Rave Reviews: Ernest Ward Drama Team Headed To State

December 10, 2009


The members of the Ernest Ward Middle School Drama Team area headed to state competition after receiving all Excellent or Superior ratings at the District 1 Drama Competition this past weekend in Jacksonville.

It was the first district competition for the drama team, which was formed only last year. With their Excellent and Superior ratings, all of the EWMS students were all invited to perform at the state level in Fort Lauderdale February, 2010.

“All of them performed well,” teacher and Drama Team sponsor Katie Ward said. “We are really excited.”

Rachel Presley, Lauren Walker, Kamryn Brock, Chelsea Turner, Morgan Packer, Shalmali Bhadkamkar, and Samantha Barrow all received an Excellent Ranking for their monologues, duet scenes, and ensemble performances. Bhadkamkar also received a superior ranking for her musical solo and Turner received a superior ranking for her monologue performance.

“Ernest Ward Middle School is extremely proud of the talents of our young adults and for representing Escambia County School District well”, said Ernest Ward Principal Nancy Perry.

During the District 1 Drama Competition in Jacksonville:

  • Rachel Presley performed the monologue “Cinderelly from the Valley” and received an Excellent ranking.
  • Chelsea Turner performed the monologue “Cotton Candy” and received a Superior ranking.
  • Rachel Presley and Lauryn Walker performed a duet scene entitled “The Ugliest Hair in the World” and were awarded an Excellent ranking.
  • Samantha Barrow and Shalmali Bhadkamkar performed the duet scene “Common Scents” and were given an Excellent ranking.
  • The ensemble of Kamryn Brock, Morgan Packer and Chelsea Turner performed “The Dizmee Store” for an Excellent ranking.
  • Shalmali Bhadkamkar performed a musical solo from Les Miserables entitled “On My Own” and received a Superior ranking.

Ward and her students raised 100 percent of the funds to make the trip to Jacksonville.

Pictured above: Members of the Ernest Ward Middle School Drama Team (front, L-R) Danielle Suggs, Lauryn Walker, Shalmali Bhadkamkar, Chelsea Turner, Rachel Presley, (second row) Kamryn Brock, Morgan Packer, Samantha Barrow, Caitlyn Rigby and (back row) sponsor Katie Ward.  NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Rave Reviews: Ernest Ward Drama Team Headed To State”

  1. instigator on December 19th, 2009 9:36 am

    go chelsea and kameron and morgan great job

  2. Joe on December 12th, 2009 9:41 am

    This is just another reason why EWMS is the best school in Escambia County. We may be rural but as far as academics, clubs, music and activities we are unmatched. The pride and dedication the teachers and staff have is reflected by the mutual respect they receive from the students. There is an atmosphere at EWMS you will not see or feel at any other school in the District. The funny thing about it, is the atmosphere is very conducive for learning. The students are encouraged, praised and mentored. There is more going on than just academics, and EWMS has shown once again just how good they are. I am extremely proud of these students and staff as they have not only brought positive credit on themselves, but the school and our community as well. Good Job to all of you!

  3. Mrs. Perry on December 11th, 2009 10:31 pm

    I am so proud of each of you. The many hours hard work paid off. You are a wonderful part and a great role model of EWMS and of course you are my “babies.” Good Luck at State we are behind you 100%. Love you all!! Mrs. Perry

  4. Stacey C on December 11th, 2009 3:36 pm

    Great job Kamryn and to all the Drama Team! Job well done!

  5. Gayle Hanks on December 10th, 2009 10:24 pm

    All of you are wonderful examples of middle school students who put forth much effort to make great achievements in all that you do. I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to know such fantastic young people!

    Gayle Hanks

  6. Mrs. Ellis on December 10th, 2009 8:33 pm

    What an honor you girls brought back to EWMS. Just another example of the EWMS motto: “Where every student can soar”. Keep up the “drama” (on stage of course!)

  7. abbie on December 10th, 2009 6:22 pm

    go shalmali!!!!! good job everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you all deserved this good luck at state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ashley Bonner on December 10th, 2009 1:42 pm

    Way to go girls. :) Im really glad to see that EWMS is offering this to you all. Im extremely happy to see it is a success. Good Luck Girls. I love you Kam. :)

  9. Elizabeth on December 10th, 2009 1:29 pm

    Way to go, Sam! Your youth group loves you!

  10. MeMaw on December 10th, 2009 10:28 am

    Lauryn, Great Job! I’m very proud of you. Have lots of fun!!! I enjoyed all the plays that your drama class put on last year they were funny and enjoyed by all that watch them. Your drama class is great. Thanks Ms. Ward for all your help.

  11. Nana on December 10th, 2009 7:00 am

    I am so proud of you Lauryn. Keep up the good work and have fun.

  12. proud sister and friend! on December 10th, 2009 6:20 am

    these girls are AMAZING, you should just see the work they accomplish and strive to obtain. I, for one, am not suprised at all they did so well. These girls deserve this so much, and I am proud of every one of them. Congratulations guys! I love you all!

  13. Laura Chavers on December 10th, 2009 6:15 am

    Way to go girls!! I’m so proud of each of you.