Horse Rescue Group Needs Help To Care For Horse

December 20, 2009


A North Escambia equine rescue group is seeking help to care for a neglected horse.

The horse named “Russ” was voluntarily surrendered Friday to investigators from Panhandle Equine Rescue.

“The owner was unemployed and not able to feed him anymore,” said PER President Diane Lowery. “He was definitely a horse that was ‘in trouble’ and well on his way downhill.” The horse in currently in rehabilitation and will then be put up for adoption.

“Donations are appreciated to get this horse back on the road to a full recovery,” Lowery said.

Since Panhandle Equine Rescue was formed in 2005, the group has worked 118 cases involving 487 horses. PER has rescued a total of 55 horses.

To make a donation, or for more information, visit

Pictured above: Panhandle Equine Rescue needs help to care for “Russ”, a malnourished horse the group rescued on Friday. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Horse Rescue Group Needs Help To Care For Horse”

  1. alyssa on June 5th, 2010 6:22 pm

    can i help feed and groom, and im 10 so i was wonderng if i can help at this age.

  2. noh8rs on December 24th, 2009 11:06 am

    The personal arguments have gone far enough on this story. Comments must follow the posted rules below, or posters will be banned.


    Obviously this POST was only meant for ME!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Beth on December 23rd, 2009 11:12 pm

    I just have to say that I have known Mrs. Lowery for years. Her daughter and I played together when we were kids. She’s a great neighbor and a wonderful woman. She has always loved horses and I am so glad to see that she if finally getting support for this cause. I think more people in the world should stand up for something they truly love.

    I can hear the donkeys up at her house someitmes and I always think wow, that’s really loud and weird sounding. But I bet to Mrs. Lowery it is music to her ears. Thanks to everyone who defended this story.

  4. char on December 23rd, 2009 8:44 am


    Apprently you don’t know a thing about rescue groups and why they do it.

    You probably don’t have a deep and abiding love for animals so you
    can’t understand how ppl do it for the love of all creatures big and small.
    You think it’s all for money.
    Just shows how much you know about this whole type of thing, thats
    why many of the ppl here are telling you to go volunteer, or trying to
    explain it to you.

    Your not being judged we all know your ignorant of the truth and not
    receptive to learn or listen. If you have an axe to grind it’s probably
    because your one of those ppl that someone has to step in on and
    take over your job because you became financially unstable, or at
    least your having a very hard time yourself.

    If you or your spouse has lost your job, I’m truly sorry to hear that.
    Everyone is having a hard time right now.
    I go down the highway and see all the cars in the drive.
    Sooooo many of them and you know they should be up and gone
    to work.

    Very very sad!

    We all need to work together to change things and bring the economy

    I also agree with the person who said we could make a difference if
    we all just donated a couple bucks to this! Hugs to that person.

  5. wendy on December 22nd, 2009 1:21 am

    i do donate to PER every month because i support what they do. i also support other organizations. this was a little article about a horse that needs help. end of story.

    TJ if you will research rescue groups most of them have the same policies. Habitat for Horses if one of the largest groups and they do the same thing. Same for Horse Protection Asso of FL, Hooved Animal Humane Society and Pure Thoughts. They do this because sometimes things change and the horses end up back in trouble again. this way the horses are always protected and cant be sold or sent to an auction or even worse a slaughter house.. The horses have been through enough and i am glad someone is willing to take care of them for the rest of their lives. this is good for some people that adopt especially in this economy. if i couldnt take care of my horses i can only hope that someone like the Per group would take them atleast then i would know that they will be safe as long as PER exists.

  6. William on December 21st, 2009 11:09 pm

    The personal arguments have gone far enough on this story. Comments must follow the posted rules below, or posters will be banned.


  7. noh8rs on December 21st, 2009 11:07 pm

    No I won’t go start up a “group”. So you go for it since you think it is such a good idea.

    I am allowed to comment on these stories just like you. I don’t tell people to keep their mouths shut either. You haven’t seen me do anything because you don’t know me. You have no idea what I do with “so much time on my hands”.
    And don’t hold your breath waiting to see any contributions that I have made to per because there won’t be any.

    And by the way, when was your last donation to per? Like I said if you agree with what they do, donate.

    I’ll give mine to the salvation army.
    I’ll go donate my blood to save a life.

    I got a good laugh out of you bashing me, while at the same time saying that I am bashing per. A BIG LOL

  8. wendy on December 21st, 2009 9:21 pm

    since you seem to have so much time on your hands why dont you do like the santa rosa horse asst council and make one over here……i am pretty sure that PER would love for another group to step in and help. if you supplied your name and number they would send all of the people that have to deal with to YOU….. but i know that wont happen because all you want to do is bash them. you do the same thing everytime something about horses or per shows up on this site. I am willing to bet they could use someone like you since you have all of these years of experience. but i havent seen you do anything except complain. you act like all of the PER people are driving brand new vehicles and live in big houses. do you even know any of these people.???? People that dont know all of the facts should just keep their mouth shut. i have read the stories on here just like you and i dont consider it begging if they ask for donations, that is how they feed and vet the animals they take care of. its not their job to take care of the thousands of horses in escambia but like i said before if that is a job you want then by all means start a group to do that. that is not PER’s job. their job is to save the horses before they die. if you read PER’s website they have meetings once a month. maybe you should go and get all of the fact about things you seem to want to bring up. also if you ask william real nicely maybe he could do a story on you and all of the help you want to give. that would take a load off of PER. looking forward to see your contributions…

  9. TJ on December 21st, 2009 7:07 pm

    Everything I read, they take in animals, put in someone’s care, but never give up ownership. Why does PER not give the animals up once a new satisfactory owner is found. Why only allow folks to sorta-adopt but not own the animals. Find the animals new homes and transfer ownership. PERs seems to want to keep indefinate control which is completely wrong. How many animals is PERs still in control over? Are they giving permanent homes with no strings attached?

