H1N1 Vaccines Begin In Escambia, Alabama Public Schools

January 13, 2010

H1N1 vaccinations in Escambia County (Ala.) Schools began Wednesday, and the vaccine has been made available to the general public in Alabama.

alavaccsch.gifThe injectable vaccinations for students over age 10 in grades 4-12 will be given to students that have returned their signed permission slips, as well as faculty and staff. The vaccine will be administered on the scheduled in the graphic at the left. For more information, contact your child’s school.

Children under 10 years old need two doses of the vaccine approximately four weeks apart. During January and February those students who were given nasal mist vaccine during December will be offered the second dose. Upcoming school clinics for children under 10 will use the nasal mist vaccine, whether it is their first or second dose. Those children who are getting their first dose will need to get the second dose at their doctor’s office or at the health department.

Alabama Department of Public Health is also offering H1N1 influenza vaccine to the entire community. Previously the vaccine was restricted to those in priority groups at greatest risk of complications from the disease.

“Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from this potentially serious disease,” Dr. Donald Williamson, state health officer, said. “Vaccine is now available in all county health departments, and all health care providers who have requested it have been sent some portion of their orders. We have removed all restrictions, and everyone is now eligible for this safe and effective vaccine.”

Health care providers may not charge for the vaccine itself but may charge for administering the vaccine. There is no charge for the H1N1 immunization at county health departments.


One Response to “H1N1 Vaccines Begin In Escambia, Alabama Public Schools”

  1. Elizabeth on January 13th, 2010 1:15 pm

    wonder if this batch of vax will end up being recalled…