PER Rescues Two Horses

December 3, 2009


Two horses have been rescued in the Cantonment area. Little Richard and Scam, both former race horses, are now in the care of Panhandle Equine Rescue after being neglected and malnourished by their most recent owners.

“We are so happy that we could get them out of a bad situation before the temperatures dropped,” said PER President Diane Lowery. “They have a dry shelter and plenty to eat now. Their days of neglect are over.”

PER needs donations to pay for their medical and feed expenses, Lowery said. For more information, visit

Pictured above: Rescued horses Scam (left) and Little Richard. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “PER Rescues Two Horses”

  1. poor Horses on December 3rd, 2009 12:50 pm

    These poor horses….Why do people do that to animals……..there are people that will take them if you have a problem feeding them just ask dont starve them

  2. Amanda on December 3rd, 2009 11:48 am

    Those people that had these horses need to be chained and starved just like they were grrr …people have no sense at all!!

  3. ???!!! on December 3rd, 2009 9:18 am

    Were there any charges pressed against the owners? These animals did not get in this condition overnight and this is criminal.

  4. Lee M. on December 3rd, 2009 8:20 am

    God bless PER! These poor guys out shivering in this weather. When will people ever learn?….