Jay High School Teachers Enter Pleas, Will Face At Least 33 Months For Sex With Students

January 27, 2010

Two Jay High School teachers will be sentenced to at least 33 months in prison for having inappropriate sexual relationships with underage students at the school.


Ashley Elenea Burkett, 31, and April Burford Watson, 33, both of Jay, have entered no contest pleas to three counts of unlawful sexual activity with certain minors, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins.

Burkett and Watson, who were teachers at Jay High School, were arrested by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office on August 6, 2009, for engaging in sexual intercourse with male students in 2007. Under the Florida sentencing guidelines, the lowest permissible sentence Burkett and Watson can receive is 33 months in the Department of Corrections, according to Eddins. Santa Rosa Circuit Judge Gary Bergosh accepted the pleas and scheduled the matter for sentencing on April 14.

“The investigation was initiated on July 28, 2009 after an anonymous letter was sent to the Santa Rosa County School District alleging sexual relationships between two Jay High School teachers and male juveniles,” Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Sgt. Scott Haines said after the arrests. The letter was turned over the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office for investigation.

“Interviews were conducted with the alleged victims in the case. Two victims alleged that they were involved in sexual activity with Watson at her residence and the residence of Burkett between the months of July and October 2007. One other victim alleged that he was involved in sexual activity with Burkett at her residence and the residence of Watson between the months of July and October 2007,” Haines said in August. “Both of the suspects were questioned by investigators and they both admitted to the unlawful sexual activity.”

Burkett taught reading and special education students and was assistant volleyball coach last school year, according to the Jay High School web site. Watson taught math and was the advisor for the junior varsity cheerleaders, also according to the school web site. Watson was to be the varsity cheerleader sponsor this school year and Burkett was to be the varsity volleyball coach.

Pictured above: Jay High School teachers Ashley Burkett (left) and April Watson have enter no contest pleas and will face at least 33 months in prison for sex with students. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


57 Responses to “Jay High School Teachers Enter Pleas, Will Face At Least 33 Months For Sex With Students”

  1. One Sak on February 2nd, 2010 11:39 pm

    Look we all have made mistakes. And here is a saying I like. What is a sin? A sin thats what. Whats the difference in the sin of stealing a piece of gum and the sin of commiting murder? Well here is the answer! A piece of gum to us cannot even compare to the life of a person. That is the normal way for us to feel. But there are no levels or degrees of a sin. A truckload is no heavier or worse than one single sin the size of a grain of sand. God doesn’t look at it like we do. Confess it and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and know he died for ALL of our sins and ask for His forgiveness and you shall receive it. What these women did was definately wrong. But forgive them as you would want to be forgiven. They are humiliated and them being convicted felons will suffer from this as long as they live. It will follow them everywhere they go and effect them getting jobs long after they have served the sentences imposed on them by the courts and paid there debt to society!.

  2. Shaking My Head on February 1st, 2010 4:44 pm

    I think this sentence is just – if it is carried out, meaning if they do actually serve out the sentence and not get something like a “suspened sentence” which seems to be possible given the fact that they are first-time offenders and they have small children at home. Two points and I certain their lawyers will use in their defense. Also, they have cooperated with the authorities from the start of htis procedure – another point to add in thier favor. I only hope they have to actually serve this sentence out – they need the time to ponder and understand what led them to make such a careless and stupid decision as have sex with thier students. That is the bottom line of this whole mess – what leads a person to do this type of behavior – find the turth ladies and then help other women with simular ideas not to go down the path you two have.

  3. justme on January 31st, 2010 7:50 pm

    jay mom, everyone seems to use “God” and “forgiveness” to their advantage to get themselves out of situations like this…just as prisoners go to prison and seem to “find God” while they are in there…..just to easy to do this and makes it easy to do this type if thing again…God will forgive me….but the people won’t, nor will they ever forget. Enough said………….

