Gene M. Valentino Statement

January 20, 2010

First, let me apologize to my constituents and Citizens of Escambia County for the confusion related to the issues associated with this recent bid. The way this has been handled and reported, as well as my own mistake, have added to an already bad situation. As your elected Commissioner I have a duty to represent all of the Citizens of the County in an ethical manner. I understand that in the current confusion some of you may feel I have not done so. I can assure you that I have never intentionally misstated or acted illegally on this or any other issue. However, I am embarrassed and ashamed if it appears that I may have compromised my office. I have not and will not. I will explain what occurred.

As to the question of “Did I solicit campaign contributions while in my office or on County Property?”

The answer is “No”. What did happen was, Mr. Rawson and Mr. Weaver asked for an appointment which I was happy to schedule as I would for any citizen. I was not aware in advance of the purpose of their visit. During the conversation I indicated that I would seek their support but stated that we’d discuss this matter at a separate time and place.

“Did I discuss the re-bid on the Maplewood Drainage Project?”

The answer is yes. Sort of. I was not aware that Roads, Inc. was in a bid process and had a problem. When Mr. Rawson and Mr. Weaver came into my office we made ’small talk’ for a while and then they got to the meat of their concern. That was the first time I became aware that they wished to discuss a pending bid and their alleged $100,000 mistake. Mr. Rawson and Mr. Weaver stated that they had been given two different alternatives to address their alleged mistake: one by County Staff and one by the County Administrator. The Purchasing Department allegedly told them there was no recourse for protest and to talk to the Commissioners. The County Administrator allegedly told them to file a bid protest, contrary to the other advice given. When I became aware that their true purpose for meeting with me was to discuss a bid in progress, I told them at that time I could not discuss this any further to protect bid protocol. I told them I would bring their concerns to staff. We ended on that note.

I then consulted with staff. They informed me that there was in fact a “breach in the process of the bid and that the process was flawed.”

It was my responsibility to bring this notion forward to protect “due process”.

If I sounded as though I was waffling at any time in my conversation with the reporter on this matter over a month later when rushing to a meeting, it was an error on my part and I apologize.

I hope this clarifies my actions and statements. Again, I wish to apologize for any appearance of wrong doing. However, I make no apology for my steadfast desire to improve our local economy and to create new jobs. I remain committed to protecting the “due process” of our government. I intend to move forward and to continue to champion the causes for District #2 and all of Escambia County. Let’s get back to work.

Gene M. Valentino

Escambia County Commissioner, District 2


2 Responses to “Gene M. Valentino Statement”

  1. Willie on January 20th, 2010 1:27 pm

    I would like to know what the , “breach in the process of the bid and that the process was flawed” was aswell. I think history is repeating just diffrent players that feel every one is stupid and should belive anything that say including do-overs.

  2. Oversight on January 20th, 2010 6:13 am

    On the Valenteno statement: Nice try Geno, but this is well short of being honest and open in your actions, and this is a very weak attempt to “explain away” your probably criminal activity with Roads Inc. Just what was this “breach in the process of the bid and the process was flawed” that you mention, but fail to explain? Valentino, you’re loosing more and more creditability with every “misspoken word, error, yes, sort of, and I will explain what occurred,” statements.