  10. noh8rs on December 21st, 2009 11:01 am

    rescue worker
    The salvation army is taking up donations to provide for families in need. They provide christmas presents for families who are less fortunate. If your house burns down they provide shelter and clothing and food. There is a world of difference in what they do. It isn’t even comparable to PER.

    The dept of children and families does feed families. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF FOOD STAMPS.

    And as far as DCF, when it comes to the millions of calls on child abuse and neglect, nine times out of ten when they do finally step in and do their job, it is because a child has died, and this is after numerous reports that have been filed and they did nothing until the tragic end of that childs life. I know of too many of these stories to count.

    all of you who think PER is all that, give them your money. donate donate donate. And hope that you don’t lose your job and can’t take care of your children or your animals.

  11. Rescue Worker on December 21st, 2009 10:46 am

    After this story ran first here, it ran in the PNJ. PER stories run on TV too.

    “They have found on this site a way to get some real cash flowing.” That’s a statement unfair to this site. Sure, they work to make the news to get the money flowing. Nobody jumped all over the Salvation Army for doing the same thing. There are salvation army stories on here and on TV and the PNJ.

    It seems that noh8ers just has a hate for PER. I for one appreciate what they do. It is not their reponsibility to provide me food if I can’t feed my horse. But it is their job to step in and rescue horses that have reached a certain point. Children and Families takes kids that have reached a certain point. They don’t buy them groceries until then.

    Thank you PER for your work, don’t let ONE person complaning get you down. Merry Christmas!

  12. noh8rs on December 21st, 2009 10:42 am

    I have mucked stalls, fed horses, groomed them, all my life. I am not ignorant to the process of taking care of a horse or any other animal.

    Everyone reading this, if you have a horse, you get laid off, or in a bind and can’t provide what your animal needs, take a picture of your animal, explain your circumstances and ask William to post it to set up a fund at a bank to help with the care of your animal. I will donate to that in a heartbeat.

    But if something like that gets a story on here, bet PER runs to that home and files charges and takes the animal.
    Don’t tell me PER doesn’t make money on this business, if they didn’t it wouldn’t be worth their time or their effort of mucking those stalls. They have found on this site a way to get some real cash flowing.

    I have my opinion, don’t hate cause it ain’t the same as yours.

  13. noh8rs on December 21st, 2009 10:29 am

    to christy
    This person got LAID OFF. I bet before that he took good care of the horse. I have been around horses all my life and it doesnt take but a very little time for a horse to lose weight like this.
    When you think it is ok to mouth off because I think PER should have helped out the owner instead taking the animal, (as in voluntarily turn the horse over or have animal abuse charges put on you).

    And if PER doesn’t have the funds to feed this animal, why did they take him and then come on here and beg for donations.

    Do you get it? This is a way to show off a poorly horse, get more donations from people.

    Hey, why didn’t PER show a picture of the horse, set up a fund for donations to get the feed and hay that this horse needs, buy the supplies for the owner and take care of the horse that way? hmmmmmmmm

    I guess if they did that they wouldn’t have a lucrative business.

  14. Queenbee on December 21st, 2009 10:16 am

    noh8rs, actually PER is a 501(c)3 non profit organization. No one involved in this organization makes a living; however they do spend many volunteer hours mucking stalls, mending fences and risking their life working with horses that can be downright dangerous from having been mistreated. No one is compensated for that. If you would like to volunteer, then maybe you can experience firsthand just how PER operates. Please don’t be judgemental. If PER didn’t exist, many horses would be left to die. The owner CHOSE to surrender this horse, PER did not take him. Please go out and help muck stalls and see what it is REALLY like; trust me, PER does not want to take any more horses than they have to.

  15. wonder on December 21st, 2009 10:15 am

    watch many animal programs on tv. Animal precint Houston they always try to help the owners with free food and vet bills. I can understand that many of these programs are run by donation only but would it not be cheaper to let the owner keep the animal and help them rather that having to board the animal. I never hear of them helping the owner they always take the animal, I would hope that they offered to let the owner keep at home.This person should not be thought bad of because he lost his job. People are losing their jobs after 20 years at the same place. As I see it no job is safe.

  16. Christy on December 21st, 2009 9:20 am

    If they did that, do You know how many peoples horse they would be feeding and caring for? Think about it. If You can’t affotrd to take care of any kind of animal, then You don’t need one. And by the way they did’nt take these animals, the owners surrenderred them because they knew the couldnt afford to care for them any more. So next time before You go rambling on about what You think is right and whats wrong, why don’t YOU get you facts strait. I hope You have a merry christmas!!!

  17. noh8rs on December 21st, 2009 8:58 am

    Why is it that a person in need, can’t ask PER for help and PER help with feed and care without taking possession of the horse? That is why I do not care for this PER group. I have never heard of them going out and offering to lend a hand, help with feed and hay until the owner is able to supply it again on their own. NO, they take the animal, then beg for donations for themselves, that is how they make a living, it is a business…. a down right dirty business. I bet they love this economy, because they are making a buck everytime someone with an animal gets laid off.

    Why didn’t they take the horse under their care, nurse him back to health til the owner was back on his feet, then give the animal back to the owner instead of adopting him out?

  18. DB on December 20th, 2009 7:52 pm
  19. FYI on December 20th, 2009 5:33 pm

    If everybody who reads this story sent them at least a dollar or two, I bet that would go along way in getting this horse what he needs.

  20. PE on December 20th, 2009 4:59 pm

    They did the right thing.