County To Conduct Survey; 2009 Showed North Escambia Concerns

December 27, 2009

A survey will begin in early January in Escambia County to give residents a chance to voice their opinions about living in the county.

The Listener Group will conduct the third annual county-wide telephone survey for the Escambia County Commission to give a selected residents the chance to provide their input regarding services received and the quality of life in Escambia County. The marketing company will systematically call residents in each of the five commission districts until 100 people in each district have complete the survey.

survey.jpgThe 2009 county-wide survey showed the concerns of North Escambia residents.

When asked, “how satisfied are you with the overall quality of the job that the County is doing”, 91.6% of the residents responded with a neutral to very satisfied rating. The highest ratings when to fire services, emergency medical services and hurricane preparedness.

The county’s lowest ratings were to questions about the county is responsive to complaints, public transportation and mosquito control.

There were 538 randomly chosen registered voters in the county that took part in the telephone survey. Several of their answers revealed common concerns about the quality of life and the concerns in North Escambia.

Comments related to North Escambia included:

  • I am from Molino in the northern part of he county and we have a lot of residential, but we need more economic development to balance it out. Managing growth is very important.
  • We live in the north end of the county. We don’t get much in the way of services. We’re like the step-children. Because we live in a rural area, we’re not heard as much as the rest of the county.
  • We have a pretty safe neighborhood here and law enforcement does come by here. I don’t think they have enough law enforcement in the north end of the county.
  • A hospital in Century, closest one is Pace
  • Downsize public bus that runs from Pensacola to Century
  • The amount of services where I live in Molino have been cut. There used to be a bus service out here. If someone didn’t have a car, they couldn’t get out of town. — Our
    fire service is volunteer.– People are leaving Molino in droves.
  • I live in a rural area in Molino that is not densely populated. I feel we are neglected & our tax dollars s/b more useful. I was glad to see that recycling has been implemented out here. I live on a dirt road & for 3 to 5 years we have been promised that it would be paved. The last I heard this was in the planning stages, which could take another 5 years.
  • On hurricane response: In our area, North of Hwy 29, we always have a slow response. They don’t bring out meals, for example because we’re not in the ‘disaster area’, & I thought that was really stupid!
  • I live out in the northern part of the County. During Ivan, the ice ran out. I don’t think they were ready overall, for the devastation of Opal and Erin, at first, but they got better.
  • I live in the most northern part of the county, and we’re the last ones to get any kind of service. But I understand that.
  • Top 3 things: 1) Growth to move north of 9 mile road 2) Incentives to help improve north end of the county 3) keep police/sheriff offices open for north end
  • Top 3 things: 1) road improvements 2) stop closing the schools in the north end 3) more efficient building codes in the north end
  • Discontinue: I do not want them to do garbage pickup in the north end of the county. I like Allied Waste much better, and the County should let them compete.


2 Responses to “County To Conduct Survey; 2009 Showed North Escambia Concerns”

  1. Janice Parker on December 27th, 2009 8:22 am

    As I have said before, the commissioners have too much power in Escambia county. We have things pushed over us in ways and not enough services in others. We have also suffered abuse from some of the deputies. We need less zoning and building codes. There is not enough space to list all my complaints.
    Janice Parker

  2. bmb on December 27th, 2009 8:19 am

    Did any of them say: “Quit trying to shove the city ways out to the country or what happens to our tax money life say for instance the fire tax?” Hopefully they all said, VOTE NO TO CONSOLODATION. Protect our clean water from being pumped to the folks who dirty up theirs and can’t drink it. Just an opinion, something to think about, but what do I know…female and blonde, go figure.