  4. What? on January 31st, 2010 11:44 am


    Are you serious? They were not old enough to know better? What??? Where you being sarcastic? lol. I’ve heard these women have children, I’m sure they wouldn’t want a teacher, someone you are supposed to be able to trust, having sex with their children. This whole thing is crazy. I hope they have to serve their full sentence. Makes me scared to send my child to school when he is old enough, some teacher might try to have sex with him. Gross.

    They don’t look that great anyway.

  5. bill on January 31st, 2010 8:31 am

    In other countries these two girls would have been put to death. Thank God they live in America. We need to be careful that this country doesn’t every fall under that type of rule. We have laws and we have some that are stupid, to some of us. They are there to protect people, sometimes they protect the guilty. Weather you think that it’s judgmental or not to have an opinion, the facts are they broke the law. 33 months is a slap on the hand compared what some will get. Death and burkas may be on the way. Wonder how many in Hollywood will get to keep their heads.

  6. Jay Mom of 2 on January 30th, 2010 6:25 pm

    I am so thankful that God forgives!!! Thankful that he will forgive Ashley and April, the boys involved, and all of you who love to judge.

  7. N on January 30th, 2010 9:48 am

    You can forget about them ever returning to a class room. You can bet that their certification will be voided and this will follow them where ever they go. Do I recall that one of the women was married? Wonder what happen there with that if one did have a husband and children.

  8. bill on January 30th, 2010 8:09 am


    Good grief What, The teachers were only 31 & 33 years old. Now you know that they were not old enough to know better. The embarrassment and disgrace they have brought on themselves and family. The ironie of it all, it’s not like they can’t find an adult to screw up their lives with, they chose children.

  9. What? on January 29th, 2010 10:53 pm

    33 months? That’s it? These women were teachers… these women had sex with children.. and that’s all they got? I doubt they will even serve 33 months, more than likely they will get off with probation or just a few months. Now if this were the case of a man having sex with an underage girl, they would prolly lock him up and throw away the key. Pretty unfair. 33 months for having sex with children.. wow.. what has the world come to? Something just doesn’t add up here..

  10. Doris Jackson on January 29th, 2010 7:51 pm

    Yes it was wrong. But, it has been happening throughout the school years. I graduated in 1970 and it was happening then. We knew about it and kept the secret. We all knew about it and accepted the fact. Whether it is a man or woman crossing the line, it is a reality. It isn’t new! Call it hormones! I would like to think that our teachers that we send our children to everyday are a notch above the normal, but are seriously the norm! They have unhappy lives and unhappy marriages. It happens. I’m not accepting it as right, and I would have been very angry if my child was involved, but it happens every day. I talked to one of my previous co-students and told him, “It could have been you.” He agreed and thanked God that his name didn’t come out. He’s a teacher at Jay now! What is so surprising? Men and women “mess” around when they aren’t happy at home. They look for a reason. Get a life and look at your thoughts and desires.

  11. an observer on January 29th, 2010 3:19 pm

    to sally, if i were them, either of them, not only would i NOT return to that OR ANY school, I’d fall off the face of the earth due to embarrasement….COLLEGE GRADUATES with not a LICK of common sense. They are MARKED women now in my opinion and i don’t care who disagrees with me. If this were to have been 2 men teachers/coaches, no one with a daughter would want them around a school…am i not correct in the fact that ANY sexual offender is not to be within a certain diatance of all schools? Well, they admitted to it, both of them and they are now sexual offenders. They may not do this again, but could you imagine being them and goign back into the same school, hearing all the whispers and comments being made about you, it would never work…..cannot believe you would even want them back, guess cause your friends with them…hope you don’t have any teenage sons in your home…just MY opinion!

  12. an observer on January 29th, 2010 3:14 pm

    I bet all they end up getting is probation…watch and see. I am amazed at all of the so called “teachers” that are being caught doing things like this, male and female…what’s even scarier is the ones that are doing it and not getting caught. It makes me wonder if background checks are really done. You LITERALLY cannot trust ANYONE this day, you don’t know who the heck your dealing with or what they are capable of!

