook, clean, make sure kids do homework, etc. it is difficult to drive 40 minutes to take your kids to something that makes them say “wow, I didn’t know that”. It’s the whole world at your fingertips where no one is forcing you to learn. You learn out of enthusiasm.

    Lets talk adults. People who come in because they are curious and start looking around. Computer classes, music (and I’m talking opera), movies. Want to fix your car, there is a book for that. Want some new recipe’s to cook, books for that. How about health issues, books for that. Dog training? How about best sellers? Politics?

    Not everyone is blessed to have a computer at home with the internet. Even with the internet you have to be careful with validity of content. Not everyone can go to Books-a-million or Amazon every time they want something.

    Libraries are important, if you don’t think so then you haven’t been to one lately. One where they care about every person, child and adult, who comes through the door.

    Education is important but can’t be forced down someone’s throat. But let them experience something fun and they learn in the process? What could be better?

  4. none of your business on January 24th, 2010 8:23 am

    Bette and Trish
    Convince me and I’ll vote your way!

  5. none of your business on January 24th, 2010 8:21 am

    Oh and Trish,
    I do appreciate your giving your side without all calling anyone nasty names.

    I certainly would be glad to discuss this further with you.

  6. none of your business on January 24th, 2010 8:19 am

    I don’t think even one person said, “Don’t have a library” .
    Certainly Not I, but libraries have been put in historic building before.
    Ever checked out some of them up north. Their beautiful and
    they have been there for ever. Just like some of the museums over seas.
    They hold rooms with shelves and shelves of historic books on floors
    that are MORE than 100 years old.

    One of the fourth stores I ever opened in texas was a book store.
    OK. so it wasn’t a library, but I did my demographics and my homework
    on a bookstore, and I kept inventory that was appropriate and i bought every
    one of them USED. I kept books that the schools in the area assigned
    and were requested and needed. I also kept books for antique dealers,
    and taxidermists, and many other fields.

    I do know about what it take to have a great book store, and I planted it
    in a building that was built in the 30’s and it didn’t take that kind of money.

    I’m not saying we don’t need a place for the kids. I think that’s great.
    I’m just saying we need to rain it in now. If you want to vote for
    this go a head. It’s your right.

    But it’s everybodies right to vote the way THEY want also.

  7. Trish on January 23rd, 2010 2:10 pm

    I realize that the normal resident does not know certain things about libraries. But sometimes you need to ask before you speak.

    Do you realize how heavy books are? The floor in the building would not support bookshelves with books on them. Have you ever tried to lift a book of books? You are talking thousands of pounds. You could just go ahead and put your shelves in and books on them but one morning you will walk in and you won’t have a floor (or shelves and books).

    You can’t just throw any old book on the shelf and call the room a library. There are numerous DETAILS that go into how everthing works. How do you think the computers work when you want to look to see if a book is available. Someone puts that information in the computer, there are rules (yes, rules) about how information is listed. There is no majic wand that makes it just appear. Books have to be processed by the dewey system. There is a method to the madness. That is like saying that it has got to be simple to run one wire to a box in order to get electricity. I am not an electrician so I therefore don’t know what it takes to run electrical service. The same applies to libraries as applies to plumbers, mechanics, electricians, garbage truck drivers, etc. etc. etc. Don’t assume you know what is involved if you have never worked doing it.

    So please be realistic and use some common since. We need a library in Molino. It takes money. Look at the advantages of having a local library. No more driving downtown and fighting traffic or driving 20 miles to Century. The benefits to kids and adults are unlimited.

  8. Bryan Bethea on January 23rd, 2010 9:25 am

    It is nice to live in a county where the local government and most citizens value education and lifelong learning. I live in Douglas County, Colorado south of Denver. Here the County has an active investment in the library system and funds awareness programs designed to encourage residents to actually use the library. I can’t say that the library system can take all of the credit, but Douglas County consistently tops the state in standardized test scores and our graduation rate is among the highest in the country.

    Before anyone starts whining about liberals and over spending, etc., let me point out that Douglas County is the most Republican county in the state. Every single one of our elected officials are Republicans. Even they realize the importance of making learning resources available to all residents of the County.

    I grew up in the Molino area and I would encourage everyone to harass their elected officials into supporting funding of the grant.

  9. EMD on January 22nd, 2010 2:17 pm

    Bette Hooton,

    Is there a way we can make our wishes known online?

  10. Bette Hooton on January 22nd, 2010 2:03 pm

    As president of your Library Board, I am really pushing this request. The Friends of Library want to help, so there will be a petition in the DOWNTOWN LIBRARY MEETING ROOM THURS, 1/28, FROM 9-12. Please come out and sign the petition. Our new Interim County Administrater Larry Newsom will meet w/ the reps of legislature, and he wants those letters. That half million is a wonderful investment for Molino. Lib will be 5000 sqft. Thanks, eveyone, for the support–it’s called the power of the people. Bette Hooton

  11. Cynical on January 22nd, 2010 11:34 am

    “…$500,000 state library construction grant..”

