Escambia County Coach Removed

December 21, 2009

gibsonfront.jpgThe head coach of the Escambia County High School Blue Devils has been removed.

The administration at Escambia County High School in Atmore relieved Head Coach Kyle Davis of his head coaching duties Friday afternoon.

Davis, who has coached the Blue Devils for the past five years, led ECHS to two playoff appearances. This season, Escambia County was 3-7, finishing the season with a 21-14 win over Robertsdale.

Escambia County will move down a classification next fall, from 5A to 4A with teams like W.S. Neal, Andalusia, Clerke County and Hillcrest-Evergreen.

The search is now underway for an new head coach at Escambia County High School. file photo/graphic.


18 Responses to “Escambia County Coach Removed”

  1. Keith Prater on February 4th, 2010 2:41 pm

    ECHS DID NOT WIN A STATE BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP IN 92! IT WAS 1989 with Keith Nall, and other area stars. That team was loaded. Just get your dates right if your going to argue. The football team was a powerhouse in the early 80’s but also don’t say you remember when scouts used to come through. The last football athlete we had was Norman Nero. We had several “couldve beens” in the late 90’s. But that was a long time ago buddy and times have changed. In the late 90’s it was sometimes scary to go in the bathrooms. Lunch wasn’t bad, but PE often was. I saw fights that left kids bloody and often teachers wouldn’t interfere. The students saw what the teachers did not! Half of the teachers couldn’t wait for the bell either. I felt horrible for most of them.

  2. roy tolin on December 30th, 2009 9:20 pm

    all the comment pepole let on here they hire coach davis back i amthe chain on manon friday night

  3. Let's see... on December 28th, 2009 9:23 pm

    What is the real reason Coach Davis was fired? Will we ever really know? When you don’t disclose the truth, people speculate and can only comment based on what is foreseen as the truth. Politics and hidden agendas have no place in public schools…that kind of nonsense, sadly, seems to fit well in the white house and other areas of government.

    Leadership….leadership is what is needed. When is the last time ECHS had a quality leader running the place, I personally can’t think of any in the last 15 years. That is sad and who suffers…well, let’s see – students, the community, teachers – do I need to go on? When turnover in a school system is high, doesn’t that give a clear enough message? When you can’t keep quality teachers and administration for more than one year, doesn’t that give a clear enough message or does someone have to put it on a billboard around town? There really aren’t any sure solutions to the problem at hand but it is clear that a board and superintendent that cares is where you have to start. Elect people that will have only the best interest of your children in mind.

    Best of luck to Coach Davis. This ordeal could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for him.

  4. Former Teacher on December 24th, 2009 10:34 pm

    It is sad to hear that Mr. Davis was removed from his position. I was a teacher at ECHS last year but was laid off on May 22. I can say that Mr. Davis was not a bad man, but he was a poor disciplinarian and some of the players he allowed to escape punishment when they were written a referral. Whatever the reason for them firing him it is for the best of the team and the school. Yes the school is lacking in good strong leaders. Coaches are suppose to mold their players to be those leaders for the school and community. Whoever they get to hire as a coach I hope they look for someone who is strong.
    ECHS was a very hard school to teach at. The most of the students lack respect for not just authority but themselves. Most of their parents fail to teach them how to do that as they lack the qualities them self. The teachers who are there, are there because they need a job. Some are there because they want to help those kids. I was there because I wanted to help those kids and as odd as it may sound I do miss it.
    Regardless of who they get to replace Mr. Davis the school will not change, the students will not change till parents, and the community do something about it. The administrators can only do so much, teachers can only do so much, when the students leave the school they are taken out of the hands of the school and put into the hands of the community. So before going to blast the board of education, and the administration work on the community first.

  5. Blue Devil Pride on December 24th, 2009 2:53 pm

    Dixie Chick,
    Yes, my children went to ECHS before we moved away due to a change in employment. Yes, I know first hand the uphill battle this school faces. Regardless, the foundation of stability, dicipline and community support will always be required before any change can successfully be effected. To effect said change, community leaders, church leaders, chamber of commerce, economic development, business owners, and city leaders must commit to becoming involved and supporting in ways that would include attendance at various functions, sponsorship, mentoring, shadowing, etc. The community as a whole will have to effect some level of committment. The situation at ECHS, is key to the future of economic success for the community. This is a far bigger issue than most people even consider.