  13. sally walker on January 29th, 2010 1:51 pm

    I think presonally that these guys knew EXACTLY what they were doing as this runs through any guys mind at that age. And as far as it being done two years ago, if the parents were that worried they would’ve said something sooner. It’s not like the teachers MADE them have sex. So, for that matter I know these two teachers very well and personally. They are GREAT teachers and GREAT coaches. As a former friend, I believe that I would be COMPLETELY fine with them coming back, at least then our cheerleading program would’nt be this BAD!.

  14. Thinker on January 29th, 2010 10:44 am

    What’s my point? To add a little rationality to what here appears to be a mob mentality. Notice ALL the many many reactions and the tendency to jump on the band wagon no matter the consequences to anyone. That’s my point.

    Just inserting some facts and intelligence into an emotional climate.

    You’re right about the laws being violated and spouses being hurt. It needs not go further than that. Once again, notice that is has.

  15. bill on January 29th, 2010 8:39 am

    Get a life,

    Are you taking up where they lift off. There actions speak louder than words.

  16. none of your business on January 29th, 2010 7:38 am

    As for get a life,

    Honey if you think these girls are top knotch, wow i”m speachless.

    If you think everybody makes the mistakes your talking about…..
    NOPE! Speak for yourself.

    Some of us are shocked and angry that this is who our tax dollars
    have been paying for to teach our children. Most ppl don’t have
    these kinds of morals let alone ppl who have this kind of access to

    Of course we all know that pedifiles are notorious for hanging out,
    living, and even working anywhere that there are lots of kids.

    As for this just all being a mistake, wow well I guess they just
    made the biggest mistake of their lives, because they just ruined
    their whole life.

    Ppl have a right to their opinions as these two women were on their tax
    dollar with THERE children!

  17. none of your business on January 29th, 2010 5:16 am

    I’m with CRIPES and THINK FOR on this one,
    I couldn’t have said it better.

    I hate that these women only got 33 months.
    If the parents are the problem, what does that mean, were just supposed to
    look the other way and let something like this go.

    No the parents aren’t the problem, they wouldn’t even be an issue if these
    women who were intrusted with YOUR CHILDREN COULD HAVE KEPT

  18. Get a life on January 29th, 2010 2:17 am

    Okay….I haven’t commented ever on this case….but I have to now.
    I agree with Raised in Jay….Even though I wasn’t raised in Jay I live here now. I am proud to say I live in such a fantastic place. The civic organizations, the schools and the people are top knotch. I can’t ever imagine living any where else. I am also friends with April and Ashley as well. They are mothers, wives, friends, and most importantly human beings…. I will stand up for them at anytime because I personally KNOW these two ladies and the ones of you writing negatively about them obviously do not and enjoy commenting on these articles to make yourselves feel better. So I will do the same. Until you can honestly say that you have not done anything you are remotely ashamed of then please keep quiet. If you are judgement free please feel free to judge. However, I am pretty sure you are guilty of something. Right? Seriously…If you say no…think harder.
    As for having a hot teacher I would have tagged in high school….probably…yes. Why not? Uhhhh Hello? I knew what I was doing back then as most of you did who were having sex. I remember having sex at 15 with someone who is a pastor now…and yes he was around the age of 18 and he may have been even older. Shocking? Maybe. Real life….yes. Was he planning on being a pastor when we slept together…yes. Did I know what I was doing? Yes. Did he know what he was doing? Yes…. Was it consensual….absolutely. Had I slept with someone even older that I was attracted to been consensual? Well Yes! Come on! So my question is-does a couple of months really make a difference in age as to where you can consent to sex? ….Probably not.
    Heck, in the state of Florida we can try 9 and 12 years olds as adults for murder but not consider almost 18 year olds as having the ability for consensual sex? They were more than likely having it anyway with people younger than themselves….did I say younger?..Yes. Man the truth hurts when we break it down doesn’t it?
    So comment on this if you like….I still don’t change my mind and still think your just being a typical loser and should get a life….because obviously you have no clue about what truly goes on in the real world.
    Thanks!!! I feel much better because …wow! I judged YOU just like you did them…. Stings a little doesnt it? Ouch! Oh….and I won’t comment back

  19. cripes on January 28th, 2010 10:35 pm

    So what’s your point thinker?

