Former Cop Charged With Sexually Assaulting Man

January 22, 2010

A former Flomaton cop remains in jail after he was charged with sexually assaulting a man in Pensacola.

johnsontraceyallen.jpgTracey Allen Johnson, 40, is being held in the Escambia County Jail in lieu of $17,000 bond. Johnson provided jail officials with a North Escambia address on Frank Ard Road just north of Quintette Road. Court records indicate his address to be in Loxley, Alabama.

Johnson was charged by the Pensacola Police Department with sexual assault, harassing communication, battery and stalking after an incident at a Pensacola motel. According to police reports, Johnson picked up the 33-year old male victim at a bar. Johnson then, according to the report, took the man back to a hotel room where he had sexual relations with the victim while he was passed out.

The victim told Pensacola Police that he first met Johnson in early November at the Emerald City bar, the “Gulf Coast’s premier gay/high-energy dance bar”, according to the establishment’s web site. The victim said Johnson stated that he was an Alabama State Trooper and that he had a phone that would allow him to check a person’s address, criminal warrant status and license plates. Johnson, according to Pensacola Police, is not a law enforcement officer. He did, however, work as a patrol officer for the Flomaton Police Department for less than six months in 2005.

After the incident in the motel room, the victim said he began to receive multiple text messages, telephone calls and emails from Johnson, including one message with a picture of what he claimed was Johnson’s private parts. The victim also said Johnson threatened to physically harm him and slash his tires.

Johnson denied that had he the victim’s phone number, according to the police report, until officers told him they had listened to voice messages that he had left on the victim’s phone. Johnson sent a text message, according to officers, in which he claimed to have had intercourse with the victim three times. Johnson told police that the relationship between the two men was consensual. Johnson said that after the hotel encounter, the two men even had breakfast together.


30 Responses to “Former Cop Charged With Sexually Assaulting Man”

  1. Peter Hough on February 16th, 2010 5:46 pm

    The fact is that Florida law states that if a person is drunk they cannot consent to sex. Which means that when Mr Tracy Johnson stated that he slept with a drunk person that makes it rape in the eyes of the law. The victem also stated that he does not remembering going to the hotel with Mr Johnson. Like maybe he was drugged. Date rape does happen

  2. Jason Wilson on February 5th, 2010 2:58 pm

    I smell a RAT!!
    Something does NOT add up here………..
    1st…..The”VICTIM” waits 2 months before reporting that he was ’sexually assaulted”?
    2nd…. The “VICTIM” goes to breakfast with the person who has sexually assaulted him?
    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, makes me wonder if perhaps this is a “blackmail” case ……OR perhaps maybe even Revenge???????????

    Can I see a show of hands of how many of you would be willing to go out to breakfast WITH the person who has just “sexually assaulted” you!!

  3. Who Dat on January 28th, 2010 4:55 am

    “you can’t handle the truth”

  4. Who Dat on January 28th, 2010 4:32 am

    You and the readers do know “one side of the story” the side that the person that wrote the article wants you to know. Just because the defendant said “the two men even had breakfast together.” does not make it factual.
    As a gay man that recently moved from Pensacola and still have friends down there that tell me he was representing himself as an Alabama State Trooper. Does that sound like someone who is honest. Do y’all think the Escambia county DA would be pursuing this case if there weren’t facts and evidence to back up the charges against this man.

  5. Lip stick on a pig on January 27th, 2010 10:59 pm

    Wow? Fame Really? Could you if possible explain how one could or
    even “would want” to become known from something as discusting as this and how would a victim of stalking, assault, harrassment , and rape benefit from an ex
    security guard? Wow the length some people will go to try and create some nonsence of a horrible situation.

  6. NorthEscGuy on January 27th, 2010 8:57 pm

    LIPSTICK on a pig

    You do bring up some very interesting points, although a little far fetched as they may seem. But all that you and the rest of us readers know is only one side of this story. How do we know that this victim is innocent? I also think that “walking past a check in desk” is not how the story went, “they went out for breakfast”. How do we know that this was not a consensual situation? Or do we even know if the occused is not the victim here? I for one would like to know the entire story. Maybe if and when there is a court date, we’ll here more of the (Facts). Then we will see how “these people” “preying on others” really are, and hopefully this story will end with TRUTH. I for one do hope this man’s life isn’t ruined by someone just looking for $$$ or Fame.

