Bookstore Letter Prompts Century Council To Meet With Attorney Over Government Consolidation

January 7, 2010

After receiving a written request from a Pensacola bookstore, the Century Town Council plans to meet with an attorney about the possible governmental consolidation that could combine Century, Pensacola and Escambia County.

The letter dated December 26, 2009 from The Gathering Awareness Book & Gift Center on E Street was addressed to “Local Pastors, Mayor McCall and Century Town Council Members”.

letter.jpg“There are a lot of unclear proposals that will affect all of the citizens,” Georgia Blackmon of the bookstore wrote. “Gerald McKinsey, a local attorney and I would like to set up a meeting with the citizens of Century at a date and time convenient for the residents of Century to discuss some of these proposals and to get your input on whether or not you think this would be beneficial for the Town of Century, prior to casting your vote in the issue.”

According to the Florida Bar’s online database, there is not a Gerald Kinsey eligible to practice law in Florida. There is, however, a Gerald McKenzie in Pensacola listed as “member in good standing” of the Florida Bar. called McKenzie’s office Tuesday afternoon and spoke to a female that did not identify herself. She said she was familiar with the bookstore and that the name on the letter was just a typographical error.

We left messages for McKenzie to learn more about the purpose of the proposed meeting, but our calls were not returned. We also left messages on an answering machine at the number provided on the bookstore letter for Blackmon, but those calls were also not returned.

The Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission is continuing to develop a consolidation plan that could, with voter approval, combine Escambia County, Century and Pensacola into one entity. The committee will meet Friday, January 8 and Tuesday, January 12 . The commission is expected to present and approve their final plan during a meeting on January 14.

A final recommendation from the commission is due to the Escambia County legislative delegation no later than January 15, 2010. The proposal will then be placed on the ballot in 2010 for consideration by voters in Pensacola, Century and the rest of Escambia County.

Pictured: The letter from a Pensacola bookstore to the Century Town Council, click to enlarge. 


11 Responses to “Bookstore Letter Prompts Century Council To Meet With Attorney Over Government Consolidation”

  1. robert Hudson on January 7th, 2010 4:54 pm

    I agree with Bob, the one’s who support this in our current government do not have our best interest at heart. And they will need to go. We ( or alot of us) are tired of this being shoved down on us. But the most important thing to remember is, The pro-forces for consolidation, and EAFO will say what ever it takes to try and change your mind. We do not wish to be governed or ruled by the city of Pensacola, or their strong mayor( Which of course, we had no say in) Why would any one wish to be lead by someone, who has proven, that they can not manage their own affairs? But the only way to stop it is to go vote it down. We have done it before , we must do it again. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!

  2. Bob on January 7th, 2010 2:53 pm

    Folks don’t be bashful tell everyone you talk to that consolidation is not an option. . We cannot afford it neither can we afford for our lives to be disrupted by these asinine people that want to shove this thing down our goosle. Thanks to North we have a voice that can be heard all over Escambia County. We intend to make our efforts known at the polling place to disrupt the lives of the good ole boys that have had a strangle-hold on us for too long. Greg Evers is still on the top of my list and any others that show any support for consolidation will quickly be added.

  3. Me! on January 7th, 2010 11:40 am

    Don’t forget the name GREG EVERS!! He is responsible for starting this whole consolidation mess again. Now he wants us to vote for him so he can represent us in Tallahassee. Sucker me once shame on you, sucker me twice shame on me. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!! VOTE AGAINST GREG EVERS!!!

  4. robert Hudson on January 7th, 2010 9:34 am

    Always remember, what government tells you they will do, and then what they do are to totally different things. One should never vote for a change in government that says, ” Well, we will play it by ear” What a joke, this consolidation will be bad for us and for the county . The city is broke ,and they think that we wish to be ruled and governed by them? No , we do not. They need us for our monies, and a tax base. I hope that ever one can see thru this scam, and go vote it down. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!

  5. S.L.B on January 7th, 2010 9:31 am

    It’s so hard to know who to trust anymore now days!

    Century, Fl needs to be automatically skeptical of everyone and every plan that is presented to the Counsil and look it over with a fine toothed comb and listen to what the Century town residents and business owners want, not Pensacola’s.

    Please residents, don’t sell out Century, Florida to those who are only interested in obtaining more power and wealth to only strap us with more debt, fees, laws and take away our rights. We have more to loose than to gain by this plan.


  6. bmb on January 7th, 2010 8:37 am

    WOW, a typographical error, somebody needs a new secretary if ALL those letters in that name were wrong. YA BUSTED, say it again, YA BUSTED!!!! Keep your problems to yourself, sweep around your own door, what ever cliche fits…stay away from our end of the county. VOTE NO to Consolodation, thanks William for being on top of things…don’t ever let em suck you into their world of liars and cheats, just report the truth, we appreciate it.

  7. L. Stevens on January 7th, 2010 8:25 am

    There is too much NOT said in the consolidation committee’s recommendations. From what I’ve read, correct me if I’m wrong, there is an awful lot of “yet to be determined” language. They say, “these departments or entities should be consolidated” but then don’t give us any definite idea of HOW they would be consolidated. That’s like Congress saying, “We need health care reform, you vote to let us make reforms, give us Carte Blanche and then we’ll tell you later what we decided to do.” How can people vote for ANYTHING when they aren’t given the particulars and specific details of what they are voting for? If the people were dumb enough to vote in favor of what I believe will be on the ballot, they’d be voting to give the committee the authority to decide the particulars and the HOWs of consolidation AFTER we’ve voted for it. Then we’d no longer have ANY say in the matter. How stupid is that?

  8. Willene on January 7th, 2010 7:19 am

    Vote No

  9. Mom on January 7th, 2010 7:09 am

    You get a letter from a bookstore in another town. It says “My vote! My voice! My power!” at the top. You set up a meeting with a lawyer with a misspelled name.

    Century is in worst shape than I thought.

  10. Who's Who on January 7th, 2010 7:09 am

    Soon the Northend people we will be paying for that Maritime Park and that new sewer plant they dump on us. Maritime is and will always be the biggest waste of money this local Gov. has spent. There are too many parks within two to three blocks of that big money sucker (Also know as the Maritime Park)

    Does anybody know how that park will make $70.000.000 to pay back this debt LET ME KNOW!!!

  11. robert Hudson on January 7th, 2010 6:16 am

    Who wish’s to be lead by those who can not manage their own affairs? VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!