    Are the husbands part of the community? Should it be okay with them?

    Are their kids a part of the community? Should it be okay with them?

    Are the parents of the involved kids part of the community? Do they have no recourse if they would prefer that adults not interfere with the normal development of kids within their own peer group/generation?

    I really couldn’t care less if the community reaction causes the most damage. The fact is that we have laws that attempt to dissuade these idiots from engaging in this kind of behavior. And those laws weren’t written with the goal of minimizing guilt for inappropriate, undesirable, and socially unacceptable sexual behavior. There are more important goals attached to such laws.

    I wonder if his ‘Guide to a Successful Marriage’ has a chapter about being okay with screwing whomever you want even if its criminal behavior and no matter how you partner and family feels about it.

  20. Thinker on January 28th, 2010 8:47 pm

    Albert Ellis, once president of the American Psychiatric Association, or something to that effect (Google him), wrote several book on sex. He wrote something I know I’ll never forget: He said that the damage done in such cases as this, and in many other socially unacceptable sexual behaviors is NOT caused by the sexual experience, but rather by the reaction of the community to it. Y’all take it from there.

    Albert Ellis a really celebrated and intelligent man, wrote books like: “Sex Without Guilt”, co-authored: “A Guide To Rational Living” and “A Guide To Successful Marriage” among others. Of course we don’t need these kinds of books, right? We only need one big confusing and archaic text.

  21. cripes on January 28th, 2010 2:42 pm

    To the ‘they just made a mistake’ crowd:

    We don’t want teachers hitting on or being seduced by kids at school. Period. No matter how much you might rationalize it as being ‘okay.’

    It’s completely irrelevant in most states, by far, whether the kids’ know what they’re doing or like it; they will not be put on the stand to testify if it was good or whether they wanted it or if they’re familiar with the mechanics of sex. In fact, we put the complete burden of responsibility on the adult, presumed professional who is hired to do a job. We expect that paid, adult teachers know, respect, and God forbid, even teach the meaning of boundaries. Especially legal boundaries.

    These two did not just make a mistake. They committed crimes. And they’re going to pay a price for that. A significant price. And that’s exactly the way it should be.

    LOL at the idea that it makes a difference if the sexual activity happens on or off campus.

    It seems that RAISED IN JAY is admitting that she’s a criminal. She also seems to think that we’re all criminals too. Sorry, Hon, you’re wrong…

  22. Speak for yourself on January 28th, 2010 2:42 pm

    To raised in Jay about “everyone had a teacher they fantasized about”……speak for yourself….I did not. My teachers were my elders, mentors and just that…. teachers. I respected them as such and also respected myself.

  23. CRANKSHAFT on January 28th, 2010 2:42 pm

    Well I hate that this happened……But shouldnt there some kind of punishment for the kids also…I doubt this has been super devistating for them ..I am not saying that this type of behavior is ok, its sure not. But I think these children knew a little bit about what they were doing….so lets punish them also. I dont remember how old they were but kids learn a lot about sex in school these days.

  24. bill on January 28th, 2010 2:35 pm

    Man O man, had to go to Wal-mart, and look at what all I missed.

  25. jr on January 28th, 2010 1:02 pm

    i think defending them is stupid, they committed a crime, again they should pay the time.

  26. former jay resident on January 28th, 2010 1:00 pm

    I hope that if you have children that they are never put in that position.

