Architect To Be Hired To Design Molino School Renovations

December 10, 2009


The renovation of the old Molino School into a community center will take a major step forward tonight as an architectural firm will be hired to design the project.

The Escambia County Commission is expected to vote tonight award a $214,580 contract to DAG Architects to design renovations to turn the empty school into a multi-use facility, possibly including a community center and a branch library.

In May, commissioners approved the $400,000 purchase of the building from the Escambia County School District. Commissioners have since approved a budget of $2,089,156 from Local Option Sales Tax monies for the renovation project.

Plans call for the old Molino school to become a community hub, possibly including a 5,000 square foot library, a museum highlighting Molino history, a small health clinic, a business incubator, renovation of the cafeteria and one additional building for community events and private party rental along with other uses.

The school campus includes 9.66 acres and four buildings — the largest of which is 16,630 square feet.

First opened in 1939, the Molino School closed in 2003 when the new Molino Park Elementary School consolidated Molino Elementary and Barrineau Park Elementary.

Pictured above: The old Molino School now sits empty, closed in 2003. photo, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Architect To Be Hired To Design Molino School Renovations”

  1. susan wright on December 17th, 2009 11:57 am

    why not a nursing home? or a private school? both would bring money and opportunity to the community!

  2. Ward on December 16th, 2009 10:00 am

    My son was killed when he was in first grade at Molino and when they built the new school I was told his plaque from his memorial garden would be moved to the new school, but that never happened. Does anyone know where it is because it isn’t at the old school either? I would really love to see this building restored if it is possible, but it is in really really bad shape. Our children could benefit greatly from a local library as well as our adults.

  3. char on December 13th, 2009 11:56 am

    In fact if this officer needs a home in molino and he is a good man,
    I have a large guest cottage he can use for free, and it’s wonderful.

  4. char on December 13th, 2009 11:52 am

    He probably had to pay because the county had some type of contract
    with a time frame on it themselves so it cost them money.

    Mayby if we all took up a collection for the officer and offered that
    money to the county they would drop the stupid law suite.

    Just one more time the county only cared about their rich fat cat

    It’s not like they really want to do anything thats going to bring in
    revenue in this county, they stiffle every single thing they can,
    and everyone knows this is the 4th pourest county in Florida.
    Now isn’t the a sad thing to be known as!

    They didn’t care if this officer didn’t have time to work and move
    everything he owned including his home.

    Good Grief Charley Brown

    Is this a good officer. I don’t know him. If he is, the ppl of this county
    should do something about this and even hold a march to get funds
    for him, and show the county commissioners we’re not going to
    stand for this.


  5. jay on December 13th, 2009 9:40 am

    Back to the waste of money – A GED program or Adult learning program would be great. They have to pay fees for the classes which would help pay for the project plus help the citizens of the area. The on site deputy would even make more since to protect the building and for everyones information he is free of charge. Also found out the county is suing the deputy because he could not move himself and his trailer within 30 days. How stupid and insensitive are our powers that be in the county.

  6. susan wright on December 12th, 2009 2:35 pm

    my grandfather attended that school. why do they need to tear it down? they didnt tear barrineau down? it is the same from when i went thereover 20 yrs ago. maybe they should or could ask pjc to rent some spaces for those who want to go back to school. that would help bring in the money to keep it open, and its big enough. the business qurters could still fit too. but if you look at the old BP school, they offer the same space for businesses to come in… and they have none! so relly i think that will be a waste. i think they are putting too much thought into the unneeded and not enough into what makes sence. maybe they should ask the community what we might like or need. haha they would probably save a lot of well needed tax dollars! and as for the onprimisis deputy, he deserves to stay!!! shoot by now he should part owner by now!

  7. char on December 12th, 2009 5:11 am

    2 million dollars to renovate that school, while every service we
    have in this county is being cut because of budget cuts, and
    the police are running all over the roads doing radar to make
    money for the county so they don’t get their jobs cut.

    the stupid thing is, the officers are doing this on government
    grants to target areas all over town. So what does that mean.
    It means your federal dollars paid for the grant, and your now
    paying with tickets and fines.