  6. roy tolin on December 23rd, 2009 9:32 pm

    we need robert smith for the new head coach

  7. Dixie Chick on December 23rd, 2009 9:14 pm

    Blue Devil Pride,
    Do your kids go to ECHS? It’s easy to say make them stay in district unless yours have to go there. I don’t want my kids there with the gangs. A few years ago an assistant principal told me it’s not so bad if they are in the honors classes. But they still have to go to PE, lunch, and the bathroom with them. He said I can understand why you don’t want your kids here. Don’t bother trying to figure out who it was because he is not there anymore. Don’t tell me the gangs aren’t there. Even in elementary school they tell the teachers what signs to look for. The police can tell you how many confirmed gangs there are. ECHS has had pitiful principals since the 80’s. Until they get someone in to get control the school will always be an embarassment. Which is really sad because I would love for my kids to be a Blue Devil. But not at the expense of their education and safety.

  8. Blue Devil Pride on December 23rd, 2009 8:45 pm

    To Coach Davis, thank you for your caring efforts and best wishes for the future. To the Board of Education and the administration, the problem is NOT the athletic program, nor is it the academic program – it is the lack of stability, dicipline and community support for this school. As an alumni, I am proud of the education I received at ECHS. I am also proud of the extracurricular activities we had and was fortunate to have an opportunity to participate.

    Times and people change but the need for stability, dicipline and community support is perpetual. Over the course of many years, the population has had many more opportunities to choose other schools to attend and this has had a direct impact on the current situation. The community has become polarized because the support of the various schools. Northview, Flomaton, Escambia Academy, Atmore Christian School, JU Blacksher, ECHS – 7 schools in a twenty mile radius. Split the population and allow out of district attendance and polarize the community. This simply was not an option 25 years ago – come to think of it – that is the last time there was true community support, dicipline and stability. It has been a long sad decline. The sadder truth is, as long as there is a lack of “key ingredients” the state of everything at ECHS will remain the same.

    To ECHS99 (speculating 99 was your last year of attendance), by my estimation, you were barely out of diapers when ECHS brought home the 1983 class 3A State Football Championship! Let us not forget the ‘92 State Baseball Championship also. You have NO first hand knowledge of the proud athletic tradition of ECHS. I remember Atmore being a regular stop for college scouts and many a BLUE DEVIL have gone on to represent it proudly from West Point and Annapolis to Auburn and Alabama. Nuclear physicists and doctors to landmark educators and fortune 500 management.

    I will continue to pray that those in the power to effect great change will have the sense enough to change greatly. ECHS can return to its proud tradition. The students are willing, is the board, administration and community ready to step up?

  9. parent on December 23rd, 2009 5:10 pm

    I agree 100% “Disgusted”. Not only is the high school in shambles, but administration is sorely lacking in ALL of Atmore’s schools. Yes, I know this for a fact.

  10. Disgusted on December 23rd, 2009 3:48 pm

    I am not here to speak either in favor of or against Coach Davis, although I’ve heard good things about him. I will say that, having spoken personally to the principal of Escambia County High School, I am amazed that someone so clearly inarticulate and lacking in basic educational knowledge can be trusted by the Escambia County School Board to run a clearly troubled school full of the county’s most at-risk students. I have nothing against the man, but I resent his occupying a key position for which he is clearly incapable. I know many ECHS teachers, and they work hard to make a difference in the most hostile, chaotic, caustic environment imaginable, and the students are not the source of the chaos; the administration is. I’m sure it is very important that someone takes control of the coaching staff at ECHS. Shouldn’t the school board, however, devote the same concern to finding someone who can gain control of the school itself?

  11. parent on December 23rd, 2009 2:06 pm

    Trust me, caring parent, you are one of the few. And I happen to know from experience that the Board does NOT care about the kids in Atmore. One even called the high school an embarassment! The only kids they put forth any effort for are the ones in Flomaton and Pollard McCall.

  12. A caring parent on December 23rd, 2009 12:41 pm

    First of to “parent” some of the parents in Atmore do care and I’m one of them. I have 3 @ ECHS and all 3 have a GPA over 3.0 so be care about what you say. Get the fact before you talk and by the way you do have some of the board members that care about the students well being.