  27. RAISED IN JAY on January 28th, 2010 12:57 pm

    It amazes me how many people are so quick to judge. I know the teachers and the students in question. Did the teachers use poor judgement? Yes…will it effect them and their families for the rest of their lives…Yes. Do they deserve to go to prison for this? I don’t think so. These boys knew what they were doing. Many can say they didn’t think it in high school but everyone had a teacher that they fantasized about. I hardly doubt they were forced into anything. Working with the Quarterback Club for over 8 yrs I have heard all kinds of things said by high school boys and girls. Most of it their mothers would die if they knew about…they do things even my husband and I have neve thought of doing…and then laugh and brag about it!. But the fact of the matter is…It has been going on for years…not only in Jay but everywhere. Is it right? No…but when it is consensual…I don’t think that they should be labeled as child molesters. We had a hot softball coach when i was in high school and i doubt there was one girl in the school that didnt want to get it on with him. Being involved in high school activities and around students is VERY different than it was when i was in high school and i am in my 30’s. People need to wake up and realize…things are not as black and white as they seem. If they had done this on school property or in their classroom it would be a little different but they were not. Like i said before….They used bad judgement but who hasn’t? These boys were not 6 or even 13 years old they were older so i think it is a little different. And yes…i feel the same way about high school girls…lord some of the stuff they wear and do…I feel sorry for the male teachers these days. The best thing everyone could do is quit talking and gossiping and pray for the students, teachers and families that are affected by this and pray that God’s will be done…Not our will. Because ultimatly it is in his hands anyway!

  28. whitepunknotondope on January 28th, 2010 12:45 pm

    “Consensual sex is not what happened. The boys were not of legal age and therefore unable to make an adult decision to consent.”

    If you ever lived a day in your life you’d realize how wrong you are. Billy is right. And it was consensual. The only damage these boys feel is the embarassment that their mothers brought all this out in public and caused these women to face jail time.

  29. former jay resident on January 28th, 2010 12:36 pm

    Consensual sex is not what happened. The boys were not of legal age and therefore unable to make an adult decision to consent. These women were stupid and should serve every second of at least 33 months.

  30. bleh on January 28th, 2010 12:27 pm

    Billy , You are very sexist person, so you are saying that older guys with younger girls = pervs, but older women with younger guys = winners

    Sorry but the system works both ways, Not only were they older women, they were in a position of trust as teachers at a school. Thats WORSE than just normal older women/men with younger women/men

    That being said, I think consensual sex such as the cases above, man or women should not be on the sex offender list, and they should not serve jail time. The kids consented to this, it was between 2 people so who cares?

    Other than them being teachers (only part that I have a problem with)

    If they were not teachers, and this happened off campus, personally I would not care, or think they were pedos

  31. jr on January 28th, 2010 12:03 pm

    well you can’t play around with this stuff, they do the crime pay the time

  32. bill on January 28th, 2010 10:16 am

    Good morning to as well None of. I guess I just can’t help but have an opinion. It would be so boring if no one ever had one.

    As far as the punishment of these two girls I really do see the difference between the boys and the girls. But law is law. I know that these boys were not held down and raped. I also know know that sex offenders are all around us. My opinion of a man who rapes a child or woman I can’t place in print. But I am not God, and these people will continue to be around us until that day that the Lord takes his bride home

  33. JOJO on January 28th, 2010 10:13 am


  34. JUDY C. MASEK on January 28th, 2010 10:00 am

    insightful comments from RSB and Billy….i have to agree, as well…i think if there isnt an infraction named, “consensual sexual conduct with a minor”, there ought to be….it would still be illegal, because of the age of the minor….but, it would not carry the stigma of “rape”….the adult would have to prove that it was, indeed, consensual, however….if it was an employee of the school board, the accused adult and,or minor could opt for lie detector testing to help prove consenuality…..that would probably lessen the civil penalty, should the parents decide to sue the school board….and, as for the repercussions, should it involve a teacher, coach or some other position of authority held by the adult, they should be stripped of their license, certificate or position for using poor judgement….that, of course, is in addition to what other criminal penalty the judge sets forth….but, the penalty SHOULD be “gender neutral”…

  35. none of your business on January 28th, 2010 9:55 am


    Yes they will, have you not pulled up the sex offender list in your zip code,
    there are women.

