Have You Seen This Dog? Cash Reward Offered

January 4, 2010


A cash reward is being offered for the return of Allie, a female boxer missing from the Cox Road area since New Year’s Eve night. Allie is brown and white, full grown, and she is afraid of people, but friendly. If you have seen Allie or found her, call (850) 698-9872 or (251) 296-2346.


18 Responses to “Have You Seen This Dog? Cash Reward Offered”

  1. B Cox on January 17th, 2010 3:06 pm

    A sincere THANK YOU TO ALL for looking for our Allie girl !! Bill & his good friend Danny just found her a bit ago. And with a very sad heart to say, but she had been hit and dragged to the edge of the woods, just south of D.C. Diamonds in McDavid. Although this is a very sad ending to wonderful and loving pet, we now have some bit of closure. Our family cant say enough of THANKS to all whom were truly concerned and helped look out for her. And we appreciate North Escambia for getting the word out there for us!!! From our family, thank you, THE COX FAMILY

  2. B Cox on January 17th, 2010 9:52 am

    To everyone that has been so kind and concerned to still be in search for our dog ALLIE, missing since N.Years Eve night. We have had many calls, and sightings that lead back to nowhere. But, each one was greatly appreciated. WE NOW have one that is very important!! There was for SURE a reddish/white dog favoring a Boxer, ran over N. Y. EVE night by 11-11:30pm. along hwy 29 in the north bound lane, in Mcdavid. Between D.C.Diamonds and B. Watsons drive way, a 2 or 3 block distance. This we know for SURE. But, someone removed the dog N.Y.DAY by mid-afternoon. WE need to know WHO,so we can find out if the dog was our Allie!! PLEASE, come forward and call us so we may find out for certain if this was truly her,PLEASE.!!!!!She is this important to our family. Again thank you for your continued help. The Cox Family 850-256-4368 850-698-9872

  3. B Cox on January 9th, 2010 9:53 pm

    heelo again, the sighting of Allie in Davisville turned out NOT to be her, Were gratful for the tip and hope you all continue to look for her!!! The Cox’s

  4. B Cox on January 8th, 2010 9:00 pm

    Thank all of you for continued concern about our Allie. We have checked out craigslist,pethqrbor,phone adds,TricityLedger,shopper,news journal,put out flyers from Century to Bryneville, to Jay , to Flomaton, to Atmore to Davisville, to Molino, we put adds with some of these, we have went door to door in most of these areas. Today, we got a postive lead from the Davisville area that she was sighted at Pine Forest Rd & Deer Park retreat rd (?) in that area. we searched and past out many flyers. Found there were two seperate sightings of her early to mid week, but not today. That is about 25-30miles away from her home.We will look again tomorow. PLEASE keep a look out for her, she probably wont come to you but if you can keep her in sight and call me I will be on my way. I know thats a lot to ask in this buzy world BUT she is very important to our family. We truly appreciate you attention and help! And thank you so much to the young lady and her GRANDfather that took the time out of there day today.Mr. Mccoulgh and Amanda(I believe).!! 850-698-9872//////251-296-2346. With gradituide, The Bill & Brenda Cox Family

  5. carri on January 7th, 2010 4:17 pm

    Brenda, I have not seen anything since you came by the other day however I never get home until after dark. the property on that side is not fenced, only the 4 acres by the house so if you want to go around in there and look you can. I will try to walk through this evening. maybe she is stuck back in there somewhere…..

  6. Julie Booth-Moran on January 6th, 2010 10:22 pm

    Just wondering did the owner check out the craiglist posting and have they found Allie yet? We will keep a lookout.

    Good luck.

  7. Matt on January 6th, 2010 8:46 pm

    Beautiful baby. We will be looking as well. Good luck.

  8. Kim on January 5th, 2010 10:08 am

    To Allie’s family:
    I had a golden retriever that ran away one night during a bad lightening storm. We located her several days later in Atmore (about 8 miles from where we live). She had never done that before and I was really shocked that she had gone that far. Unfortunately, after we got her back she ran away again about two weeks later during another storm and we were never able to locate her. I just wanted you to know that they can travel long distances so don’t hesitate to look a little further from home. I really hope that you find her.

  9. Sam on January 4th, 2010 5:01 pm

    Hey, I passed a dog that’s looks like her on Highway 4A in Centruy, Fl yesterday afternoon near Poplar Dell Baptist Church. I’m not sure if it’s the same one but it looked very similar to the picture. Hope this helps.

  10. B Cox on January 4th, 2010 4:10 pm

    hanks to all who have been truly concerned about our Allie ! SHE is about 61/2 rs old and has up until about 6 months ago, been an inside baby. Since moving here she has lots of open space to run, only ever visting our neighbors on each side of us, and inside at night. This is completly out of her nature to run away and certainly not to come back. She was spoked by all the fireworks in the area and we didnt realize it till she wasnt here for bedtime. We have searched a 5 mile radeious and no one has actually seen her for certain. She is not used to this weather and Im very worried if she is still out there in it. PLEASE if anyone has her, PLEASE contact us ASAP. We and our grandchildren miss her greatly. She also has a very sensitive stomach and has to eat a certain type of food. Even when NE.com takes this off, please keep looking and contact me with ANY information!! THANKS SO MUCH ! Allies family

  11. Vivian on January 4th, 2010 3:41 pm

    her lip is not pierced – it just looks that way.

  12. FYI on January 4th, 2010 11:55 am

    Dear Judy,
    Thank you for pointing that out! Allie is a beautiful dog and I hope she is somewhere warm and safe and will be home soon!

  13. JUDY C. MASEK on January 4th, 2010 11:20 am

    FYI…..its the metal buckle on his red collar… :)

  14. FYI on January 4th, 2010 10:45 am

    Someone on Craigslist posted that there is a brown and white boxer at the Escambia County Animal Shelter. It says the shelter will re-open at noon on Tuesday, the 5th. Don’t know if it’s the dog in the picture or not, but worth checking into.

    Why does the dog in the picture have a pierced lower lip?

  15. Kasey on January 3rd, 2010 10:09 pm

    I think I saw a dog like this on Byrneville Rd. Saturday. I live down Byrneville Rd, and my sis and I had just past crairy’s dairy and saw a dog i think it was this dog sitting on the side of the road in the grass, trying to keep warm, I didn’t think anything about it until I saw this on northescambia.com , but I haven’t rode that way to town since saturday so i don’t know if the dog is still their or not if i see it again i will call you and let you know.

  16. LULU on January 3rd, 2010 7:29 pm

    What a beautiful girl! I hope she is found and returned to her home soon, and safe!!

  17. Beth on January 3rd, 2010 7:05 pm

    I saw this on craigslist. I hope it helps and your reunited soon.


  18. none of your business on January 3rd, 2010 6:20 pm

    Aww thats too bad, where is the Cox Road area ?
    I hope your girl is found soon.
    Did you check with the SPCA. They have a book when
    you go inside, and you can post a pic there, and write your
    story, and ppl who find a dog can look through and match it
    up. I love animals so I understand your pain.
