Commission Changes Mind On Project Rebid For Cantonment Company

January 15, 2010

The Escambia County Commission has voted to rescind an earlier vote to rebid a drainage project won by a Mobile company. The rebid was first approved the commission after a Cantonment company, Roads, Inc., said it made a mistake in the bidding process and could actually do the job for $100,000 less than than they first bid.

At stake was the public trust and $1.9 million federal grant to fund  a drainage project in the Maplewood area. The federal grant stipulates the project must be completed by late November, and commissioners were warned by staff that if they were to rebid, they might face legal action from  the winner of the original bid, Gulf Equipment of Mobile. Any legal action might have meant a delay that would cost the county the grant.

Despite the advice of county staff that the rebid would be a bad idea and possibly illegal, the commission voted 4-1 to rebid the project, with Commissioner Marie Young voting against. Their plan was to give Roads, Inc. an opportunity to correct their bid mistake.

But commissioners changed their minds Thursday morning and decided not to rebid the project after outcry in the Pensacola media.

“I’m human, I make mistakes,” Commissioner Kevin White said. “I am not infallible, even though I know the public sometimes thinks we should be. Hindsight is always 20/20.”

Commissioner Wilson Robertson agreed with White, “I’m man enough to admit as we said earlier that we erred and we are human.”

“I apologize to the public for not understanding the rebid process,” Commissioner Grover Robinson said.

Gulf Equipment Corp. will retain the project at their low bid of $1,768,621. The Roads, Inc. bid was only slightly more, at $1,791,603


16 Responses to “Commission Changes Mind On Project Rebid For Cantonment Company”

  1. A Watchman on January 18th, 2010 6:46 am

    838.022  Official misconduct.–

    (1)  It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt intent to obtain a benefit for any person or to cause harm to another, to:

    (a)  Falsify, or cause another person to falsify, any official record or official document;

    (b)  Conceal, cover up, destroy, mutilate, or alter any official record or official document or cause another person to perform such an act; or

    (c)  Obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to the commission of a felony that directly involves or affects the public agency or public entity served by the public servant.

    (2)  For the purposes of this section:

    (a)  The term “public servant” does not include a candidate who does not otherwise qualify as a public servant.

    (b)  An official record or official document includes only public records.

    (3)  Any person who violates this section commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

  2. jACKRUBY on January 17th, 2010 10:39 am

    The commissioners KNEW HOW THE BID PROCESS WORKS. They were trying to swing the deal for friends. Look at the names on the road company and you will see who is who. PLLEEESE dont ask me to believe Grover Robinson did not understand. Its about time for a new broom down there and thank goodness the County Administrator is going… the County attorney should go next, as in MY opinion (it is worth zero…), she is a real estate attorney and we need someone more rounded, someone who has done a TRIAL, etc. I will say that she IS AN EXCELLENT REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY. I would hire her in a minute for land use issues..(o-wait, that is why David Tucker hired her in the first place! and she did great), but we need a harder attorney here. Those road contractors are a tuff bunch and think would scare her into going with the bad County Administrator.

  3. Laura Cook on January 16th, 2010 10:30 pm

    It shouldn’t take an attorney to read the rules on accpeting bids for any project.
    I agree, Mrs. Young, seems to be the only one that knows her job on “simple” procedures, especially since it was indicated this was the second time this mistake was about to be made. I suppose we had to pay for the legal fees when the bid from last year was awarded incorrectly. Let’s do some homework commissioners BEFORE going to the table.

  4. i dunno on January 15th, 2010 11:58 pm

    Hey commissioners! I can do the job cheaper. Can I bid now???? You’ll should be ashamed.

