ECUA Director: Water Not Nation’s Worst

January 18, 2010

The executive director of the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority recently met with the Pensacola City Council this week to assure city leaders that the utility’s water supply is safe. The meeting was in response to a report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that says Pensacola has the nation’s worst water among 100 cities surveyed.

ecuawater.jpgSteve Sorrell told the council that ECUA’s water is safe.

“Water at ECUA’s 32 wells meets or exceeds all primary and secondary drinking water standards, and continues to be safe and of the highest quality,” Sorrell’s presentation said.

According to Sorrell’s ECUA presentation:

  • EWG’s conclusions were based upon the total number of chemicals that appeared at anytime during a five year period, not on Environmental Protection Agency or Florida Department of Evironmental drinking water standards.
  • EWG’s motives including selling home water filtration systems to maximize kickbacks to EWG, and elevating the public debate about Federal Drinking Water Standards and pressure EPA to expand list of regulated contaminants.

To view Sorrell’s presentation in pdf format, click here.


5 Responses to “ECUA Director: Water Not Nation’s Worst”

  1. Elizabeth on January 19th, 2010 10:13 pm

    Hey folks, you are doing exactly what the folks at EWG wanted you to do….reacting to the fear they’ve created…….did anyone bother to notice that EWG ranked many cities with MULTIPLE EPA violations better than ECUA? Does that make any sense to you? It didn’t to me. So I dug a little deeper

    Look at the the data from the other cities and you’ll realize that the reason ECUA ranked so low because it did almost 75,000 tests as compared to the average of 420? Of course more contaminants showed up more often……But not a one was above federal EPA or even the stricter state DEP limits. They were simply above EWG “guidelines”. That’s why cities with thousands of fewer tests but more violations (red marks) ranked higher.

    And hello……anydaynow you contradict yourself…. calling the man a liar and then confirming that EWG makes money from the sales of filters……even if it’s only 4%…they are still making money from the sale of water filters.

    EWG didn’t spend a long time on this report, and they did not perform one single test. They simply compiled the information from the utilities and states that took the time to send it to them. And they did it to “raise public awareness” (read create fear ) in order to further their mission to pressure the EPA to adopt stricter standards. That may be an admirable goal, but distorting information to get to that goal isn’t.

    And by the way, the information on that EWG used is sent to ECUA customers every year…….we already had the “truth” mailed to us by ECUA.

  2. A. Davis on January 19th, 2010 7:25 pm

    Why should we trust ECUA? If they are so sure of the water why not send it to be checked some place that is not scared to tell the truth? EWG spent along time working on this. I think ECUA is just going to get everyone to think that EWG did this for 5 years to sell water filtration equipment. I dont trust ECUA but I think we all should know the truth.

  3. anydaynow on January 18th, 2010 1:26 pm

    Wonder why he lied. On their website I see a link where I can donate directly to the organization, and I see a feature where I can shop Amazon through the Amazon affiliate program so that a % of my purchase is given to EWG.

    I guess he could’ve told a bigger one, he could have said those tests are worthless and that those chemicals that are found in the water are fake.

    That guy should lose his job over this.

  4. bmb on January 18th, 2010 8:04 am

    Who you trying to convince? Just keep saying it maybe somebody will believe you.

  5. Andrew w Cameron on January 18th, 2010 7:41 am

    Who do we trust? `I say ECUA has alot to explain, my family no longer trusts any thing from ECUA or the City of Penscaola, Escambia County Gov, to me None can or should be trusted.