Consolidation Supporters: Evers, Peaden “Under Control”; Murzin: More Interest In Legalized Pot

January 28, 2010

Most of the Northwest Florida legislative delegation is “under control” according to emails from supporters of governmental consolidation, but one member of the delegation says he has had more contact from the public about legalizing marijuana than for or against consolidation.

remington.jpgEmails obtained by show repeated coordination between Ken Bell, who chaired the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission, and consolidation supporters Scott Remington (pictured), Jason Crawford and Dick Baker. Remington and Crawford are co-chairs of the pro-consolidation political action committee Escambia All For One.

  • “We need to get a FIRM commitment out of  Clay Ford. “I think I have Evers and Peaden under control,” Remington wrote to Baker, Crawford and Mort O’Sullivan.
  • “I will work on Clay,” Bell replied.
  • “I just spoke with Rep. Ford. He said to “keep it on the track” and he will do what he can,” Bell wrote in another email.

The legislative delegation — Rep. Clay Ford, Rep. Greg Evers, Rep. Dave Murzin and Sen. Durrell Peaden– is tasked with taking the consolidation plan and presenting it to the state legislature for approval and to have any public referendum set.

bellfront.jpg“The legislative delegation determines whether or not to file a local bill. So, you need to help us keep the pressure up, especially on Greg Evers, Dave Murzin and Durrell Peaden, to assure that the politicians live up to their commitment to allow any plan developed to go to the people for a vote in November 2010,” Bell (pictured) wrote in a January 8 email.

Murzin told Wednesday night that he has had no contact from anyone on either side of the consolidation issue in months, except for a phone call from Crawford this week.

“I’ve had no other emails or calls in months about consolidation,” Murzin said. “I’ve had more emails supporting legalized marijuana than consolidation…Having no calls, no emails for a long time tells me it is dead issue,” he said.

Murzin said he has the consolidation plan in-hand, but he has not finished review it due to his current work on unemployment compensation legislation in the Florida House. “I will read it, analyze it and make the best decisions possible,” he said.

According to January 14 emails, a lunch meeting between Rep. Ford, Remington, Bell, Baker and Bell was scheduled to take place January 22 at McGuires Irish Pub. Baker emailed the group to inform them that O’Sullivan would also take part in the meeting.

To download all of Bell’s consolidation related emails, visit (189Mb pdf package).


16 Responses to “Consolidation Supporters: Evers, Peaden “Under Control”; Murzin: More Interest In Legalized Pot”

  1. Thinker on January 29th, 2010 10:34 pm

    Oversight posted on January 28th, 2010 5:51 am
    Ok… Where are the Greg Evers supporters?

    We are all still here, reading your banter and propaganda and still supporting Evers.
    Let me think, where to start. Let’s try this one.

    The Headline of the article seems to be quite misleading
    -Consolidation Supporters: Evers, Paden “Under Control”; Murzin: More Interest In Legalized Pot -

    When the actual quote from the email in the article reads –

    “We need to get a FIRM commitment out of Clay Ford. “I think I have Evers and Peaden under control,” Remington wrote to Baker, Crawford and Mort O’Sullivan.

    Thinking and having are two entirely different things; such as I think I won the lottery verses I have one the lottery. I understand that headlines are to catch eyes and be dramatic, but I don’t think they should not be misleading.

    Some who post on here seem to only read the headlines and not the article.

    If I had only read the Headline I would think that Murzin is more interested in legalizing Pot than the Consolidation situation.

    Now Bob, if you knew Evers so good then you would know that no one controls him.
    That goes back to the – I think – instead of I have.

    It is amazing that all of the Delegation – Evers, Murzin, Ford, Peaden and Gaetz voted for the local bill to be filed and you only seem to be bashing Evers, Hmmm I wonder why.

  2. Bryan Bethea on January 29th, 2010 8:27 pm

    I have advocated consolidation for years but the plan put forth by the commission is not one that I would support. If Jacksonville was the ‘model’ used then the commission apparently visited a different Jacksonville than the one I lived in for 4 years. Consolidation, if done correctly, will be a very good thing for all of Escambia County. Sadly, the commission wasted an opportunity here to make a real change that would have a lasting positive impact.

    I would prefer that the commission’s plan die now versus letting it die at the ballot box. The intent of the voters in rejecting the plan could be just the thing to set back the consolidation movement for another 25 years.

  3. Bob on January 29th, 2010 11:40 am

    It would really be nice for Greg to be present at a town hall meeting and look his constituents in the eye and let’s hear from his lips what his position really is going to be. He is going to make a decision and his supporters in the past and present deserve nothing less. He has made no statement that I know of to the public exactly where his loyalty lies. The e-mail address that i had for him comes back as undeliverable and since I don’t go to gun shows I do not have his cell number.

  4. Janice Parker on January 29th, 2010 10:06 am

    Some info for everyone. Try to find a copy of a song called “Word Of Mouth” by Mike and the Mechanics, an old group of the 80’s I think. The words of this song perfectly fits politicians, voters and election day. I had several copies at one time.

