Manufacturers, Suppliers Warned By Alabama Governor That Bingo Machines May Be Illegal

January 29, 2009

Alabama Governor Bob Riley sent letters Wednesday to nine gambling machine manufacturing and supplier companies known to do business in the state. Riley is specifically targeting electronic bingo machines like are found at the Poarch Creek Indian’s Wind Creek Casino in Atmore.

However, the electronic bingo games offered by the Poarch Creek Indians at the Wind Creek Casino as well as gambling halls in Wetumpka and Montgomery,  are regulated by the federal government, not the State of Alabama.  In his release, Riley did not name what gambling operations he was targeting. Hundreds of electronic bingo machines are also located at establishments in several Alabama counties where bingo games are legal.

Riley sent the letters to manufacturers of gambling machines found in Alabama gambling halls warning them they risk prosecution if found to be in violation of state law against gambling and, specifically, slot machines.

The warnings come after an initial investigation of gambling halls by the Governor’s Task Force on Illegal Gambling, which is led by former Jefferson County District Attorney David Barber.

“As a result of preliminary investigations conducted by the Task Force, it has been discovered that several manufacturers and/or providers of gambling devices appear to be engaged in unlawful gambling activity in Alabama. We understand that at least one provider has already begun the process of removing its gambling devices from establishments in Alabama. The purpose of this letter is to put your company on clear notice of the law and our intent to enforce it,” Governor Riley writes in the letter that was sent to nine manufacturers or providers of gambling machines.

“I am deeply concerned that many manufacturers, providers, and business operators may have a mistaken impression about the legality of certain activities. It is out of this concern that I provide you this notice of the law and a fair opportunity to withdraw from any business activity in Alabama which could be determined to constitute unlawful gambling activity or use of illegal gambling devices. So that there is no misunderstanding, I fully intend to carry out my constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws of Alabama,” the Governor’s letter states.

“I think it only fair that Governor Riley put the manufacturers on notice of the very liberal interpretations of ’gambling devices’ by Alabama’s appellate courts. It appears to me, based on what the Task Force has observed in the field, that these operators, distributors, and manufacturers have some potential exposure,” said Barber.

The Governor created the Task Force on Illegal Gambling in December to promote and support the uniform enforcement of Alabama’s anti-gambling laws.

Click here to read a copy of Ala. Gov. Bob Riley’s letter (pdf).

The following is a list of recipients of the Governor’s letter:

Mr. Jerome Caldwell, CEO
Gateway Gaming
Piedmont, South Carolina

Mr. Chris Canard, CEO
Hest Technology
Haltom City, Texas

Mr. Gene Chayevsky, CEO
Cadillac Jack, Inc.
Duluth, Georgia

Mr. Mike Duran, CEO
American Gaming Systems
Canoga Park, California

Mr. Jack Gardner, President
Select Electronic Devices
Greenville, South Carolina

Mr. Michael Fletcher, CEO
Nova Gaming, LLC
Greenville, South Carolina

Mr. Richard Haddrill, CEO
Bally Technologies
Las Vegas, Nevada

Mr. Thomas J. Matthews, CEO
International Game Technology
Reno, Nevada

Mr. Anthony Sanfilippo, CEO
Multimedia Games
Austin, Texas

Another Phony Cop Strikes

January 29, 2009

Another phony cop has struck again in Escambia County, this time violently assaulting a female victim.

This time, a woman in the area of Brent Lane and I-110 was assaulted by a man impersonating a law enforcement officer about midnight Tuesday.

The woman described the suspect as a white male, about six feet tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. The victim said he had a New England type accent. He was driving a white Crown Victoria with a spotlight and leather seats. The suspect was wearing some type of uniform with no name tag and a belt, according to reports.

“The description given by the victim closely matches that of the suspect from a week ago that stopped a teenager on Beulah Road,” according to Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department.

If you are stopped by someone not wearing an appropriate law enforcement uniform in an unmarked car, you should ask for a marked unit to be called to the scene, Roy said.

“Call 911,” he said, and request that a marked unit be dispatched to your location. You should also ask to see a commission card that is carried by all Escambia County deputies.

“When in doubt, request a commission card be shown to you,” Rou said. Every deputy carries a commission card with the agency name, deputy’s name and expiration date along with a photo.”

If you have further information about this phony cop, call the Sheriff’s Office at 436-9630 or Crime Stoppers at 433-7867.

Winter Has Returned

January 29, 2009

Winter has returned to North Escambia, and it will actually feel a bit more like the end of January.

It will be sunny, breezy and colder today, with a high near 60 and north winds 10 to 15 mph. Tonight’s temperature will fall to 32.

Friday and Saturday will be sunny. Highs will be around 58 and lows will be in upper 20’s Friday night and around the freezing mark Saturday night.

A slight 20 percent chance of rain creeps back into the forecast by Super Bowl Sunday.

