EREC Sets All-Time Power Demand Record Due To Cold Weather

January 13, 2010

erecdemand.gifDue to Monday morning’s lows in the teens, Escambia River Electric Cooperative customers were using the most power ever delivered by the electric utility at one time.

The peak power demand at 7 a.m. Monday climbed to an all-time high of 2,382 megawatts, surpassing the previous record of 2,206 megawatts that had been set just days before on Wednesday, January 6.

EREC had projected their peak winter demand to go no higher than 2,098 megawatts. Five of seven days during the extreme cold snap surpassed that projection.

“The peak budget was set at 2098 because we do not go over that level in a typical winter,” said Sabrina Owens, EREC spokesperson.  “The projection is set based on weather data and projected growth for our system.”

“PowerSouth Energy Cooperative can provide the additional capacity we need, but demand is projected for planning purposes,” Owens added.

PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, headquartered in Andalusia, Ala.,  is a generation and transmission cooperative that provides the wholesale power needs of 20 distribution members, including Escambia River Electric Cooperative.

Power demand totals in this article are courtesy PowerSouth Energy Cooperative.


5 Responses to “EREC Sets All-Time Power Demand Record Due To Cold Weather”

  1. EMD on January 14th, 2010 2:21 pm

    Don’t pick on EREC. They have supplied my power for over 15 years and are the nicest utility folks I’ve ever dealt with.

    Speculating is not a good thing to do. It can cause un-needed problems, and in this case is totally uncalled for.

  2. Mike Hall on January 13th, 2010 6:05 pm

    If this is Global Warming. We should have a very nice summer.
    I hear that Al Gore is burning his books to keep warm. LOL

  3. Susan Davis on January 13th, 2010 11:36 am

    I tried to estimate my bill by reading my own meter. Looks like it will be about $225 more than normal.

  4. Roll Tide on January 13th, 2010 8:41 am

    You know the EREC accountant was smiling from ear to ear watching that big old meter spin. I will probably have to go to the bank and finance my next bill.

  5. SJ on January 13th, 2010 2:08 am

    Boy I hate to see this Power Bill…………………Can’t afford heat & Air now !!!!!!!!! I don’t know what the Old is going to Due. EREA has no Mercy If you can’t pay the bill that month. OL WELL. They use to try and work with you. Payments or something…….Not no more.