  7. Lip stick on a pig on January 27th, 2010 8:33 am

    At this point in the case it would appear to be a guessing game almost like was this cop for real? And Is this normal behavior of a police officer or any human being that had any morals or self worth. I don’t know if any of you have ever stayed or even visited a hotel and if you had you would realize that walking by the front desk and grabbing a muffin doesn’t really constitute as “having breakfast together.”
    and what if this were your child this so called cop did this to. What if it were you that had been drugged and you woke up in this situation ask your self what you would do? Would you call the police on a police officer? Who exactly would they believe at that time. Surely you wouldn’t be able to think clearly from just awaking from a compromising situation. And if you have ever been stalked and or harrassed especially by a former cop you could not even begin to imagine the horror. You have to change your entire life around the stalkers behavior and that is not fair to no body.
    It just seems as some of the responses may be of some relation to someone.
    PS hopefully this is a wake up call for guys and girls to keep a close watch on your drink when your out and about wether your gay straight, short, tall, conidered good looking or over weight and ugly. We still have people who prey on others like wild animals and these animals should be put in a place where they cannot hurt other people.

  8. Who Dat on January 26th, 2010 5:28 pm

    If a person is passed out that is not “consensual” . Nothing else matters, Open your minds and think about it.

  9. billy on January 26th, 2010 8:10 am

    OR maybe none of us know the entire story. Did you ever stop and think that it would be stupid for the police to release detail after detail about their case. I have total confidence that the police have worked this from every angle and know exactly what is going on. Believe me when I say that police officers are much more sceptical that you ever thought about being especially when it comes to a case as twisted as this one. I would also bet you my paycheck that this is not the only person that has complained on this man.

  10. jdc on January 25th, 2010 2:18 pm

    ok u tell me this is a crazy story…they say this dude was passed out maybe he was just to drunk to remember…and why do u go to eat with someone that just raped u it just dont add up but but i guess the truth will come out or a innocent man will go to jail

  11. L&J on January 25th, 2010 11:27 am

    I smell a RAT!!
    Something does NOT add up here………..
    1st…..The”VICTIM” waits 2 months before reporting that he was ’sexually assaulted”?
    2nd…. The “VICTIM” goes to breakfast with the person who has sexually assaulted him?
    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, makes me wonder if perhaps this is a “blackmail” case ……OR perhaps maybe even Revenge???????????

    Can I see a show of hands of how many of you would be willing to go out to breakfast WITH the person who has just “sexually assaulted” you!!

  12. JUDY C. MASEK on January 24th, 2010 10:24 am

    to me, according to this article, there are several areas that could perhaps lead to misdirected conjuncture, regarding the events in question….such as, why did the victim “pass out”?..because of too much alcohol…or, was he drugged?..dont know…….then, did johnson have 3 episodes of entercourse in one nite w/the victim ….or, did he have three separate episodes on three different occasions, beginning in early november?….not clear…….then, did johnson alledgedly have breakfast w/the victim after one of the first two encounters, or…was it the last one?…again, unknown……hard to get an exact feel for this unfortunate event/crime? based on this article….one thing that is for certain, however….johnson LIED to the police…..and, when you lie, you automatically loose credibility.

  13. N on January 23rd, 2010 10:09 pm

    northescguy. You sound like you may very well be on the right track. I read the info here and in the paper. I hope the case officer with the city police ask the victim about having breakfast with the bad guy the next day after he interviewed the bad guy. I’m not a lawyer but I can see some problems with this case as a lay man. There good grounds for some of the charges—but the sex part sounds weak at best. Could the city police department looking at a heavy civil case for false arrest. As you said we’ll just have to wait and see.

  14. NorthEscGuy on January 23rd, 2010 3:13 pm

    After reading this article it does seem a little odd. The VICTIM waits 2 months to report this, says they had breakfast the next day. Maybe the investigation was not complete before an arrest was made. This sounds like maybe someone was trying to blackmail someone and it did not turn out the way they wanted it to. Or maybe the (VICTIM) did not get PAID for his services? We will just wait and see how this story will end, maybe the victim should be investigated more.

  15. Billy on January 23rd, 2010 12:00 pm

    Maybe this is not the only complaint recieved on the guy. And by the way, just a few years ago the earth was supposed to be 100 million years old and now it supposed to be 3.5 billion? I don’t buy it. Anyway off of my soap box.

  16. T on January 23rd, 2010 9:20 am

    Re: none of your business:…….. I TOTALLY agree with you. It does not add up.
    The guy went to breakfast with him after being sexually assaulted by him that night? 3 times?
    If I were the victim in this story, I doubt very seriously that I would have stuck around for breakfast, AND wait 2 months to report.
    Doesn’t add up!!