Friday Deadline For Emergency Forestry Conservation Program

January 29, 2009

The Emergency Forestry Conservation Reserve Program (EFCRP) signup is scheduled to end at the close of business on Friday, January 30 according to Escambia County Executive Director Suzette D. Cooper, of the USDA Farm Service Agency.

USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Emergency Forestry Conservation Reserve Program (EFCRP) helps eligible landowners and operators restore and enhance forestland. Trees planted through EFCRP will help reduce flood effects, protect water sources, decrease soil erosion and improve wildlife habitat.

The EFCRP was authorized by Section 107 of the 2006 Appropriations Act to enroll certain land that:
• is private nonindustrial forest land
• experienced a loss of 35 percent or more of merchantable timber
• suffered forestry damage related to 2005 hurricanes.

The EFCRP is eligible in 228 Presidential or Secretarial-designated counties in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas, including Escambia County, Florida. Almost 4,800 offers have been received to enroll over 546,000 acres.

Any offer made by COB January 30, 2009 will be processed under existing rules (e.g., offer acceptability, plan development, and contract approval).

International Paper Local Charitable Giving Up

January 29, 2009

Despite the falling economy, International Paper’s Pensacola Mill in Cantonment showed an increase it its contributions to the local community last year, including donations in North Escambia.

Following a review of its 2008 charitable giving, the IP Pensacola Mill announced that it contributed nearly $163,000 to the local community last year, indicating a $10,000 increase over 2007.

The mill and its employees gave nearly $113,000 in cash and in-kind donations to local charities, and $50,000 in grants were awarded by the IP Foundation based in Memphis, Tenn. The IP Foundation also matches 60 percent of employee pledges to United Way.

Mill contributions are focused primarily on literacy and environmental education, and employees administer annual fund drives for Relay for Life, American Heart Walk and the United Way.

“Due to our employees’ hard work on their fund drives for Relay for Life, American Heart Walk and the United Way, we saw a significant increase on the dollars they raised last year,” said Jessica Morris, mill communications manager. “They simply saw a need in the community and were able to give a little more, so they did.”

For more information on IP Giving, visit or contact the Pensacola Mill at 968-4203.

Pictured above: Jessica Morris (L) from IP’s Pensacola Mill presents a $1,462 grant check to Carolyn Findley, reading coach at Ernest Ward Middle School last October. The money was used to purchase Interactive Readers for mid-level and advanced reading students. file photo, click to enlarge.

Homeless Count To Be Held Thursday, Friday; Volunteers Needed

January 29, 2009

Help is needed to find and help count the homeless population in North Escambia by 3 p.m. Friday.

The homeless count includes not only those that live on the streets, but those that are living in someone else’s home.

The EscaRosa Coalition For the Homeless is organizing the annual Point-in Time Homeless Count, a survey required in communities across America to obtain federal funding for programs that assist the homeless.

Items such as blankets, hats, gloves, flashights and more will be available for the homeless at the Carver Community Center on Thursday from 3 until 2 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and at the New Life Baptist Church Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

January is also “Help the Homeless Month” in Florida as proclaimed by Governor Charlie Crist.

The count of the homeless is scheduled over a 24 hour period – from 3 p.m. today through 3 p.m. tomorrow. If you know the names and locations of any homeless individuals in North Escambia, or if you would like to volunteer to conduct the surveys, please call the office of Ann Brooks at 256-2999 or email

Click here to download more information.

Purchase Historic Chicago Obama Newspapers, Benefit Relay For Life

January 28, 2009

chi2.jpgYou can own a piece of American history and support Relay for Life at the same time. is giving you a chance to purchase Obama Inauguration coverage newspapers from Chicago.

The January 21 newspapers — Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, and USA Today special edition — are being sold at the Country Bumpkin in Century. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life team. The newspapers were purchased in Chicago and flown back to Pensacola in pristine condition.

We are also auctioning off a complete set of Chicago newspapers from January 21 –  Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, and USA Today special edition, and The Herald News  — in an online auction.
chi1.jpgThe Chicago Sun-Times features a full front page color photo of Obama raising his right hand with the headline “So Help Me God”. The Chicago Tribune has full page color Inauguration photo and the headline “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and being the work of remaking America”. The USA Today special edition was a limited run paper that is sold out nationwide. It is not the regular daily edition that was available locally. The Herald News has a full page color photo of Obama with the headline “President Barack Obama Face of Change”.

Each paper, except for the rare The Heralds News, is $15 for the first newspaper and $10 for each additional paper. There are limited number of the papers available, so if you want to own this piece of American history, you must be among the first to visit the Country Bumpkin in Century. Chicago is important in Obama’s history because while in Chicago he worked as a civil rights lawyer, activist and was eventually elected to the U.S. Senate prior to launching his campaign from Chicago.

We are auctioning off a complete set including one each of  the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, and USA Today special edition, and The Herald News. To bid on the complete set of these historic collectible newspapers, send your name, phone number and the amount of your bid to Bids will be accepted until midnight February 3. We will update the high bid amount daily here on Shipping is available for an additional charge, otherwise the papers will be claimed in Century at the Country Bumpkin.