  5. William on January 29th, 2010 10:05 am

    > did I see North Escambia’s name on the list of supporters printed on Progressive Pensacola’s website, or did I read it wrong?

    You saw that very wrong. – William

    And, by the way, Dereck Cossen who runs Progressive Pensacola is a very vocal opponent of consolidation. That should be very obvious from the stories he runs.

  6. Pineville Girl on January 29th, 2010 9:48 am

    I have some questions. Who started this mess anyway? When was it started? Is Progressive Pensacola one of the brains behind this? And lastly, did I see North Escambia’s name on the list of supporters printed on Progressive Pensacola’s website, or did I read it wrong?

  7. bob hill on January 29th, 2010 9:24 am

    Im sorry bob, Evers told you he will vote for this himself, is this right ! because as you said, you gave him the big money I would think you would have his cell number right !!!!!!!! If not somethings bad wrong . Because at gun shows and the like he gave his cell number out like candy . In the pic’s of scott I don’t see Evers or Peaden in his pocket! LOL This is so funny in the city they blog he’s against it,,,,,,In the north end they blog he the man pushing it right ????? Evers must be the man every one is trying to get on there side.. But poor murz , this thing about the (POT) I knew times was getting bad ,but they have to be a better way to get campaign money……….. I don’t think any of these reps will vote for this with it’s like of support, money is one thing votes is another!!!! ;-)

  8. A Watchman on January 29th, 2010 6:44 am

    I think the purpose of Florida Sunshine laws were to prevent intentionally corrupt collusion between individuals of fiduicary responsibility. Over the years some folks have become very adept at “working the cracks & edges” of the law with out actually breaking it – only bending it to fit their desired outcome. We see this going on right now with the reconcillation of “Obamacare”, and in the BCC bid process.

    That kind of stuff offends me! Like Century Girl there ought to be a law – whether it is FS 119 or what. Personnally I think any official who violates the SACRED DUTY of the public trust is guilty of TREASON and should be delt with accordingly and with due process. – A scarlet letter might be good.

    It is the sense of betrail. I sure wouldn’t want my daughter to marry any of those with with such thin and veneered character.

  9. Bob on January 28th, 2010 5:43 pm

    I feel like someone just punched me in the gut. When I think of all the money I have put in Greg Evers campaign, and thought he was a friend of the people in North Escambia,It makes me sick. I have learned in the last few months he is nothing but a traitor and now to find his vote in controlled by someone else assured me he is a yes man. We can only hope that other counties in his district will find out who he really is,”a wolf in sheep clothing”. Once more No Greg Evers NO Consolidation.

  10. Dave on January 28th, 2010 10:24 am

    I don’t believe that there is any other county in the entire state of Florida with a more corrupt group of politicians than Escambia. Every one of these schemers needs to be behind bars. Especially Bell! Just think of all the people he must have sent to prison for doing less harm than he is trying to bring upon us all.

  11. W.R. on January 28th, 2010 9:35 am

    What is wrong with these peoples heads….Don’t they realize that the majority of Escambia County citizens do not want this consolidation!!!!!! Goodness! Send me a buyer so I can move to Alabama! The more I read about the underhanded thing going on behind the peoples back makes me sick…………………….
    Vote NO NO NO on this corruption minded plan!

  12. S.L.B on January 28th, 2010 8:18 am

    And the politicians and government wonder why citizens/tax payers have such a hard time trusting them and/or what they say. Most of the time, they talk out their bums!

  13. Oversight on January 28th, 2010 5:51 am

    Ok… Where are the Greg Evers supporters? How can you all continue to defend this man’s actions? Remember, he’s the one that pushed this through the legislature and his support folks said he only did it because he was the delegation chairman. After reviewing the e-mails, that position is weak at best. Like I said months ago, Evers sold us out for the almighty election dollar and now he’s falling in line. Greg, when you lay down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas. If it comes to a vote – vote NO on consolidation and vote for anyone but Evers for state senate!

  14. William on January 28th, 2010 2:59 am

    In response to the comment below from Century girl:

    The only member of the Consolidation Committee listed or involved in this article is Ken Bell. The other persons listed are members of the PAC (political action committee) Escambia All For One or are otherwise supporters of the effort. So the emails referenced in this article would not be subject to the open meetings laws, other than for their status as public record.

  15. Century girl on January 28th, 2010 2:55 am

    “What a tangled web we weave!”. Looking back at former Northesc. Articles, I noticed the article of June3, 2009 refers to these membes being subject to Florida’s Sunshine law. Considering the backgrounds of the members, I. e. a former Supreme Court Justice of Fl etc, one would expect better behavior for people charged with the duty to research and present info to constituents about a plan, prose and cons…not to press their agenda.

    Keep the Light on William, this committee should be held accountable for these emails and their denial as well. If there are any emails amongst the committee, concerning consolidation, does that violate the Sunshine law?

  16. Name (required) on January 28th, 2010 1:04 am

    Good job! God Bless you and your efforts to shine the light.