Local Preacher And His Son In Horror Movie ‘The Final Destination’

December 27, 2009


A local father and son got a taste of Hollywood with parts as extras in the movie “The Final Destination” — the number one movie in the country for two weeks during 2009.

Douglas Coburn and his son Bryan Coburn were in scenes filmed in May 2008 at the Mobile International Speedway –known as the McKinley Speedway in the movie. In the speedway scenes in the horror movie, there’s plenty of death, with grandstands collapsing, plenty of fire and car parts flying toward fans. Fans that have seen the previous three Final Destination movies knew that was only the beginning.

Bryan Coburn of Byrneville attended Pensacola Junior College on a drama scholarship, so a chance to be an extra in a major Hollywood production was a natural fit for him. Dad Doug was just a long for the ride when Byran auditioned, but movie producers thought Doug would be a natural in the movie as a car owner. Bryan was cast as a pit crew member for another race team.

“They told me I was the type they were looking for,” Doug said. “Then I thought ‘what business do I have being in horror movie?’.”

Doug is a minister that currently describes himself as being “in between churches”. He is currently in the men’s ministry at the First Baptist Church of Flomaton.  He knew that R-rated horror movies were not exactly the place you would usually find a preacher.

“It is a horror movie and I am a pastor, so when they asked me to play the part of a race car owner I thought maybe God was opening a door for me to minister to the people on the set,” he said adding “Jesus often went where the lost were.”

Their days of filming were long with scenes that would last for just a few minutes followed by hours of waiting for the next scene to be set up and stunts staged. Flipping race cars down the track and blowing them up is, he said, not as easy as one might think.

It was during a lunch break on the third day that Doug says he figured out why a preacher was on the set of a major horror movie.

(story continues below photo)


“When this security guard found out I am a preacher, he wanted to know about Christ,” Doug said. “I was able to lead him to Christ.”

While the Coburn’s screen time might be short — the race scenes in the movie are very fast-paced — Pastor Doug says he would love the chance to be in another big movie.

“I would love it; there’s plenty of drama in our family,” he said.  “I enjoyed taking part in the movie, and I enjoyed seeing that side of how they do things behind the camera.”

“And,” he admits, “I liked seeing how they flipped and exploded cars.”

The Final Destination landed at number one its opening weekend in August, grossing $28.3 million. The movie was at number one again the following week, making $50.4 million total take in 10 days. During 2009, the movie grossed over $183 million worldwide.

The Final Destination is scheduled to be released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 5, 2010. The movie is rated R for strong violence and gruesome accidents, language and a scene of sexuality.

Pictured top: Douglas Coburn (right) and his son Bryan Coburn on the set of The Final Destination in Mobile. Pictured middle: Douglas Coburn (in the staw hat) with a pit crew from the opening scene of the movie. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Local Preacher And His Son In Horror Movie ‘The Final Destination’”

  1. Servant-Pastor J. Douglas Coburn on July 17th, 2015 3:35 pm

    @ UNBIASED – I am not a “self-proclaimed minister,” I am licensed and ordained Southern Baptist servant minister with a heart for missions and reaching the lost for Christ. I am a servant, considering myself no higher than any other brother or sister in Christ. The meager money I did receive did not cover my expenses (only movie stars make money). The movie industry is a mission field itself…we can complain about how sinful they are but are we doing anything to try to reach them? I hope the security guard saw someone Christ-like who was willing to eat and drink with sinners and tell them of God’s love and salvation. As far as diluting or compromising Christian standards I would ask if you mean the way you understand them or the ones the Bible describes (example below). True brothers and sisters in Christ who know me would laugh out loud to think anyone would say I dilute or compromise concerning His word.
    @ truthteller – when you say “compromising our beliefs and standards” do you mean yours or Gods? I have also seen some in ministry that I have wondered if they are really following God (ex. Pastors, Priests, Clergy who support gay marriage and abortion) because they are not heeding the Word of God. As far as the movie goes, I have NEVER encouraged a single person to see this type of movie, not even family. I have however recommended that they NOT see it or others like it. You say you are not perfect but expect ministers to be “above the fray”…what is above the fray? Do you mean striving to be Christ-like and following God’s Word? ALL believers are called to do that! If you mean we should be better than what all believers are called to be then that will never happen, true Ministers, like all believers, are called to be SERVANTS, not to be put on a pedestal. That honor and glory belongs to God alone. All believers, including ministers, are just sinners who have been save by the Grace of God.
    I would recommend reading Luke 7:30-35 (read it in your own Bible)
    vs. 30-32 – Pharisees (Religious leaders who thought themselves to be righteous) actually were rejecting God and acted like little spoiled children when John The Baptist and Jesus (as well as His followers) did not do and act the way THEY thought they should.
    vs. 33-34 – There will always be criticism from some for anyone who is truly following God and stands firm in His Word. Jesus was persecuted and even put to death by those who considered themselves “Religious.” Notice vs. 33, John didn’t look or act like them…so he must be demonic, vs. 34, Jesus ate what He wanted and drank wine (not like what is out there today) and was falsely accused…and how dare He hang out and reach out to such sinful people.
    vs. 35 – We will all give an account before God of not only our actions but our attitudes as well.
    John 15:20 – Jesus says that a servant is not greater than his master…because they persecuted Him they would persecute His followers as well.
    I do not take offence at your comments and do not think you are persecuting me, it may be that you guys are simply misguided and leaning towards legalism. I will pray for you as you pray for me…that in everything God will be glorified.
    Under the Grace, J. Douglas Coburn – Servant Pastor

  2. truthteller on December 30th, 2009 9:54 am

    Well said unbiased, just another example of comprimising our beliefs and standards, even by the “clergy.” Some folks are in the religious field of work, but that doesn’t make them a pastor, just ask around. I wonder if he counsels his “flock” that it is ok to watch R rated movies with profanity, violence, sexual content and the like. I am not perfect by any means but I do expect a minister to be above the fray.

  3. UNBIASED on December 29th, 2009 11:31 pm

    Not sure I agree for a self-proclaimed minister receiving payment to support a movie described:
    ” The movie is rated R for strong violence and gruesome accidents, language and a scene of sexuality.”

    What type of witness does this set for the “Security Guard” told the story of salvation by someone who is part of deciminating such a story line to the public.

    Seems like another example of diluting, may i say compromising Christian standards.

  4. drdfrenchman on December 29th, 2009 8:40 am

    awesome………how bout those autographs! love ya brothers

  5. Kathy on December 29th, 2009 7:42 am

    Follow me and I will make you fisher of men” That means where ever he leads us. God bless you for trusting he Lord.—That said; now can I borrow some money Doug—–Ha
    Love your Aunt Kathryn

  6. Shelly on December 28th, 2009 7:49 pm

    wow…hollywood might want to watch out bryan the movie star’s in town lol!
    Good job !! ….and ill try to look real hard to see if i can see u when i watch it lol

  7. Bryan on December 28th, 2009 1:43 pm

    It was pretty awesome, even if it was just a blurr on the screen. If you get the movie on dvd, press slow through the race scene….and you might see me…maybe…kinda..if you look hard enough….

  8. Jackie on December 27th, 2009 9:59 pm

    Wow didn’t know either of you could act.lol.Bryan knew you was gonna go places.
    Good going guys just spread Gods word. Love to ms Darla

  9. North Escambia Resident on December 27th, 2009 6:38 pm

    Just goes to show, Brother Doug, that God does indeed work in mysterious ways.

  10. Angi on December 27th, 2009 9:01 am


  11. Connie on December 27th, 2009 3:22 am

    Way To Go Bryan :)