    Think about that one!

    And don’t think I don’t know ppl need to slow down at christmas,
    everyone is in a hurry.

    But how many police officers need to be doing radar, and what
    does that leave for the crime wave we’re having all over the city.

  8. char on December 12th, 2009 5:06 am

    I’ll tell you why their going to spend all that money, because somebody
    is being paid off. Thats the bottom dollar on all government projects.
    Somebody gets a kickback from the contractors and archs. that get the

    I went to school with lead paint and there was no problems, all my
    cousins and siblings did too, with no problems.

    I also think it would be cheaper to just take lead paint off than distroy
    a beautiful old building that nobody does work like that anymore.

  9. EMD on December 11th, 2009 10:07 pm

    I agree, Jay. Why would they do such a thing?

  10. jay on December 11th, 2009 1:56 pm

    I just wonder why the county is making the on site deputy move (trailer and all) who kept vandals away from the school. Let the guy stay because somebody has to protect the tax payers investment. I bet we’ll see major thefts of metals and materials from the site when he’s gone. Not So Smart Move County Officials

  11. EMD on December 11th, 2009 9:51 am

    If for no other reason, perhaps it should be kept for a storm shelter or temporary dwelling for those who have lost their home due to storm, fire, etc. It is too nice of a building to waste.

  12. JM on December 11th, 2009 6:51 am

    The Arts Council has been trying for years to get a place further away from the hurricane flood/impact zone for a performing arts center, offices, storm-safe-storage, etc. Also nearer the center of the county. Why not Molino. They have over twenty acres there.

  13. SW on December 11th, 2009 12:20 am

    Is this project necessary for county operations? Does it have anything to do with the constitutional obligations of the county government?

    If they have so much money to toss as such projects, why don’t they just give it back to us-the taxpayers?

    Isn’t it just time to stop spending and start being more fiscally conservative?

  14. David Huie Green on December 10th, 2009 2:44 pm

    generally speaking asbestos is safe to be around unless one smokes. now with the laws against smoking in public buildings, it’s harder and harder to kill yourself.

    also, the asbestos used in buildings tended to be long fiber which does not get as deep into the lungs and is less likely to do damage. Congress just outlawed all asbestos, irrespective of whether or not it was dangerous.

    Generally speaking, the asbestos levels are higher if you mess with it than if you just leave it alone

  15. EMD on December 10th, 2009 12:17 pm

    Are you saying that the kids that used to go there up until the school closed, were exposed to lead paint and asbestos? If it was good enough for the kids to use, why spend a lot of money on it now?

    It would be a good place for family reunions, after funeral dinners, a Molino Museum, a library, a place to have talent shows, singings, speakers, classes, many things. It could be used as a place for volunteers to teach children and adults to read and write,and properly compose sentences. The list goes on. It should not be torn down. What a waste that would be. They do not build things as good as when this school was built.

    Unless it is a real hazzard, I see no use in huge renovations. I went to school many years ago with asbestos and lead paint and I am still alive well.

  16. Oversight on December 10th, 2009 11:28 am

    Although this project is meant with the best intentions, old government buildings are filled with hazardous surprises. The startup of this project has already cost about a third of the $2 million set aside at $614,580, so hold onto your hats because $2 million won’t even come close to the actual cost of renovating this old school building. With the BOCC spending more than 10% of the budget on an architect, you know this is going to be a true pork project for the contractors involved. Just wait until the asbestos, lead paint and other contamination get identified and require removal. We seen nothing in the way of dollars yet because the cost is really going to skyrocket.

  17. Darryl on December 10th, 2009 9:06 am

    These projects are great on paper, but unless the community will really stand behind it and use it regularly, they can deteriorate further. But having a public facility such as this is great when there is a need. One use the community could look at if the building area is larger than needed is creating leaseable area such as for small office space or similar use. Something to bring in some income to offset maintenance cost.

  18. whitepunknotondope on December 10th, 2009 6:34 am

    Why not make a casino out of it?