New Documentation Requirements For A Florida Driver’s License

December 29, 2009

Beginning Friday, new documentation requirements will take effect for Florida residents wishing to obtain a driver license or identification card.

Residents wishing to obtain a new license, legally change their name prior to their renewal date, or immediately replace a lost or stolen license or ID card will be required to visit a driver license office and show proof of identification, Social Security number and residential address.

Those simply renewing may do so by a convenience method, via the Internet or mail, one time between office renewals. The renewal following a convenience option must be in a state driver license office or participating tax collector office where new requirements will be in effect.

Floridians are encouraged to visit to find out how and when to gather your documents, go to a driver license office and get your new card. This online hub allows residents to obtain contact information showing where to get required documents, create personalized checklists and browse a list of local driver license offices in their area.

“These new requirements support the most secure identification credential possible,” said Division of Driver License Director, Sandra Lambert. “We are pleased to have a convenient online tool in place that takes Floridians through a step-by-step process, helping to identify and obtain all required documents to prepare for their next visit to an office.”

Florida law was enacted to ensure the state’s compliance with the provisions of the Federal Real ID Act. Despite the recent extension of deadlines by the Department of Homeland Security, Florida will continue its efforts to provide the most secure credentials and issuance processes possible, benefiting both our citizens as well as law enforcement agencies. The decision by the DHS will have no impact on Florida’s planned improvements.

While the new documentation requirements begin Jan. 1, 2010, Florida residents are not required to visit a driver license or tax collector office on or before this date. Residents may verify when they need to visit an office with the required documents by visiting

For more information, visit


8 Responses to “New Documentation Requirements For A Florida Driver’s License”

  1. Bill on December 22nd, 2010 2:30 pm

    I’ve been driving for almost 40 years and all of a sudden they don’t know who I am??
    Once again it’s our government using an a-bomb to kill a fly. The dolts who write these laws need an injection of common sense!

  2. Elmer Fudd on December 30th, 2009 8:58 am

    This law is mainly the result of the (Un) Patriot Act of 2001. About all this knee jerk law does is cost regular Americans time and money, while allowing the government to spy on American citizens. This law was passed as a result of 9/11, but congress should have to wait at least a year before they can pass such laws. They pass enough bad laws when they take their time, they certainly don’t need to rush into passing any law. There were already plenty of laws on the books to protect people, such as FISA. They just need to be utilized and applied better. And as we saw on Christmas Day, the (Un) Patriot Act does very little if anything to protect Americans from real terrorist.

  3. EMD on December 29th, 2009 8:56 pm

    The link ”” doesn’t work for me.

  4. EMD on December 29th, 2009 8:30 pm

    Big Brother tightens the screws.

    Anyone read 1984 or Brave New World lately? How about Animal Farm, Masters of Deceit, or Atlas Shrugged? How many of you have seen the “traffic control” video cameras at major intersections and even on 29, by the church near the Homestead?

    I was just told by the sales clerk in the sports department of Wal Mart Sunday, that people are still clammoring for ammo, but that they cannot get any, but he has not been told why.

    We’d better wake up in this country and start revamping government at the local level.

    There is a gross lack of history being taught, or heeded. It repeats itself over and over and over again, and free people go into bondage again, and again, and again.

    I hope more people will lay aside their entertainment for a while, and open their eyes to what is going on in this country. It may already be too late.

  5. Brenda on December 29th, 2009 11:04 am

    I just renewed my license yesterday and had to produce all of the identification listed on the website. I don’t know what would have happened if I had not had it though.

  6. anobserver on December 29th, 2009 9:47 am

    with all the felons we have running around here that are wanted for crimes, i would think that EVERTIME someone was either getting or renewing a license, that they could run their number through the computer to catch them. This would save the county tons of money looking for them

  7. SPC Wilcoxon on December 29th, 2009 8:59 am

    What about active duty military… we have to come running home evertime it is supposed to expire, or does the whole as long as you have an active duty id you have a lasting drivers license? This is kind of an inconvience…..

  8. jack on December 29th, 2009 7:30 am

    One thing they didnt mention , was cost……..Mine was $70.