Elderly Cantonment Man Found Safe In Georgia

January 6, 2010

A missing Cantonment man suffering from Alzheimer’s has been found safe in Butler, Georgia.

George M. Brown, 75, of Cantonment was last seen about 10 a.m. Monday at a traffic light on Highway 90 in Pace near the Home Depot.

browngeorge.jpgBrown’s green 1994 Ford Explorer was located a law enforcement officer in Georgia before daylight Wednesday morning. Brown was found near the vehicle.

Brown’s credit card was used at gas station in Quincy, Florida, at 7:47 p.m. Monday. The card was used again Tuesday morning to purchase gas in Wildwood, just outside Orlando on I-75. Butler, Georgia, is located near I-75 and the town of Macon.

“Brown was following his wife as they took a vehicle of theirs to a repair shop in Santa Rosa County,” according to Sgt. Scott Haines, spokesperson for the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office. “Brown’s wife made it through the traffic light on Highway 90 in front of Home Depot, however George Brown got stopped at the light. George Brown never showed up at the repair shop and has not been seen or heard from by his family and wife.”

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement had issued a nationwide Silver Alert for Brown. A “Silver Alert” is an alert for missing seniors similar to an “Amber Alert” issued for missing children.

Pictured: This 1990 photo of George Brown is the latest picture available at this time. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Elderly Cantonment Man Found Safe In Georgia”

  1. ihaveinput on January 10th, 2010 4:05 pm

    I am very thankful like SOME of you that this man was found. His wife and family I know had to suffer great frightening due to this. And to all of you crazy horses on here argueing about nonsense; get a life or better yet start a journal or something and just shut up and keep your thoughts to yourself. Oh and to all of you who are wasting time argueing with whitepunkondope…sounds like he IS on dope so how do you expect to argue with a crackhead!!! Let it go, crackheads always win. lol

  2. Dixie Chick on January 6th, 2010 4:19 pm

    T and William
    Thank you!! All this arguing these people do is stupid!

  3. Angi on January 6th, 2010 3:45 pm

    So glad to hear that this poor man was found in safe condition, things could have been bad with the way the world is these days…

  4. AL on January 6th, 2010 2:21 pm

    I am so glad this gentleman has been found safe!! I can only imagine the terror and then sweet relief his family and friends must have felt / feel.

  5. smail one on January 6th, 2010 12:56 pm

    I am just happy beyond words , that he is safe and will be coming home to spend his days and nights with his loved ones . His safety was the most important concern of mine.As cold as its been , I’m just glad he knew enough to keep the car running and the heater on. HURRAY HE IS OKAY…THANKS WILLIAM FOR KEEPING US UPDATED.

  6. William on January 6th, 2010 11:55 am

    Let’s go back to the subject of the article, please — the man was found safe — and stay away from theological discussions.

    – William

  7. whitepunknotondope on January 6th, 2010 11:54 am

    Frankly people, what’s needed here in this country is legal, assisted euthansia. If we had that we wouldn’t have to shoot ourselves, hang ourselves or throw ourselves in front of a train!

    I pray to God that someday we will be able to make choices that aren’t DICTATED by someone ELSE’s religious beliefs! Christian or Muslim, you’re all terribly pretentious.

    My prayer:

    “Dear Lord, please help the people of this world to come to the spiritual realization that their religion is of man, not of you. Amen.”

  8. T on January 6th, 2010 11:54 am

    People!! Stop all this arguing…it all boils down to this man was found and THANK GOD he is safe, his family must be so happy to this Glorious ending.
    Can any of you imagine what this family has gone through the last couple of days? I can’t, nor do I want to.
    To the Brown family, I am so happy for you and wish you all the best.
    God bless you all.

  9. Lady in Florida on January 6th, 2010 11:49 am

    Only God knows our hearts. He is the only judge in this matter. But suicide IS SIN. Can you repent when you are dead? Can you take away the hurt from your family? This was the reason he gave for suicide, to spare his family! God probably does forgive some people who have committed suicide, but I am sure he probably does not forgive some of them either. My father died peacefully, with dignity at Hospice, it did not cost him nor his family one dime. So all the arguments in favor of this option are full of big holes! Why take a chance?

  10. whitepunknotondope on January 6th, 2010 11:47 am

    Lady in Florida, everything you wrote is meaningless gibberish to me. Biblical? Go tell somebody who believes the same things you do.

    I for one have a solid relationship with the one true God, my Lord, and yet I care not a rat’s a** about the Bible. Try to wrap your restricted mind around that one.

  11. Lady in Florida on January 6th, 2010 11:40 am

    I never said that suicide would send you to Hell. The only sin that is not forgiven is rejecting God. I KNOW that works do not determine whether you get to Heaven or not. We are saved by His grace. However, why take the chance? Only God chooses who makes it in and who does not. I am not his judge, I am just concerned that his solution to the problem is not Biblical…it is NOT. No where does it say that suicide is okay. It is sin. Whether a suicidal person is granted grace is not known to us, and I am sure is based on the individual, as God knows our hearts. God knows white punk’s heart. But his family would be left to suffer, and that is also sin. Now why take a chance…how can you repent of sin once you are dead? Regardless…a human being has great worth in God’s eyes and to their family, no matter what state their body or mind is in.

  12. gdude on January 6th, 2010 11:29 am

    Lady in Florida –

    I agree with most of what you said…however, taking your own life will not send you to hell…any more than comitting any other sin will send you to hell. God has saved us by GRACE and not because of our works (lest any man should boast). If we go with the argument that suicide will cast you into hell, we are back to a works based faith. Your works will never get you into heaven and your works will not keep you out…it all depends on whether or not you have given your life to Christ and ACCEPTED His unmerited grace! GRACE THAT IS GREATER THAN ALL OUR SINS!!