  36. Lynn on January 28th, 2010 9:39 am

    I feel sorry for the husbands and the children of these two women. I don’t know many men who would be very forgiving in a situation like this. Jay is a small town, and I imagine everyone knows everyone and gossip runs wild. One thing that wasn’t mentioned in the above article is if these women will have to register as sex offenders when they get out of prison.

  37. none of your business on January 28th, 2010 9:21 am

    Billy, I’ll have to take your word for that, I don’t know what it does to a boy,
    I’m not one. lol

    But the fact remains, those women were old enough to know better.

    I still think these boys have been tainted in some way with this horrible

  38. none of your business on January 28th, 2010 9:15 am


    Good morning

    Your in good form this morning. lol

  39. Amber on January 28th, 2010 9:10 am

    Billy, I couldn’t agree more.

  40. RSB on January 28th, 2010 8:45 am

    I will be surprised if no money hungry lawyer will pick up this case and also sue the Santa Rosa County School Board. Escambia High School in Pensacola is facing the same dilemma right now – however, the boy’s family immediately put their priorities in order. Most important issue for them: How much MONEY can I collect from the School Board?
    While these cases are a sad reflection on the integrity and moral standards of our “new generation of educators” – it’s also alarming (at least in the Pensacola case) that somebody stupid enough to leave sexually explicit messages/pictures on a 15 year old boy’s cell phone was able to obtain a teaching certificate in the first place.

  41. JP on January 28th, 2010 8:22 am

    Equal pay for equal work. No job discrimination. Equal treatment in ALL things is
    what the “modern” female requires as to how women should be treated. As for me, I feel true equality will come only when the signs (men or women) are removed from public restroom doors. Equal treatment means equal punishment
    under the law as well.

  42. Billy on January 28th, 2010 8:21 am

    I investigated child abuse for years and I deffinately noticed that there is one difference between a female offender vs. a male offender in this particular type of circumstance. You ladies will not agree with me but i am right…..When a grown man has sex with a teen girl he usually takes advantage of her by telling her crap like “i love you” and “when you are older I want to be with you”. Teenage girls are extremely vulnerable and believe this sort of thing….this is what they dream about. Now when a grown woman has sex with a teenage boy…they boy is still taking advantage of the woman. He thinks he is playing her and there is no love involved. She is just like any other girl except she is more of a prize in his eyes because she is older, experienced, no strings attached, etc. Im NOT saying that there is nothing wrong with what these women did BUT it is much different than if it were a male teacher and female students in regards to the damage done to the teens. I assure you that the only damage done to these boys was that they got caught and there has been a big deal made out of it.

  43. none of your business on January 28th, 2010 8:17 am

    Their sick alright.

    They aught to lock them up and throw away the key.
    I have said it before, and I’ll say it again.

    This was a pivetol moment in these childrens lives, and it changes
    who they are forever. There is no going back, no matter how much
    counseling they get.

    When ppl violate children they should NEVER GET OUT.

  44. Melani on January 28th, 2010 7:47 am

    Where does it say that the principle ever knew about this? I didn’t read anywhere that said any authorities knew prior to the investigators speaking with the teachers/students.

  45. Wild Bill on January 28th, 2010 7:39 am

    I think everyone read that they will be sentenced to “at least” 33 months. I also think people are smart enough to know that when someone works out a plea bargin for a minimum sentence, 9 times out of 10, the minimum is all they receive. And to top it all off, they will probably end up only serving like 18 months with good behavior. I seriously doubt any man would receive the same treatment if the roles were reversed.

  46. cripes on January 28th, 2010 7:18 am

    ‘Isn’t rape defined as forcing another to have sex against their will? If not it should be. This wasn’t rape. It was consensual sex.’

