Frozen Fountain Photos

January 6, 2010


Our daily look at the Century Care Center’s frozen fountain continued on Wednesday with a solid block of ice.

Thousands of people have been watching our daily photos of the ice build up in the Nona Hightower Fountain at Century Care Center. Our first photos on Monday showed a few icicles;  by Wednesday morning the fountain was finally completely frozen.

“No water is flowing at this time from the pineapple (at the top of the fountain),”  Linda Jackson, activities assistant at the Century Care Center, said Wednesday morning. “It’s just that cold!”

Pictured above the  Nona Hightower Fountain at Century Care Center Wednesday morning. Pictured below: The fountain Monday morning. Submitted photos by Linda Jackson for, click to enlarge.



5 Responses to “Frozen Fountain Photos”

  1. Angi on January 6th, 2010 3:55 pm

    Excellent photos…

  2. smail one on January 6th, 2010 10:48 am

    OOpppppppps! !! ! Sorry , I thought Mae Hildreth took the photos. Good pictures any way. Thank you Linda Jackson Keep them coming , really enjoy.

  3. Elaine Bray on January 6th, 2010 9:59 am

    Saw the fountain yesterday and it was beautiful. Even more beautiful today. Glad the residents have something to enjoy.

  4. Willene on January 6th, 2010 9:41 am

    Great photo’s

  5. smail one on January 6th, 2010 9:14 am

    Way to go Mae, you make a good photographer.Maybe tomorrow or Friday this picture will have a snow white Tell Sylvia I said “hi”. Your doing a great job at CCC. Keep up the good work. I enjoy looking at pictures of the outside world frozen over. As long as I don’t have to get outside. It is brrrrrrrrrrrrr cold and colder. So William and you keep up the great job ,I love it .