Hope For Olivia

January 10, 2010



This week brought good news for the Bush family and their simple Christmas wish — a cure for Olivia.

We first introduced you to Olivia back in early December. Olivia Bush, 6, is blind, able to see only a little light with her left eye. She has a shunt to drain fluid off of her brain, and has frequent seizures.

Just before Christmas, Olivia and her family traveled to Miami Children’s Hospital hoping to find a cure for her seizures. While in Miami, Olivia was monitored by a 35-lead EEG and a video camera with doctors hoping to capture data from a seizure. On the Tuesday night before Christmas, she had a seizure that was captured on the EEG and video, according to her father Tad Bush.

That information has allowed doctors to schedule surgery for Olivia in early February, news the Bush family learned just this week.

“I am so excited about this!  I am so happy that if all goes well, Olivia could finally be seizure free! Maybe no more meds?  Praise the Lord!” said Olivia’s mom Amber Bush.


A scan of Olivia’s brain is pictured, and Amber Bush offers this explanation:

“The black on the pic is dead, useless brain.  It does nothing, has no electrical activity….nada…just there taking up space.  So, basically, Olivia has half of a brain.  How amazing is that! She is such a miracle. The docs told us that if an adults brain looked like that, they would be a vegetable!  Wow, isn’t God good!  Her brain has reassigned all of that dead part to other parts of her brain.  That is why they aren’t for sure what the part of her brain where the seizures are coming from controls. The more I look at it the more I see God in Olivia!”

NorthEscambia.com  will continue to follow Olivia’s hope for a miracle. We first introduced our readers to Olivia back in early December. That story is below.

Olivia Bush’s story started July 22, 2003, almost four months before there should have been a first chapter in her life. Born at just 22 weeks, she weighed only one pound six ounces. She stayed in the NICU three and half months, defying doctors and coming home two weeks before her due date. Olivia is the second youngest baby to ever survive at Sacred Heart Hospital.

olivia11.jpgThe current-day chapter Olivia’s story is perhaps best told by her mother, Amber Bush:

“Olivia is now 6 years old. She is blind and can only see light with her left eye. She has a shunt to drain fluid off of her brain, and has frequent seizures.

“Our little miracle girl started first grade this year and loves to go to school. She is spoiled rotten by everyone she meets and has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She loves to rock and spin and everything needs to be fast. Roller coasters, throw up rides, and bumps are her friends. Olivia doesn’t meet a stranger. She has the greatest smile and laugh and always brightens our day. She is such an inspiration to everyone she meets, and she has come such a long way. Her favorite song is the BIBLE and she tells everyone to sing it to her.

“After enduring the NICU, she came home on oxygen and a heart monitor, and doctor after doctor. Then started the therapy. She is still in physical, occupational, speech, vision, and mobility therapy.”

olivia12.jpgNow, Olivia is heading to Miami Children’s Hospital. She will see the same doctor that cured the seizures of her cousin, Northview High student Nathan Therrell.  NorthEscambia.com introduced our readers to Nate in November of 2008 when he was on the sidelines as Northview’s waterboy. After undergoing surgery at Miami Children’s Hospital, Nathan played in Northview’s Garnet and Gold Game in May of 2009, void of seizures. (Read about Nathan here.)

Olivia will be in Miami Children’s Hospital December 14-16 for a battery of tests that her parents hope will end with a successful treatment plan. It’s their Christmas wish.

“Pray for guidance in this matter and that the seizures will subside,” mom Amber said. “Please pray for Olivia. She has come such a long way, and we are so thankful. God has truly blessed us with a living angel and we are very grateful.”

A successful benefit car wash for Olivia Bush was held in Century on Saturday, December 5.

Pictured top: Olivia Bush with a therapy dog at Miami Children’s Hospital. Pictured top insets: Olivia at the children’s hospital. Pictured  top inset: Olivia was just one pound six ounces when she was born at 22 weeks. Pictured bottom inset: Olivia Bush at six-years old. Pictured below: Tad, Olivia, Simon and Amber Bush.Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.



12 Responses to “Hope For Olivia”

  1. Tammy Hodge on January 12th, 2010 5:53 pm

    Tad my heart go out to you and family. I rember when you went to school with Christopher Bell my son, you to played ball together. Give my love to aunt Kathy. And know you are in our prayers. Love Tammy Bell Hodge

  2. Lulu on January 11th, 2010 7:45 pm

    Several years ago I held this baby in children’s church one day and sang to her. I remember the energy and joy she radiated. It was like holding a very lively angel.

  3. Laura Taylor on January 11th, 2010 1:57 pm

    This is great to hear! Thanks for keeping us informed on Olivia’s progress. God Bless you and your family!

  4. Sammy Lee on January 10th, 2010 10:56 pm

    We love yall and continue to pray for Olivia. God is truly awesome and gives us so many blessings everyday. God bless!

    Sammy Lee

  5. mspence on January 10th, 2010 1:29 pm

    God does not make mistakes. She will be healed.

  6. Amanda on January 10th, 2010 1:01 pm

    Ph I hOpE aLl GoeS wEll For ThiS LittlE aNgEl

  7. William on January 10th, 2010 12:47 pm

    Between our updates here on NorthEscambia.com, you can follow Olivia’s progress at:


  8. northendbratt on January 10th, 2010 12:45 pm

    AWESOME!!!!!!!! Awesome family, the whole bunch! I have known Amber’s mom since coming to this area thirty years ago. Like me she is not “from here’ which makes us “not from here”, ! Sorry, I know how stupid that sounds but that’s just the way it is. However, a lot of us have done really well in the area, like God knew exactly where to put us, and this is, like mine one of the families who has thrived here. Anyway this has been one of the stories that you want to be updated on as often as possible. Thanks William!!!

  9. mommy2beautifulgirls on January 10th, 2010 10:01 am

    wow! this little girl is amazing and she’s a huge inspiration on me and my miracle child,of which is 7 1/2 years old….god is choosing his angels and making sure they are going to be ok! i hope them doctors find out what’s going on and get her to feeling better and she has a better outlook on life than having seizures.wish you best of luck!

  10. Angi on January 10th, 2010 9:56 am

    My prayers are with your family in hopes that everything will go well and she will be healed very soon…

  11. inspired on January 10th, 2010 8:58 am

    Your family is very inspiring. I pray for healing and great things to come out of this trial!

  12. lbinpcola on January 10th, 2010 8:28 am

    God Bless the whole family. She does seem to be a miracle baby. Our prayers are with all of you…They are both beautiful children.