  13. parent on December 23rd, 2009 7:34 am

    Roy Tolin, what the heck are you talking about. No one can even understand your post. To those of you that are surprised by this, wake up! Mr. Hines and the entire Escambia County Board of Ed cares nothing for the kids in Atmore; only the test scores that continue to make them look good for the state. The teachers work their butts off in Atmore for nothing. The parents don’t care; they just want a free day of babysitting for their kids. The administrators don’t care; they just want to show up in classrooms, unannounced, and disrupt the day under the guise of doing what the state tells them to do. So people, please do not let the dismissal of a coach under shady circumstances break your rose-colored glasses. It has and always will be about politics. And the kids always get the short end of that stick!

  14. roy tolin on December 22nd, 2009 7:38 pm

    when will you bring the new coach in he need be a good person do need curse the play

  15. Ubelieveable on December 21st, 2009 9:13 pm

    First off Davis was 22 and 30 on the field as a coach. He was screwed by previous administration on his “forfieted” season. He took ECHS to two straight playoff apperances. Not done in 18 years. Hosted a playoff game first time in 18 years. Beat T.R. Miller first time in 15 years. 4-0 versus W.S. Neal. 2-1 versus Bay Minette. Sent seven ECHS players to college. ECHS had won very few games in the previous ten years before he got there. Davis has given of his time in community events and of his money to needy players. This is a joke. I mean i am glad it happened so he can something so much better and Atmore can get what we all know they want. Billy Hines has left ECHS for dead. And to discipline I say have you seen the school that is the exact replica of a well oiled machine……………..can you sense the sarcasm. Truth is as a former player of his he is the best thing that school has has athletically in years and this will cost ECHS big time. There were no boosters involved heck they support coach. This eas strictly an administrative move. And the sad thing of that was that coach had been asking since november because he had heard the rumors and was told no decision had been made and even asked again as late as last monday and was told still no decision had been made……………. but when he got his walking papers on friday the letter was dated december 3rd…… and he didnt even get to address his team.

  16. 70s alumni on December 21st, 2009 8:14 pm

    Another sad day for ECHS. Sad because we are all used to it. Fire the the coach. Point the finger at anyone except where it should be….pointing back at themselves. Sadly, it’s the kids that suffer at the hands of booster members, many who never set foot on a football field. Many boosters get upset over decisions a coach may or may not make, maybe they thought their kid should have played or played more than the next. The coach makes decisions for the better of the TEAM, not individual players. As an ex player and booster club member, I am embarrassed now to admit I was once a member of this once proud program. Successful programs need continuity. Look only to T.R. Miller’s program. Since the 70’s, they’ve had 2 coaches…Cotton and Riggs. Their success speaks for itself. I honestly can’t even name all the coaches Atmore has had since the 70’s. Coach Davis was a coach who #1, cared for his kids…probably more than most parents and teachers do. He wanted to be in Atmore. Few out of work coaches will want to come to Atmore. What does it have to offer..2 years and your done? Teachers who are looking for a way to get away from ECHS instead of making it better? He was attempting to build a program that others had worked so hard to bring down. Sadly, he wasn’t given the opportunity to finish what he started. I wish Coach Davis all the best in the future.

  17. ECHS99 on December 21st, 2009 3:51 pm

    This is really no big surprise, one of the “Dirty Little Secrets” of high school football in the south how much control big time booster supporters have over a schools football program.

    ECHS has never been a POWERHOUSE football team, we were always undermanned and undersized for the teams we played. I remember us having several good players and even this year we have a very promising and versatile QB.

    Since Buck Powell (55-32) left in 1983, we have went through 5 different coaches, four of which since 1997. With an overall record of 101-174. Coach Davis had an overall record of 16-35 between 2005-2009 with only two first round playoff appearance, both losing.

    ECHS will never be a good football team again, until they get the boosters out of the way let the coaches coach and players play, and they get a coach who can restore some pride, confidence and discipline to the team.

  18. whitepunknotondope on December 21st, 2009 11:31 am

    Why was he fired? For having as losing record? THIS IS A HIGH SCHOOL! It isn’t professional sports. What kind of message is the school admin sending out here?

    Unless there is some unstated reason that involves discipline, I hope to hell they’re not firing this poor guy because the “team” was 3-7 this year! That would be pathetic.