    Where better than Molino?

    Kids + books = literacy.

    Fundamentals are what’s important.

    “…FIRE THEM ALL! Let’s see when THEY can’t pay their mortgage
    if 1 million 5 doesn’t sound out of line for this project from
    THEIR tax dollars…”

    Listen to the sound of selfishness.

  12. Brenda on January 22nd, 2010 11:04 am

    This is close to my house and I would hate to see the Community Center open without a library because we did not ask for support from the state. If you would like to see a library in Molino then we need to contact the legislative delegation to support the funding of the $500,000 state library construction grant. This would use available state grant funds instead of local funds we do not have. You should visit the Century Library to see what a wonderful library we could have here. Please take the time to write and show that a library is an important addition to the Molino community. I am writing my letters.

  13. none of your business on January 22nd, 2010 10:54 am

    You know this whole thing really chaps my butt.
    1 million and their still asking for more to make a library out of this
    buliding when ppl here are losing their homes.

    FIRE THEM ALL! Let’s see when THEY can’t pay their mortgage
    if 1 million 5 doesn’t sound out of line for this project from
    THEIR tax dollars.

    How can anyone have the cahonies to suggest such a project
    before ppl eat is beyond me.

    Their suppose to looking out for us with our tax dollars.


  14. none of your business on January 22nd, 2010 10:48 am

    You right, however, they do need new electric.
    They already had a problem in the kitchen and any place that is
    over 30 years old needs to be looked at really hard. This building
    needs elec tric……but your right They don’t need anywhere near this
    amount. Good for you with the books! A big thumbs up!

  15. EMD on January 22nd, 2010 10:30 am

    The government is in our lives too much. There is no need for spending over a million dollars. The school is fine. I’m sure people would be glad to donate most of what is needed to make a decent library. I have quite a few books looking for a new home. We don’t always have to do a thing “the way it’s always been done.”

  16. Molino Resident on January 22nd, 2010 8:30 am

    You can’t just paint the place an use it. Too many code violations. Gov’t getting in the way of gov’t.

  17. K.B. on January 22nd, 2010 8:24 am

    RE noneofyourbusinsss: I agree! If the government would listen to common sense, every day advice from folks like us, half [or better] of the financial mess the nation, state, county, and/or city is in would be cleared up.

  18. none of your business on January 22nd, 2010 8:22 am

    Oh and when it comes time to paint the place, why not hire some of
    homes owners up here who have lost their jobs to paint it.
    Pay them, instead of some big company from pensacola.
    It might just help them with their mortgage payments!
    Anybody can paint!

  19. none of your business on January 22nd, 2010 8:04 am

    You know I don’t think you would need so much money if you left the old
    school alone.
    Why not just update all the electrical, and use it as it stands.
    Just a fresh coat of paint.
    That old school is beautiful, and nobody is going to redo it with
    all the architectual beauty that is has now.

    It was good enough to rent to the RED CROSS for the shelter after
    Katrina. Nobody worried about the lead paint then. So why
    worry now. Ppl went to school there and it was fine, just like our
    schools back home.

    Time to pull in the spending sprees ppl. The BUCK stops here.
    I worked 12 hr.days in the school 7 days a week to feed the officers
    and the katrina victems who were in need at the time, and it
    didn’t bother any of us. I presume if they’re old enough to read
    and go there, they’re not going to try to eat the paint.
    I also presume if you take your baby in there, it will be sitting
    on your lap and learn to behave in public and won’t be
    eating the paint also.

    I’m not saying we don’t need a library, I’m all for that,
    and would be glad to help out there.

    Times are tough for everyone, we don’t need to spend that much
    money thats all I’m saying. Federal dollars are your money too ppl.

    I think most of these big dollar deals with federal money are
    all about graft and corruption anyway. I would like to see
    a full accountability if this grant is issued with our tax dollars,
    and a list put on this forum also that say’s what we are
    paying for with every single penny, and how much everything
    costs us, and I don’t think it would be a bad idea if we voted
    for each spending invoice on this forum before it is finalized and


    You want our help, then lets do it this way and I will!

  20. William on January 21st, 2010 8:43 pm

    Fischer’s letter asked that supporters contact the legislative delegation as follows:

    District 1 (R)
    (850) 983-5550
    5224 Willing Street
    Milton, Florida 32570-4971
    (850) 488-8177

    District 3 (R)
    (850) 595-5550
    1804 West Garden Street
    Pensacola, Florida 32502-4418
    (850) 488-0895

    District 2 (R)
    (850) 494-7330
    Suite 1
    11 East Olive Road
    Pensacola, Florida 32514-4400
    (850) 488-8278

    District Offices:
    598 North Ferdon Boulevard
    Crestview, FL 32536-2753
    (850) 689-0556

    Copies of the letters should also be sent to the interim county administrator:

    Larry M. Newsom,
    Interim County Administrator
    P. O. Box 1591
    Pensacola, FL 32591-1591