  13. none of your business on January 6th, 2010 11:11 am

    Good for you. My husband and I feel the same way you do.
    g.w. was sure a great guy wasn’t he?
    Everything that has happened to this country in the last
    10 years was on his watch.
    And look where that has left us!

    I’m with you kiddo!
    I don’t think your thinking about yourself like betty does.
    I know exactly where your coming from.

    Thats the first thing hubby and I said. Wow this is a guy
    who is watching out for his family.

    Thats so rare in this day.

  14. Lady in Florida on January 6th, 2010 11:04 am

    whitepunknotondope, your solution to this problem is not Biblically based. The greatest burden you could ever place on your family would be for you to take your own life. Their confusion, hurt and guilt would be almost endless (no matter what you told them), for they would constantly wonder what they could have done to prevent such a terrible act, and why you chose to reject their love and concern so decisively. After all, one of the greatest ways we demonstrate our love for someone is to help them in their times of need—and there is no greater time of need than during their final illness. Don’t deprive your family of that opportunity, and don’t feel that you are only a burden to them. They love you, and these months could be a time when you and your family grow even closer together. Don’t lose sight either of the positive impact your example could make on the young people in your family. My deepest concern, however, is that you aren’t ready to die—either now or later. Alzheimer’s disease is no comparison with the eternal fires of Hell and separation from God. I am sure there are people in Hell right now that would love to escape by coming to earth for another chance, even if they were to have Alzheimer’s. My father always said if he ever got cancer he would kill himself. Well, he did get cancer, and the last year of his life was the best ever, he made amends with family, got his heart right with God, and left his family naturally and in peace. There is no peace to a suicidal death. Please prayerfully reconsider your position on this issue, and read your Bible. I will be praying for you and for your family.

  15. EMD on January 6th, 2010 10:38 am


    I can understand your feelings. My dad died with Alzheimer’s about 2 years ago. It is a terrible thing. However, I do not have the option of “taking myself out,” should I ever develope this disease, because I am not my own. I have been bought with a price.

    smail one,

    The article said that Mr. Brown has been found……in Butler Georgia. He must have really been wandering around a lot. The poor man must have been very frightened.

    For those who do not know…..There is an Alzheimer’s Family Services organization in Pensacola that has many free resources and services for those who want help. They are very helpful. There are also support groups that meet once a month. I attended one in the Pine Forrest area that was very helpful, and am still attending the one in Century. I have been doing so for quite a few years now. After my dad died, I continued on, to try and help those old and new members who are still struggling. It is so rewarding to see people who are so devastated by this terrible disease, come alive with hope, and receive help. Their whole countenance changes when they discover that others have experienced some of the same “unspeakable” things they have experienced. “Speaking” about it helps a lot. http://www.alzfamserv.org/

  16. whitepunknotondope on January 6th, 2010 10:30 am

    “Please think this over before you put your wife and children through this! That is why they have homes for people that need help when their families can no longer take care of Alzheimer patients.”

    Oh, I’m no fool, I know all about these homes and the outrageous FINANCIAL burden they place on a family ($7k a month?).

    And are you aware that our beloved President Bush signed legislation that REQUIRES states to recoup the cost of Alzheimer’s care (or any nursing home care) from the ESTATE of the deceased? And that any asset transfer has to be conducted at least 5 years PRIOR to the patient entering the care facility?

    Don’t talk to me about care. Your Government only cares about squeezing money out of you even after you’re dead. Do your heirs a favor, give your Government the finger and off yourself!

  17. William on January 6th, 2010 10:21 am

    Betty…he did suffer from Alzheimer’s. The article changed few times over the last 24 hours, and I had left it out in one of the revisions. It’s back in now.

  18. Betty on January 6th, 2010 10:18 am

    I have read this article several times and could not see where it said he was a
    Alzheimer patient. This may have been the first time something like this has happened, or sometimes we miss things that other people think we should have seen coming.

    Whitepunknotondope said, “An Alzheimer’s patient is a major burden on their family and I’ve already told my wife that if I am ever diagnosed, we’re going to spend the next year traveling and wrapping up our life together, then I’m taking myself out. It will be doing her, our children and everybody else a huge favor!”

    Please think this over before you put your wife and children through this! That is why they have homes for people that need help when their families can no longer take care of Alzheimer patients. Nothing is worse than when someone takes their own life and leaves a family to deal with it. Think of them and not yourself at this time.

  19. smail one on January 6th, 2010 9:21 am

    This does not sound good. I pray for the best in this case. I wouldn’t dare let a loved one that had Alzheimer’s touch a vehicle,no matter if it was following and especially when its a busy traffic intersectiion. God bless him and I hope and pray that they find him quick. I’ve heard cases like this, but most will finally try to contact ,someone at home. Pray he does .

  20. whitepunknotondope on January 6th, 2010 8:01 am

    An Alzheimer patient should NEVER be allowed to drive a car!

    My father-in-law has Alzheimer’s and I wouldn’t trust him to operate the microwave correctly.

    Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for Mrs. Brown. She’s about to spend the rest of her life (and his) taking care of Mr. Brown, and I urge her to seek assistance from one of the organizations that are set up for this. An Alzheimer’s patient is a major burden on their family and I’ve already told my wife that if I am ever diagnosed, we’re going to spend the next year travelling and wrapping up our life together, then I’m taking myself out.

    It will be doing her, our children and everybody else a huge favor!