    You’re right. It wasn’t rape. And it appears to have been consensual. It was also unlawful sex with minors. Multiple times. The unlawful part is a bit of a sticking point.

  47. cripes on January 28th, 2010 7:13 am

    Cripes people. Can’t some of you read? Sentencing hasn’t occurred yet. Thirty three months in jail is the ‘minimum.’ You need to wait for the actual April 14th sentencing before you get your underwear in a bunch that nearly three years isn’t enough in your opinion.

  48. whitepunknotondope on January 28th, 2010 6:36 am

    “Thirty three months for rape of minors? That is ridiculous! If this would have been a homeless man raping a couple of young girls.,, he probably would get 15 plus years.”

    Isn’t rape defined as forcing another to have sex against their will? If not it should be. This wasn’t rape. It was consensual sex.

  49. Angi on January 27th, 2010 11:03 pm

    I agree, a crime is a crime no matter the gender. I am glad to see that these women are going to prison. I don’t know why they have waited this long to take this action! It’s really getting bad when we can’t even trust sending our children to school. They should never be able to teach anywhere again!

  50. Century girl on January 27th, 2010 10:54 pm

    Thirty three months for rape of minors? That is ridiculous! If this would have been a homeless man raping a couple of young girls.,, he probably would get 15 plus years.

    What should the principal get for keeping the info quiet and not taking it directly to the authorities?

    Rape of minor students by trusted teachers, overlooked by trusted principal and possibly schoolboard members… Shameful!

  51. fishhook240 on January 27th, 2010 10:09 pm

    Well I’m glad that their money did not get them out of this. It’s a shame the two young women that had life made would do something like .

  52. An Observer on January 27th, 2010 10:06 pm

    I really think the punishment for a woman should be equal to that of a man. A crime is a crime reguardless. What really made this bad was the fact that these young ladies were suppose to be someone the students could look up to. I am sure their jobs as teachers is over. I can assure you they may only get three years, but it will follow them the rest of their lives. How sad.

  53. observer on January 27th, 2010 7:34 pm

    I would have to agree that people tend to have a different outlook on sex crimes based on gender.
    it is a fact (can be easily found on line and I can provide government web sites with the state to anyone wanting them) the national average for female offenders, recieve less time in jail/prison than males convicted of similar crimes. this is crimes against oposit gender, not homosexual acts. male – female crimes not same gender crimes. these types of crimes on average yield sentences that are (on average) 50% – 90% shorter than the males convicted of similar acts. when I say similar, this means same age same crime, example lued acts, unlawful acts, etc. comparing apples to apples not a crime of lued behavior matched with a rape case, of course there would be a difference with that sentence.
    any how …. looks like this case supports the national average. shorter sentence for females, even if it was a plea…. and I agree, why would you take a plea unless you think you will get more time if it goes to trial! Are they guilty?

  54. ROLL TIDE!!!!Cantonment on January 27th, 2010 6:57 pm

    I am glad to see the females get the 33 months. I am a female and I think a crime is a crime regardless of gender. I think 33 months is not enough. To think they were trusted teaches and if a man had done this everyone would be wanting the death penalty!

  55. bill on January 27th, 2010 5:40 pm

    rorry i dont pooff weed berry vell, nor buse smell check.

  56. bill on January 27th, 2010 5:04 pm

    Jay you really think 33 months is a bad plea deal. If it had been the other way around and these two ladys had been men taking advantage of young girls what would the plea deal have been. Don’t get me wrong! it’s no right either way.
    If you look back at the ladys that have done this in the past, they get out and do it again. Some people will say that they sick with mental problems, some will say the are posessed. Who knows.

  57. Jay Resident on January 27th, 2010 4:42 pm

    33 months? That’s a bad plea deal unless you REALLY know you are guilty and will get a lot more.

    Thanks northescambia for keeping us updated in Jay. I think everybody in town reads your site. Once again, you had this story before anybody. Don’t know how your staff does it. Keep up the good work!