Latest Data Released: Almost 24,000 Out Of Work In Area

January 23, 2010

For the first time in many months, unemployment rate in Escambia County held steady in the latest statistics released Friday.. The number of jobless was up slightly in Santa Rosa County, Escambia County, Ala., and across the two states. There were 23,970 total persons out of work in the three counties.

unemployment.jpgIn Escambia County, unemployment data released Friday shows that  11.0 percent of the labor force was out of work in December. That’s 15,320 people out of work.

There were 6,891 Santa Rosa County residents out of work last month.  Santa Rosa County’s unemployment rate was 10.0 percent in December, up from 10.0 percent in November.

Escambia County, Alabama, unemployment was up to 12.7 percent from 12.5 in November. That translates to 1,759 people out of a job.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for December 2009 is 11.8 percent. This represents 1,087,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9,180,000. The unemployment rate is up 0.3 percentage point from the November rate of 11.5 percent, and up 4.2 percentage points from the December 2008 rate. The state’s current unemployment rate is 1.8 percentage points higher than the national unemployment rate of 10.0 percent. December’s rate is the highest since May 1975 when it was 11.9 percent.

Industries losing the most jobs in Florida were construction; trade, transportation, and utilities; and professional and business services. These three industries account for more than two-thirds of the job losses in the state. Health care has been Florida’s only growth sector for most of 2009.

Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 11.0 percent in December, increased from November’s rate of 10.5 percent and was still well above the year-ago rate of 6.5 percent.


10 Responses to “Latest Data Released: Almost 24,000 Out Of Work In Area”

  1. SW on January 26th, 2010 7:41 am

    Bad government planning, bad leadership, and too much interference by government at every level seem to be present in promoting this unemployment thing. If government had left businesses alone to do business, this recession would probably have been over by now. That being said, some regulation is necessary to prevent people who run businesses from committing criminal acts. Over interference by government in economical things certainly is not conducive to a good economy. We do not need a socialist political agenda to emerge. What if the government had just given us back our tax money instead of giving it to these businesses? What would that have done to stimulate the economy?

    Where is the incentive to create jobs with threats of more taxes and government control?

    While the Bible certainly does talk of one world government, religion, etc., those are meant as ’signs’. Just because something is misconstrued doesn’t make it not true. Read for yourself and decide. By the way, where is that ‘The Lord helps those who help themselves’ thing in the Bible-chapter and verse, please?

  2. Darryl on January 25th, 2010 10:36 am

    Ok, can’t resist:

    On the end of times, the Bible also says no man knows when this will be, and all the past predictions seem to bare that out. Revelations has been so misconstrued that the original intent is lost. But I do think it is dangerous public policy to take literal an end times scenario being present and making policy accordingly.

    Besides our Constitution is not based on the Bible or any one religious belief, but as the Declaration of Independence states, laws by man for man. To do otherwise would set up one religion at the expense of all other’s freedom. And public policy should not be set according to doomsday scenarios, or a particular sects belief system.

    But I also know evolution isn’t a religion but a fact of science and also believe people in general don’t really read the Bible but state what they were taught it said. I very eye opening analysis of the New Testament has been written by Bart Ehrman called Jesus Interrupted. I recommend it.

  3. that's right on January 25th, 2010 7:41 am

    Darryl a big thumbs up!
    I got ya!

    I guess none of you looked in the bible where it said , “The Lord helps
    those who help themselves”

    I’m not trying to argue the bible.

    ME! I believe in ME. I will try to the end of times or me to change what we
    need changed to make this planet and every one on it a better place
    that will be here for my grandchildren.

  4. BaBa on January 24th, 2010 6:32 am

    Maybe not religious punishment…but it is believed that by most of the christians that read the BIBLE that we are in the end times. Look at whats happening on our planet. The BIBLE speaks of a one world leader…a one world currency…a one world government…brother we are headed that way…I work for a major corporation and its getting terrible with all the policies that have been put in place over the past few years….now there are cameras on us during our cant do ANYTHING that someone isnt watching. I enjoy my work…just not all the policies connected to the work. But I try to understand their view and I just keep going. My point is that if something is written in GODS word…we cant change it or fix it…GOD is the only one that can do that..but we can pray for a hedge of protection around us

  5. bill on January 23rd, 2010 4:52 pm

    Darryl,Darryl, Darryl, are you trying to say that nothing that happens is connected to God. I think everthing that happens is connected to Gods Time clock. But I happen to believe that Revelation all the way back to Gen. is true. If it were not, then what is the point to life? Just live and die!

  6. Darryl on January 23rd, 2010 4:18 pm

    This isn’t some religious punishment, but it is several factors, both government doing the wrong things, from some policies that don’t properly support or promote new business enterprises to deregulation of banking industry to allow non-banks to get into the business and to allow banks to make the risky investments they were originally prohibited from making. As to private business, we have allowed large corporations to dictate public policy too much, allow for a stifling of new technologies and in some cases, policies that allow companies to act as monopolies in some markets. Bigness is not all efficiency as it is taught, for it if was why are some of the biggest corporations in trouble? GM got too big for the market share it can hold on to for one example. We need public policy that promotes new technologies, new alternative energies, and provides the environment encouraging of new small businesses.

    The notion that this is some apocalyptic time of reckoning is just misinterpretation and exaggeration of the book or Revelations.

  7. bill on January 23rd, 2010 12:26 pm

    BaBa, words of truth, Amen.

  8. BaBa on January 23rd, 2010 10:36 am

    We are becoming a socialistic government……they want everyone dependent on the government cant you see this. The world is spiraling down to end…not that hard to see just look around you…watch TV…read the papers…the world news..things are coming to past like the BIBLE says…its all PROPHESY..WE cant fix it

  9. bill on January 23rd, 2010 8:37 am

    All that money that Obama Gave AGI really helped. Oh just in case AGI is the bank that the congress, senate and presidents money for retirement is insured that they get. Sounds like our bunch of public severants in DC are self serving and the heck with the people. The big problem is we have no Democrats or Rebublican worth voting for. McCain was the wosrt run campain ever run. But we got change alright. Sometimes change is not so good.

  10. fishhook240 on January 23rd, 2010 6:53 am

    I think everyboby knows somebody thats out of work. I will be glad when things get better. Ever time the ecomony starts to roll on its way to recorvery the gas prices starts to rise and everything stops.