Century Courts Two New Industries, New Jobs

January 20, 2010

Hopes are high in Century over the possibility that at least one of two manufacturing companies will locate in the town, bringing perhaps more than 300 badly needed jobs.

The two companies have both expressed interest in the former Helicopter Technology building in the town’s industrial park, according to Mayor Freddie McCall.


One company hired a construction company to evaluate the building, McCall said, to determine what work would be needed to add a large hydraulic press that requires a 24 foot ceiling clearance. That company, he said, would begin operations with about 20 employees and expand to about 100 within one year. Within three years, the company estimates it would employ 330 people.

The second company looking at the building is a subsidiary of  a Georgia company that is looking at “branching off in a new venture”, McCall said. That company, according to the mayor, would begin with about 30 employees and expand to employ about 100.

“We are hoping that something good will come of this,” McCall said. “That’s good news.”

Monday night, the Century Town Council voted to accept bids to fix a leaky roof at the former  Helicopter Technology building.

In August,  the Town of Century purchased the  building in the town’s Industrial Park at public auction  — for less than $1 out of pocket –when it was sold at public auction following the town’s $745,000 foreclosure judgment against the now defunct Helicopter Technology.


4 Responses to “Century Courts Two New Industries, New Jobs”

  1. Century girl on January 21st, 2010 3:08 am

    I sure hope the town of Century does its homework this time and learns from past mistakes! Yes, we need the industry, but we need viable, real businesses! Please, make sure and do background checks, make sure they are current on income taxes, state sales tax, and check out their reputation where they are doing business now! Also, would they be hiring local people OR bringing in their own people? Doing this ahead of time would have saved the town a lot of money, time, and energy for many businesses that promised great things and left in the middle of the night, i. e. Helicopter Tech., Sophie’s Swimwear manuf., Magnum Industry… to name a few.

    Okay, Council & Mayor do your job!

  2. Sylvia & Carl Godwin on January 20th, 2010 6:09 pm

    Bring it on we can use all the jobs in this area we can get! To the skeptic oh ye of little faith, let’s pray for some changes around here. We have been here all the years through it all, and nothing is impossible!

  3. Skeptical on January 20th, 2010 4:35 pm

    Electric car plant, mobile home plant at former garage door site, tell me about it when they do the ribbon cutting ceremony. Until then, I wont hold my breath.

  4. Oversight on January 20th, 2010 6:19 am

    Super news for Century and North Escambia. I know many in our area that could use a job!