Nearly 140 Tons Collected So Far In ECUA Recycling Program

January 26, 2009

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority’s new recycling program has kept nearly 140 tons of residential waste out of the county’s landfill during the program’s first three weeks of operation.

During the first week of the program, 36.71 tons of recyclables were collected in the curbside program. In the second week, that number grew to 46.19 tons, and last week it increased to 55.37 tons.

The increasing numbers indicate to Larry Walker, ECUA District 5 member, that more customers are continuing to sign up for the recycling service and that ECUA is delivering recycling containers

Walker invites customers that may have experienced a missed pick up to contact him at or by phone at 723-6094.

For complete information on the recycling program and ECUA service, including how to sign up for service, click here (pdf).

Special Meeting: Century To Discuss Code Enforcement Contract With County

January 26, 2009

The Century Town Council will sit down with Escambia County’s top code enforcement official in a special meeting tonight to hammer out a contract between the two bodies.

The council is set to meet with Sandra Slay, Escambia County’s code enforcement manager during a 6:00 special meeting tonight.

Previously, Century ended an agreement with Escambia County to provide code enforcement in the town. Under that agreement, the county’s code enforcement officers worked Century and wrote citations that were turned over to the town for abatement. The services were provided by the county at no charge to Century.

The arrangement came under fire, with allegations that the county’s officers provided selective enforcement, citing some people but no others. That prompted the council to sever the relationship with Escambia Code Enforcement. Now, there is no code enforcement at all in the town.

Back in September, the council considered another agreement with Escambia County providing code enforcement, and they also discussed the possibility of hiring their own code enforcement officer.

Tonight’s meeting at Century Town Hall is open to the public.

Pictured above: A dilapidated home on Freedom Road in Century. file photo.

This Week Your Last Chance For Property Tax Discount

January 26, 2009

This week is your last chance to save 2 percent on your property tax bill.

According to Janet Holley, Escambia County tax collector, the 2 percent discount to pay your real estate and tangible personal property taxes ends Saturday, January 31. Since the deadline falls during the weekend when the offices are closed, the Downtown, Marcus Pointe, Warrington, and Cantonment offices will honor the 2 percent discount Monday, February 2 for in-person payments only. The Century office is closed on Mondays and Fridays.

In addition, payments will receive the 2 percent discount if:

  •  mailed with a postmark of January 31
  •  left in a 24-hour drop box available at all offices by midnight January 31
  •  made on our web site by midnight January 31
  •  made on our after-hours automated telephone (800) 601-1055 by midnight January 31

Drive-thru service is available at all locations except Century.

You may check the status of your taxes and pay online at You also may get automated information on TAX TALK at 438-3299. If you have any questions, please call the tax collector’s office at 438-6500, ext. 252. (TTY users for the hearing impaired call 850-472-0031.)

Molino Recreation Association

January 25, 2009

Registration will be held  each Saturday for the Molino Recreation Association at Don Sutton park in Molino. Registration will continue each Saturday from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. through February 23. The annual draft will be February 28.Registration fees have been reduced this year due to the economy. This year, registration fees are $50 for the first child, $45 for the second, $40 for the third and free for additional players from the same family. A birth certificate copy is required to be on file for each child.

Teams for the Molino Recreation Association will include:

  • Wee Ball –ages 3 & 4
  • Tee Ball — ages 5, 6 & 7
  • Baseball — ages 8 to 15
  • Girls Softball — ages 8 to 16

If you would like to coach or just help out on your child’s team, you can sign up on the day your child is registered. For more information, call 587-4090.

Century Little League

January 25, 2009

Century Little League will hold a board meeting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, January 31 at Showalter Park. The meeting is open to the public.

Ball registration will held again on Saturday, January 31 and Saturday, February 7 from noon until at Showalter Park.

Registration fees have been lowered this year for $30 for the first child and $20 for each additional child. A copy of each child’s birth certificate is requested. The following teams will be formed:

  • Pre-T — 3 & 4
  • Tee Ball — 5 to 7 boys and  5 to 8  girls
  • Minor League Baseball  — 8 to 10 y
  • Machine-Pitch Minor League — 8 to 10
  • Girls Minor League Softball  — 9 to 10
  • Boys Major League Baseball  — 11 to 12
  • Girls Major League Softball  — 11 to 12

Ages are determined according to the child’s age on May 1, 2009.

NWE Ball Registration

January 25, 2009

Registration for Northwest Escambia Little League baseball begins Saturday, February 7 and continues each Saturday until February 21 from 10 a.m. until noon at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill.

The cost is $35 for the first child from a family, $25 for the second child and free for each additional child. A copy of each child’s birth certificate is required for registration.

This year, NWE will offer Wee Ball for children ages 3 and 4 on the brand new “Drew’s Field”

For more information, call 327-6722 or 327-6155 after five p.m.