  5. goldstar on January 15th, 2010 8:40 pm

    I thought if you were elected as a commissoner it was your elected duty to know how to make descisions in the best interest of the citizens, to use this lame excuse that you didnt understand the proper way to accept bids, that’s a bunch of hogwash. How many other bids have been accepted, against the county attorney’s, advice. Ms. young seems to be the only one listening. If you donot understand what it takes to run our county gov’t, step down and let someone else that has the ability to listen to an attorney run our county. Folks get ready for another lawsuit courtesy of ROADS INC. and our commissoner’s. No wonder our county cannot progress, if you cannot understand how to accept bids, how can you know how to build our infrastructure to attract ” NEW BUSINESS” VOTE all the SCOUNDRELS out and bring this county into the 21st century

  6. MD on January 15th, 2010 2:31 pm

    Isn’t it amazing once put in the limelight of the press how the commisioners changed their tune. As N put it, it is a sealed bid. I cannot believe how some people do things. “A mistake”, I think the mistake of the commisioners that was made was on the voters part. Do not re-elect any of them and find someone else to do the job. Good luck!

  7. DoThe RightThing on January 15th, 2010 11:20 am

    “I’m human, I make mistakes,” Commissioner Kevin White said. “I am not infallible, even though I know the public sometimes thinks we should be. Hindsight is always 20/20.”

    Seems like Kevin White always has something whiney like this to say about what he thinks the public expects of him.

    Kevin, the public expects you to live up to your campaign promises, be honest in your official duties, and make decisions that are good for your constituents and our county. Hopefully those were your understandings of what the public expected when you decided to run for office.

  8. Who's Who on January 15th, 2010 9:29 am

    Make you wonder if Roads Inc could cut there bid by $100.000.00 if there an’t too much profit it road work. Simple said are we paying to much to have our roads and bridges repaired/fixed. If there is that much profit to be made on one job then I’m going to buy some tractors and dump trucks. Even cutting $100.000.00 these company are still making money. No wonder they are living high on the hog

  9. Oversight on January 15th, 2010 8:48 am

    I read Grover’s weak attempt at an explanation for his actions in yesterday’s news blunder’s opinion section. Sorry, there’s no excuse for the board’s action. The four were wrong and they should read Florida Statute 838.22 “Bid Tampering” to see if the shoe fits.

  10. bama54 on January 15th, 2010 7:59 am

    I have listen to the TV3 report that stated Commissioner White said this issue was cause by the news reporting, and that the same type of bidding reversal happen last year and nothing was said. This means you have screwed up twice now, and you say you’re sorry. Yes you are sorry you got caught. Mr. White, I now can say without a doubt in my opinion, you’re now one of the good ole boys, and you will not get my vote next time around, if you have the guts to run after all this.

  11. SW on January 15th, 2010 7:42 am

    Sounds like the county commission members were about to get caught trying to massage the rules a bit. Could it have been to help an old buddy, or contributor?

    At least they stopped short and kept it right.

  12. A Watchman on January 15th, 2010 7:32 am

    Thank you.

    When you bid you takes your best shot. If you lose, you lose.

    I believe the story broke in an Op-Ed story and blog, but perhaps I am mistaken.

  13. SD on January 15th, 2010 7:10 am

    Dear Pensacola,

    We’d love to ride down to that mult-bazillion dollar Maritime park y’all built, but our bridges fell down. And since the 3 mile bridge fell in, Gulf Breeze can’t get there either. But we’s proud y’all built that Martime park with millions. Som much more important than bridges.

  14. N on January 15th, 2010 7:06 am

    To Watchman: The story has been on the front pages for the last two days. A number of us have called the board members. White changed his mind early on then two others fell into line and last but not least Gene changed. They were trying to play the “Kings X” game and all are saying now that staff MISLED THEM—-BULL. Also a couple of them are saying “I didn’t understand the sealed bid rule”was said in the paper. Sound like The Dukes of Hazard and BOSS HOG is alive and well.

  15. A Watchman on January 15th, 2010 6:04 am

    Yeah, and if you get caught robbing a bank – just appologize. That will make it OK.

    And why was this story not on the FRONT PAGE OF THE PNJ???

  16. N on January 15th, 2010 5:44 am

    A sealed bid is just that. That should be illegal for a company to think they could get away with “OH WE MADE A MISTAKE!!!” I’m glad to see the commissioners have seen the light of day.