  17. Bryan Bethea on January 23rd, 2010 9:06 am

    @name (why are you hiding?): You are entitled to your opinions but go check the facts. Former Sen. Larry Craig (Republican of Idaho) was busted for soliciting sex from an undercover male police officer in the Minneapolis airport. The Rev. Ted Haggard operated one of the largest churches in America based in Colorado Springs until he was busted for hiring male prostitutes and abusing crystal meth. Both of these men have long public histories of being staunch opponents of gay people.

    As far as your ‘normal’ comment goes, homosexuality has been around as long as there have been living creatures on this planet (3.5 billion years now). There are numerous well publicized studies of homosexuality in other animal species as well. The viewpoint that homosexuality is somehow abnormal is willfully ignorant of the facts.

    I struggle to comprehend how it should matter to you one tiny bit what two consenting adults do with each other in private. If the idea of being with another man is revolting to you then I would suggest you simply never do it and leave others to make their own decisions about their lives.

  18. none of your business on January 23rd, 2010 8:17 am

    I don’t have a problem with gay ppl, I don’t give a crap what their
    orientation is.
    but I do have a problem with this story.
    Some of this sounds messed up to me, either he gave the a guy a ruffie,
    or the guy is lying, I guess the truth will come out.

  19. name (required) on January 22nd, 2010 11:20 pm

    to bethea: your comments about calling homosexuality gross were disturbing. the day that is called normal is when you wonder what this country is coming too. and if everyone that said it is gross was actually gay. . . thats so far out its ridiculous

  20. Bryan Bethea on January 22nd, 2010 10:52 pm

    This doesn’t have anything to do with whether the alleged perpetrator is gay or straight or purple. The simple fact is Florida’s domestic abuse and stalking statutes are rightfully very strict. They have been that way since the early 1990s after a string of high profile cases around the state. Gay or straight, it doesn’t matter. No one has the right to harass, stalk, or abuse another person regardless of whether the individuals had a previous relationship of some sort or not.

    It does bother me greatly that so many people find this situation amusing. If it were a 20 year old woman who was harassed in this way the comments would be calling for blood instead of joking about bat phones.

    It has also been my experience in life that those who make childish comments like “GROSS” in connection with any mention of male homosexuality are themselves very likely to be homosexuals who are repressing their sexuality. The list of examples is tremendous, but former Sen. Larry Craig and Rev. Ted Haggard immediately come to mind.

  21. UNBIASED on January 22nd, 2010 6:09 pm

    The man raped someone who did not have the opportunity to say yes or no.
    Taking advantage of someone like this is wrong regardless of a person’s sexual orientation.

    Look at his actions as being essentially right or wrong and his crime becomes crystral clear.

    Think about it…….

  22. N on January 22nd, 2010 9:59 am

    for Gaybol. I have no problem with a person who is gay or their life style. Most people do not share their phone numbers on a first encounter. The real Bad Guys are the married men who try to play both sides of the street. I am not gay but we have a number of friends who are. We respect them and some times fear for their safety. Some of the worse jokes about gays come from gays them self—I guess if you can joke about it it makes life a little easy for them.

  23. T on January 22nd, 2010 8:53 am

    Well at least the one who assaulted was kind enough to buy the victim some breakfast.

  24. Gayboi on January 22nd, 2010 8:37 am

    people get over it your just striking the people down because they are gay. You can say thats messed up as much as you want. But the simple fact is, is that you all need to get over yourself. If he was harassed and stalked like they say then yeah call the cops. Take care of things and act like an adult for once in your lives. Grow UP!!!!!!

  25. Robin Wore Tights on January 22nd, 2010 8:30 am

    “Robin, hey look, I’ve got a Bat Phone!”

  26. N on January 22nd, 2010 8:27 am

    Odd— the “victim” goes to a gay bar—parties for a while—goes to a motel and has sex with some one he doesn’t know—some how the fellow ended up with the phone number of the “victim”l—-the other person must have fallen in love with him and wanted some more of what ever—and the victim goes to the cops. Sort of odd—-think the cops had trouble keeping a straight face.? Sort of odd.

  27. K.B. on January 22nd, 2010 8:17 am


  28. none of your business on January 22nd, 2010 7:27 am

    Yepper Sure as fire does! lol

    Of course here we go again, making him guilty before he is found guilty.
    Someone will be yelling at us pretty soon….

  29. Angi on January 22nd, 2010 7:10 am

    I agree, this sounds messed up… I can’t understand people these days, this world is all messed up!!!

  30. whitepunknotondope on January 22nd, 2010 6:48 am

    Do the words “messed up” come to mind?