Occie Phillips Road Closed

December 14, 2009

Occie Phillips Road is closed between Highway 97A and South Pineville Road due to flooding.

Water is covering the dirt road at the bridge over Brushy Creek.


6 Responses to “Occie Phillips Road Closed”

  1. small one on December 15th, 2009 6:21 pm

    Oldtimer, I’ve lived on Occie Phillips rd ,all my life. Was born here and when I was a child these roads was graded. I understand that the county may not have the money to pave these roads , but is keeping them in descent shape asking to much. They don’t keep them up as good as they did last year. Don’t understand , what has happened in the last 6 months to change it , as much as it has. I know that the county can’t grade muddy roads , but they are not muddy all the time. I am too understand that these roads will not get paving for years to come. That is fine with me , I just want them ,where the front end of our vehicles can survive. Right now , anything is better than what we have. But probably ,it will be a little bit of a wait. So I guess that patience is a fruit of the spirit and I will have to regain mine .

  2. Oldtimer on December 15th, 2009 4:10 pm

    I feel for those on roads which have not been paved. But, it was a dirt road when you moved there, right? We are in a financial crunch~ that includes the county. So, there cannot be any major improvements at this time. As for the road maintenance… surely you know by now that it is done on a 6 week schedule…that is if we don’t have stormy weather. Then it throws everything off schedule. As you should know, they cannot grade MUD! At least there are warnings for the road, and when it is drier, I’m sure they will be back over there again. It’s just the way it is~ dirt roads get bumpy and dusty when it’s dry, they get muddy and slippery when it rains. Nothing can change that. Creeks rise and rainwater washes dirt away. It’s all part of living in the country and enjoying nature. So, like the weather, if you don’t like it, hang in there and it will change…everything is subject to change.

  3. small one on December 15th, 2009 11:45 am

    Occie Phillips rd is not being maintain by the county as it should. William , you really need to come take a trip down the road , on the part of it that you can get out of . This road hasn’t been graded twice in the last 3 months. We have County supervisors and engineers in on the road daily, see them taking lunch breaks and breaks ,all the time. Everytime as I said before , they grade up the water lines. This road ,along with Pineville need attention NOW. I am wondering if the T.V. news media would help. The people are just tired of having their vehicles fixed , because of poor road conditions.Yesterday, Monday Dec. 14 , the county came and put a sign on one side of a wash out on the road , and if emergency vehicles such as fire trucks,ambulances. Deputy sheriff cruisers would have a difficult time ,getting to the citizens of this road in case of emergency. We have all called the county and they say ” Be out as soon as possible , I addressed this issue to them two years ago , the drainage is big problem and the water lines on this road are put in the road bed and are about 6 inches below the surface. The water lines on this road have been leaking for years and the water works keeps patching them. The new water line at the crossroads . hwy97 and hwy 99a ,really need it on Occie Phillips rd and Pineville rd. Just venting….sorry

  4. flomaton on December 14th, 2009 10:10 pm

    Murder Creek bridge was just mentioned on the news and they said it is expected to flood over during the night and not lower until Thursday morning.

  5. Brewton Girl on December 14th, 2009 3:37 pm

    Have anyone heard anything about Murder creek bridge in Brewton?

  6. EMD on December 14th, 2009 2:50 pm

    They are also closing the first bridge on 97A between Enon School Rd. and the second bridge. I stopped to inquire as to why they were once again closing this bridge without giving notice to the residents. I told them we have North Escambia News now. They replied that they are closing only one side. That’s great, but at least 3 times in 10 years that bridge and the next one have been fully closed for many weeks, causing residents to drive about 30 miles out of the way, round trip. I had just minutes earlier had the thought that it was about time to close the bridges once again, as I had noticed they have both sunken again, causing a good bump to my vehicle, crossing from either side.