Nominate North Escambia Persons Of The Year

December 22, 2009 will honor several North Escambia residents as North Escambia Persons of the Year as 2009 comes to a close, and we need your help.

We are asking our readers to nominate people that they believe made a difference in North Escambia during 2009. We will choose several of them to be named as a 2009 North Escambia. Person of the Year.  The awards are our way of saying thanks to those that have worked to improve our lives in the North Escambia area during the past year.

We are not necessarily looking for a person with a long list of accomplishments. We are looking for people that have given of themselves to help others and the communities of North Escambia during 2009.

To nominate someone, please email their name, contact information (if known), and the reason why you believe they should be a Person of the Year. The person must either be a resident of North Escambia, work in North Escambia or otherwise have significantly impacted North Escambia in some way. For the purposes of this award, we define North Escambia as being Quintette Road south of Molino, north to the Alabama line.

Entries should be emailed to by Monday, December 28. We need your email and phone number just in case we have questions, but your name and contact information will not be published.

The 2009 North Escambia Persons of the Year will be named after Christmas.


One Response to “Nominate North Escambia Persons Of The Year”

  1. William on December 23rd, 2009 8:19 am

    Nominations should be made in an email to — not in the comments section.