The Country Bumpkin is located at 7850 North Century Boulevard in Century.

100 percent of the proceeds from the newspaper sale and auction will go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.


Ford Motor Company Awards Escambia, Santa Rosa Schools

January 28, 2009

The Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, has designated Escambia County and Santa Rosa County school districts as a Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies Next Generation Learning Community (Ford PAS NGLC) at the Leadership Level, one of five in the country, at a Tuesday press conference.In selecting Escambia and Santa Rosa, Ford Motor Company Fund cited its success in increasing the number of students with access to career academies, which teaches academics through the lens of a career. Ford also applauded both districts’ strong partnerships with area businesses.

The Ford PAS NGLC Leadership Level is the highest education accolade given to communities by Ford Motor Company Fund. The Escambia and Santa Rosa communities have reached program requirements for developing a successful and sustainable career academy network through the development of a two-county multi-year master plan. Since being designated as a Ford PAS Next Generation Learning Community in 2007,

Ford Motor Company Fund worked with both communities to provide technical assistance from a team of experts to help maximize their career academies by using the Ford PAS NGLC 12-Point Master Plan, which helps align career academies with future workforce and economic development trends.

As a part of this recognition, Escambia and Santa Rosa will have access to professional development for teachers and networking opportunities through Ford Motor Company Fund’s education initiative, Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (Ford PAS). Created in partnership with the Education Development Center, Inc., Ford PAS provides high school students with high-quality, interdisciplinary learning experiences that challenge them academically and develop their problem-solving, critical thinking and communication skills. It enhances this curriculum by providing professional development for teachers and networking opportunities between communities using Ford PAS.

Sixty teachers from Escambia School District and Santa Rosa School District received Ford PAS professional development training in November. In addition, twenty Chamber businesses participated in a “Coordinated Learning Experience” session where they shared the training, education and skills needed by students for future success in their companies with these teachers.

The Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is working with Escambia and Santa Rosa school districts to strengthen the career academy network for student and workforce readiness. This program ensures that the area has trained students to enter the workforce after high school in entry level positions with the option to continue their education at UWF or PJC.

County, School Board Talk Service Consolidation; Old Molino School Property

January 28, 2009

The Escambia County Commission and Escambia County School District held a joint meeting Tuesday, discussing ways the two could consolidate services. The continued attempt by the county to obtain the old Molino Elementary School for a library and community center.

The two governmental bodies discussed combining services like transportation, health insurance, purchasing, human resources, vehicle maintenance and information technology. They even discussed holding joint town hall meetings in across the county.

The two boards looked options for improving traffic flow at Pine Forest High School, including the possible construction of a road by the county on the PHS property that would run parallel to the exisiting Long Leaf Drive. The county said they would be willing to accept the old Molino Elementary and Wedgewood Middle school properties as payment for the road.

The county has attempted to acqure the old Molino School property from the school board for several months.

In July, the county commission offered the school board $2 million for both unused school campuses, but that offer was shot down by the school district. Then-superintendent Jim Paul made a $3.3 million counter offer that the county commission did not accept. The $3.3 million was broken down as $2.9 million for the Wedgewood property and $400,000 for the old Molino School property.

The county has made standing offer to allow the school board to use the county owned civic center rent-free for graduation ceremonies for  a number of years in exchange for the two school properties, but that offer has also not been accepted by the school board.

Plans call for the old Molino school to become a community hub, possibly including a 5,000 square foot library, a museum highlighting Molino history, a small health clinic, a business incubator, renovation of the gym and one additional building for community events and private party rental along with other uses.

The commission has already applied for a half million dollar grant for the library portion of the project, but they have yet to be able to obtain the building from the school district.

The half million grant, if awarded, would be matched by another half million from the county. The county’s portion would be from the Local Option Sales Tax. The county has already approved their portion of the funds to renovate part of the old Molino Elementary into a library. The grant, if awarded, would require the county to use the facility as a library in Molino for a minimum of 20 years.

The Molino school closed in 2003 when the new Molino Park Elementary School consolidated Molino Elementary and Barrineau Park Elementary.

The school, which sits on nine acres along County Road 95A, first opened in 1939.

Pictured above: An aerial view of the old Molino Elementary School property on Highway 95A.

Rain Today, Turning Colder Tonight

January 28, 2009

There a hefty 90 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms today.

The forecast calls for showers and storms to increase by afternoon, with a high of 62. . southwest winds 10 to 20 mph will become northwest 5 to 15 mph late in the afternoon. The changing winds will bring cooler temperatures.

There is a 50 percent chance of rain, ending after midnight and a forecast low of 35 for night. Thursday will be sunny and cooler, with a high of 57 and a north wind.

Friday to Sunday will be sunny and cool, with daytime highs of 58 and over night lows of 28.

The National Weather Service says today’s storms are not expected to become severe.

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