Deputies Release ID Of Cantonment Murder Victim

December 23, 2009

Authorities are investigating the murder of 57-year old man Monday night in Cantonment.


Early Wednesday night, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigators identified the victim as Douglas Edwin Norton, 57. Deputies are still looking for Norton’s family.

“Investigators hope that by releasing the name someone will be able to help locate a family member,” Sgt. Ted Roy, ESCO spokesperson, said Wednesday.

The incident was reported about 10 p.m. Monday on Cooper Road,  just north of Muscogee Road. Several deputies and two crime scene units from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department responded to the area.

Norton was reportedly discovered inside the residence at 106 Cooper Road by his roommate. Roy said Norton had been shot to death.

No suspect has been named or arrested in the case.

The Cooper Road murder was the 17th in Escambia County this year. There have been 14 in the unincorporated areas of the county, and three in Pensacola. will update this story as more information becomes available.


18 Responses to “Deputies Release ID Of Cantonment Murder Victim”

  1. Julie Easterling on January 6th, 2014 2:39 pm

    It is a shame that this murder is still unsolved.

    Doug did not do drugs.

    Not long before he was murdered he did confide in me about ’someone’ that had threatened him, ’someone’ he had to throw out of his home.

    And the night he was murdered ’someone’ stole his mustang.

    I called to police and left a message on the tip line. No one ever wanted to talk with me about it –

    still unsolved !!!

  2. Axxo friend on November 18th, 2010 1:16 pm

    i Knew Doug personally for years ” It has nothing to do with drugs im almost sure but he was always doing nice things for people and i bet he was robbed or setup by someone he knew and its such a shame this has happend to him. I hope the guys who did this burn in hell 4ever.

  3. David Ader on November 7th, 2010 9:07 am

    I have personally known Doug and his Mother and Father before they passed away. We went to college together in 1983 at Pensacola Junior College. I helped in out when his ham radio antenna fell and broke his leg for those of you who knew him back then. He was a brother to me and was like an uncle to my children. They all loved him. Doug has lived at 106 Cooper taking care of his Mother and Father his entire life. He has family, but none of them ever were there to help. His mother passed away first and he stayed on and took care of his father until he died a few years back at age 92 I believe.

    Doug was as others have said, a very caring person that would give you the shirt off his back if he could. I have been overseas and was wondering why I could not get a hold of him until I came upon this article today. I am deeply saddened as he or any other person do not deserve to die like this.

    My heart reaches out to my brother and I also pray that he is now in a better place than the world we live in today.

    He was a very caring man and all should know that. I hope they find the killer and that justice will be served.

    I wonder and worry about this though as it seems our country is in the worst shape that I can ever remember. It used to be people, neighbors would help each other. Our country will never get better until we can learn to help each other and return to the way our founding fathers intended for us to be.

    As the old saying goes – United we Stand, Divided we fall.

    In parting I pray that justice will be done and that if we all would follow one of God’s most important commandments this probably would not have happend.

    And that commandment is “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR”

    Rest in peace Doug.

    Your brother, David

  4. friend of a friend on December 28th, 2009 8:03 pm

    Douglas was a good man from what I heard. He always cared about other before himself. I did not know him personally but I just wanted to take the time to show respect in the only way I think I can. May his soul rest in peace. And hope he is in a much happier and better place than this horrid place we still are in.
    RIP Mr. Norton
    -a friend of a friend-

  5. char on December 26th, 2009 11:47 am

    You know and I would also like to say, I had only looked in on this
    to see if they released an addy so I might take in food for the family.
    Then I saw that everyone had jumped to conclusions about what
    I was saying.
    I also saw that they can’t even find his family so there is nothing
    I can do for this family.

    Maybe it is true, no good dead goes unpunished!~

  6. char on December 26th, 2009 11:33 am

    I wasn’t talking about the man being on drugs.
    Most robberies are about drugs or money.
    I was robbed and they took jewelry to pawn, and two months
    later I noticed that they had also taken a bottle a prescription
    pain pills I had in a drawer. Of course I didn’t notice it till
    I needed a pain pill.

    I don’t do drugs, or know anyone who does drugs personnally,
    Yet some dirt bag broke in my front door and took things they
    could pawn and drugs they could take or pedal, who knows.

    I was saying this could be just like the billings killing, not
    that the man did or sold drugs. The billings didn’t do drugs either,
    but look who broke in and what they took.

    To me it would be more like they just picked on him because
    he was 57, that made him an easy target. Just like I am 62
    so I am an easy target. These guys rareily rob someone who
    can fight back.

    I guess something went very very wrong.
    Maybe there was a grudge, but I’m sorry I am still betting
    this will come down to drugs or money!

