ECUA Releases Statement After Water Supply Called Worst In The U.S.

December 15, 2009

Two days after a national environmental group called Pensacola’s water supply the worst in the nation among cities over 250,000 poplulation, the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority is responding.

A study released Saturday by the Environmental Working Group said there were 21 chemicals found in Pensacola’s water that exceeded health guidelines, including radium, lead, bezene and carbon tetracholride. Overall, the group said, Pensacola has the worst drinking water of any American city. (Read more here.)

Monday, the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, which provides Pensacola’s water, released the following statement:

“We appreciate our customers’ concerns related to the quality of our drinking water. First, ECUA’s drinking water is perfectly safe and meets all federal and state standards. Second, data used in the report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) were taken from all the utilities’ Water Quality Reports.

“There are trace amounts of various chemicals in our water, and every water source for that matter, but they are in parts per billion and parts per trillion which means the chemicals are at very, very low amounts. When we encounter any issue or concern with the quality of the water, we address it immediately. We filter out unsafe levels of these contaminants from the underground source water before it is provided to you, the customer.

“The important issue for us is that the water quality standards are met for ECUA water. Our water meets these standards and is some of the best in the country despite what the environmental advocacy groups have to say. Our water is absolutely safe and meets every water quality standard from the environmental agencies. If the standards change, we will also meet the new requirements.

“We take water quality very seriously at the ECUA.”


14 Responses to “ECUA Releases Statement After Water Supply Called Worst In The U.S.”

  1. Steven Moore on February 12th, 2010 5:17 pm

    The answer given by ECUA doesn’t make any sense just like the other things that are provided by Escambia County. It may well be the stupidest County in the USA as well. There has been no follow-up to this statement, no real scientific evidence that the water they supply is not the worst. This is just another example in a long line of poor services provided by this county and the local governments of the Pensacola area.

  2. Amin on January 3rd, 2010 11:04 am

    I have a family, and I have been concerned for several years about the quality of air and quality of water for myself and my family. There is only so much that I can do about it. I have multiple air fiitration units in our home to remove pollutants from the air, and I use basic filters for the tap water and the water from the refrigerator. These are inexpensive ways to get rid off the basic pollutants. You need to make use of reverse osmosis with certain tolerances to take care of radioactive particles from water. I am still behind with getting such a water filtration system,but I have it on my radar. While our county may have elevated cancer risk, it is not the worst in Florida. Reasonable actions can assist us in reducing the risks of pollution.

  3. E Scott Harding on December 17th, 2009 8:07 am

    We are in the process of constructing a new plant and moving downtown treatment. Will this new plant have the ability to address these concerns and provide a cleaner source of drinking water than your current facility?

  4. jeff on December 16th, 2009 12:30 pm

    All of the comments so far are most likely being written by uninformed individuals. Do your homework, people!

    Feel free to drink up your bottled water, which is most likely tap water anyways. Also, tap water is not held to the same standards as public tap water.

  5. Ward on December 16th, 2009 9:26 am

    Maybe it’s time to call in Eric Brockovich.

  6. A. Davis on December 15th, 2009 9:26 pm

    Has drinking the water really made these people not understand there is a problem. why not just fix it? and yes cancer seems to be to common around here think about how many people have had it,has it, or had it.

  7. psu1earl on December 15th, 2009 5:08 pm

    It may not be a concern to ECUA, but the other water systems that were in the study DO NOT have this problem (or ECUA non-problem..HA!)…Why can they not have this nonproblem but ECUA can not?…I would prefer not having the nonproblemed water thank you…

  8. Robert Kelley on December 15th, 2009 4:24 pm

    Reminds me of the statements our elected officials made after a survey said that most people in county believed that there was a lack of leadership in our elected officials.

    I dont blindly believe everything I read but there must be a problem somewhere in order to rank where we did. They admit the data comes from their reports but yet they still claim the water is “some of the best in the country.” I want them to show me just one water system that is worse than ours.

  9. DANIEL on December 15th, 2009 2:13 pm

    The statement…“There are trace amounts of various chemicals in our water, and every water source for that matter, but they are in parts per billion and parts per trillion which means the chemicals are at very, very low amounts.” Come on, to me it sounds like if everyone was jumping of the bridge they would join in. What ever happend to ECUA explaining what the actual problem is, taking responsibility, and then telling us how they plan to fix it to be the best darn water in the country.
    Please answer the who, what, when and where. Who does this affect, what is being done, when will it be done, where is the problem the worse?

  10. EMD on December 15th, 2009 12:49 pm

    What amazes me is that they are trusting the “government’s standards.” Pathetic. What thinking person trusts the government anymore?

  11. Wild Bill on December 15th, 2009 8:16 am

    Time to raise the BS flag and put some pressure on these yahoos. Wake up ECUA, trace amounts of dangerous chemicals even the in parts per billion range that are injested over long periods of time cause health issues such as cancer. Instead of flapping their gums trying to defend themselves from this report, they need to be figuring out a solution to a MAJOR problem. County Commisioners, these people work for you, FIX IT!!!!!!!!!

  12. Pam Wood on December 15th, 2009 7:55 am

    This attitude is exactly why we left Escambia County. Give em a raise !!!!

  13. Chris Maloney on December 15th, 2009 6:56 am

    This is just another reason why people leave the county. This is totally a national joke.

  14. wanda shakir on December 15th, 2009 6:01 am

    I have a great concern. Please provide us with a better answer. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!