Rep. Evers Issues Statement On Jay Oil Field Shutdown

January 25, 2009

State Rep. Greg Evers has issued a statement following the announcement that Denver-based Quantum Resources, Inc. was shutting down production at the Jay Oil Field due to the economic downturn and a sharp decline in oil prices.

(Click here to read  a Friday morning story about the shutdown.)

Representative Greg Evers issued the following statement in response to Quantum’s announcements of this week:

I am deeply troubled and saddened by this week’s announcements of further downsizing and layoffs in Northwest Florida. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Quantum employees and their families whose lives have been adversely impacted by Quantum’s decision to stop production in Jay.

Hoping to get these employees back to work, create new jobs and reinvigorate future investment by Quantum and other such companies here in Northwest Florida, I filed House Bill 515 this week that, if passed, would provide economic incentives, including temporary oil and gas production tax relief, for small field producers such as Quantum.

I recognize that start-up production companies and those with smaller production capacities are the type of oil and gas companies that will be attracted to the fields of Northwest Florida. Such companies cannot be expected to compete with foreign and multi-national production giants in these economic times without some targeted incentives and tax relief. It is my hope that this small energy production investment incentive and tax relief package will help in creating and saving much-needed local Northwest Florida investment and jobs during these very challenging and difficult economic times.

Amber Holland Crowned Miss Northview High

January 25, 2009



Miss Amber Holland, a senior, was named Miss Northview High School Saturday night. First Runner Up was Sarah Killam, a sophomore. Second Runner Up was Katie Mann, also a sophomore.

For a complete photo photo gallery with over 200 pictures from Saturday night’s pageant, click here.

With 32 contestants, the pageant came down to a top eight rather than the traditional top five. Top eight members were: Amber Holland, Sarah Killam, Katie Mann, Felicia Settle, Kayla Hall, Samantha Macks, Amanda Sellars, and Magen Weekly.

Other awards included: Miss Congeniality Courtney Merritt, Miss Hospitality Charleigh McPherson, Miss Physical Fitness Amber Holland, and Miss Poise and Appearance Sarah Killam.

The pageant was sponsored by teachers Anna Barry and Megan Carroll.

Miss Amber Holland was crowned Miss Northview High School tonight. First Runner Up was Sarah Killam, and Second Runner Up was Katie Mann. Pictured below: The girls of the Top 8 and other award winners. photos, click to enlarge.


North Escambia Resident Honored As She Turns 102 Years Old

January 25, 2009


North Escambia resident Elmira Gandy Crapps  turned 102 Sunday. Sunday was official designated as Elmira Gandy Crapps Day in the Town of Century.

She was born in Butler County, Alabama, near Georgiana in 1907. Theodore Roosevelt was president. A loaf of bread cost four cents. A gallon of milk was 29 cents. A new Ford? That would set you back 600 bucks.

She moved to a farm with her family in the Gandyville community in 1925, and still lives just down the road from that home.

As of last year, she was still driving, mostly to three places: the Piggly Wiggly for groceries, her church and her hairdresser. She’s still an active member of Poplar Dell Baptist Church, and very quick to give the Lord all the credit for her age and her health.

crapps20.jpgWhen asked her secret for a long life, she quickly replied that there was no secret. “It’s good living and a love of God. I’ve been blessed by the Lord and walk with Him,” she said. “The Lord always takes care of me.”

When asked about the biggest change in her lifetime, she said “the way people wear, or don’t wear clothes”.

She never had children, but has “a ton” of nieces and nephews. Her father, John Oxford Gandy lived to the age of 108. In 1973, the Florida Legislature named Gandyville after him. He, by the way, had a first cousin that also lived to be 108.

Saturday afternoon, friends and relatives gathered at Popular Dell Baptist to honor Mrs. Crapps. Century Mayor Freddy McCall presented her with an official proclamation in honor of her birthday, and the Alger-Sullivan Historical Society presented her with a certificate and a copies of a few documents in their collection related to her family.

The only person at Saturday’s celebration  that did not seem to think that birthday number 102 was such a big deal was Mrs. Crapps herself.

“Everybody has birthdays,” she said.

Pictured above: 102-year old Elmira Gandy Crapps receives a proclamation in her honor from Century Mayor Freddie McCall Saturday afternoon at Poplar Dell Baptist Church. Pictured inset: North Escambia resident Elmira Gandy Crapps turned 102 Sunday. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.

University Of Alabama Chimes Play In Honor Of Area Woman’s Birthday

January 25, 2009

dennychimes.jpgThe famous Denny Chimes at the University of Alabama were played Friday in honor of an Atmore woman on her birthday. Her father was among the men that crafted the chimes in 1929.

The Tuscaloosa News reports that Irma Helton, 94, of Atmore paid a visit to the University of Alabama on Friday and was surprised by the honorary playing of the chimes. Her son-in-law, Steve Shirley, had told her only that they were going to Tuscaloosa to meet a niece and nephew for the first time.

For the complete story and a photo, click here.

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