    Thats my opinon, I’m not saying I’m right. The truth will
    come out at some time, but I am entitled to my opinion.

    As for those of you who where offended by the thought that
    I was saying this poor man did drugs, I’m sorry that I didn’t
    make myself more clear. I surely didn’t mean to say something
    bad about THIS victem.


  7. clean getaway on December 26th, 2009 11:15 am

    I’m not saying the guy was dealing.

    I was robed and they took drugs and jewelry that could be pawned.
    Most roberies are about drugs and money, in one way or another.

  8. mommy2beautifulgirls on December 24th, 2009 8:32 pm

    first off everyone needs to stop judging! my husband worked with this guy for 2 years and from what he told me about this guy he was a very nice, cool and laid back kind of guy,he was not into drugs and alcohol and didn’t really have no husband is in a wheelchair and when he was working,this guy doug would help him with anything he needed help with and it’s a tragedy that this man was taken away and i hope someone out there knows what happen and will come forward,soon….he needs to be at peace…and the person needs to be put away and the key needs to be thrown away..this was a senseless thing and i hope the idiot gets what’s coming to him real soon! everyone if you knew a friend or a family member that had this similar incident happened to them what would you do?????

  9. Joshua Salter on December 24th, 2009 2:46 am

    I knew Doug very well, Doug was not the type of person to be involved with ANY type of drugs whatsoever. Never in my life would I expect that type of thing out of him. Doug was very kind, and was nothing but a helping person. If you ever needed him, he would be there. Me and him would always sit and laugh about various things his little brother, Clayton Helton II would use to do before he died last year. He really missed Clayton. He would always tell me so many good things about Clay, and being that I worked with Clay at Autozone, and also Doug at Clearwire, we really got to trade stories with one another. For all you people saying this is a drug related issue, you should all go to Hell. I for one am outraged that people can say such a thing about a person that they did not even know. It really does anger me to hear that coming from someone that I cannot even see face to face. Doug was always telling me that I reminded him so much of Clayton and was always getting on to me about my car. He was always telling me that when I got it running he didn’t want anything to happen to me, and I can see where he was coming from being that he had lost his little brother Clayton in a car accident a year before. Doug was one of the most honest people I know. I still cannot believe this has happened. I just hope that the person that committed such a crime suffers for the rest of their life. Doug did not deserve this.

  10. cantonment mom on December 23rd, 2009 6:01 pm

    Thanks William! I don’t think he had much family, if any, here from what he always told me. He did work for Cat Country for a while when they first came to Pensacola they may know of some family!

  11. William on December 23rd, 2009 5:56 pm

    Full name corrected in story — Douglas Edwin Norton (first name was inadvertently omitted in a previous story version)

  12. cantonment mom on December 23rd, 2009 5:54 pm

    does anyone know if he went by the name Doug Norton?

  13. just me again on December 23rd, 2009 2:45 pm

    so sad so tragic…my condolances goes out to all affected…

  14. Richard on December 23rd, 2009 1:35 pm

    I know the guy that got murdered and i doubt it had to do with drugs. He seemed like a good guy always nice and friendly didn’t take him as a person who had any involvement with drugs, could be wrong but didn’t seem like that type of guy.

  15. Joe on December 23rd, 2009 12:06 pm

    any loss, at any time during the year is painful for the loved ones. During this special holiday season the loss of a loved one seems to be much harder. I know this first hand, as I lost someone very close to me on christmas eve in 1982 and all these years later it still troubles me and affects my holiday. I will be praying for this family and their loss and hope the pending investigation will reveal what really happened, knowing this information offeres slight comfort to the family as they know more about what happened. I do not know this man, But, good or bad, this man was someones, son, brother, uncle, father, or friend. I will be praying for those affected by this loss.

  16. Thinker on December 23rd, 2009 9:24 am

    That was my first assumption…drugs…and money of course. But I stopped myself. It’s an easy out…from feeling sympathy for the victim.

    It may have been random and cold blooded. Wait and see.

  17. srr on December 23rd, 2009 9:21 am

    you know what they say about assuming char? stfu if you don’t have anything better to say. You’re always making BS comments on these stories.

    I knew the victim, I’ve worked with him for over 2 years, its not drug related. If anything it’s a disgruntled friend/family member like a son, victims new model black mustang was stolen, victim told me several weeks ago it was for a son, but he was too reckless.

    So don’t even speculate, and if you have nothing to contribute to the comments other then your assumptions and negativity, quit posting.

  18. char on December 23rd, 2009 5:01 am

    Probably money or drugs!

    They don’t clean up the drug problem around here so I doubt this
    will get cleaned up if thats what this was about!