A Christmas Wish: A Cure For Olivia

December 4, 2009

The Bush family’s Christmas wish is simple — a cure for Olivia.

olivia11.jpgOlivia Bush’s story started July 22, 2003, almost four months before there should have been a first chapter in her life. Born at just 22 weeks, she weighed only one pound six ounces. She stayed in the NICU three and half months, defying doctors and coming home two weeks before her due date. Olivia is the second youngest baby to ever survive at Sacred Heart Hospital.

The current-day chapter Olivia’s story is perhaps best told by her mother, Amber Bush:

“Olivia is now 6 years old. She is blind and can only see light with her left eye. She has a shunt to drain fluid off of her brain, and has frequent seizures.

olivia12.jpg“Our little miracle girl started first grade this year and loves to go to school. She is spoiled rotten by everyone she meets and has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She loves to rock and spin and everything needs to be fast. Roller coasters, throw up rides, and bumps are her friends. Olivia doesn’t meet a stranger. She has the greatest smile and laugh and always brightens our day. She is such an inspiration to everyone she meets, and she has come such a long way. Her favorite song is the BIBLE and she tells everyone to sing it to her.

“After enduring the NICU, she came home on oxygen and a heart monitor, and doctor after doctor. Then started the therapy. She is still in physical, occupational, speech, vision, and mobility therapy.”

Now, Olivia is heading to Miami Children’s Hospital. She will she the same doctor that cured the seizures of her cousin, Northview High student Nathan Therrell.  NorthEscambia.com introduced our readers to Nate in November of 2008 when he was on the sidelines as Northview’s waterboy. After undergoing surgery at Miami Children’s Hospital, Nathan played in Northview’s Garnet and Gold Game in May of 2009, void of seizures. (Read about Nathan here.)

Olivia will be in Miami Children’s Hospital December 14-16 for a battery of tests that her parents hope will end with a successful treatment plan. It’s their Christmas wish.

“Pray for guidance in this matter and that the seizures will subside,” mom Amber said. “Please pray for Olivia. She has come such a long way, and we are so thankful. God has truly blessed us with a living angel and we are very grateful.”

A successful benefit car wash for Olivia Bush was held in Century on Saturday, December 5.

Pictured top: Tad, Olivia, Simon and Amber Bush. Pictured top inset: Olivia was just one pound six ounces when she was born at 22 weeks. Pictured bottom inset: Olivia Bush at six-years old. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “A Christmas Wish: A Cure For Olivia”

  1. Belinda on December 12th, 2009 1:04 pm

    Olivia and family will be in our prayers, God Bless you and the Doctors everything will be fine.

  2. Georgina Edwards on December 9th, 2009 3:44 pm

    Olivia is a true miracle. This is the season of miracles and once again, Olivia will be ours. You are wonderful parents and we are proud of all you do. God bless you and our prayers and thoughts are with you always.
    Aunt Georgie

  3. donya wiggins on December 8th, 2009 11:25 am

    sending lots of love, support & prayers your way!

  4. R. Robinson on December 7th, 2009 9:38 pm

    Myself and my family will continue to pray for your lil angle and the family. Please keep your head up and your prayers in god’s hand and everything will work out. Luv you guys.

  5. Sherry on December 7th, 2009 6:16 pm

    Amber, Tad – John and I will be praying for everything to go well in Miami. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you all. Olivia holds a special place in all our hearts. We will miss you but know the Lord is looking after each of you.

    Aunt Sherry

  6. SANDI DRAKE on December 7th, 2009 7:54 am





  7. MolinoMomma on December 6th, 2009 8:53 pm

    My family will be praying for Olivia. We were in a similiar circumstance. Our Triplet Clarissa was born at 24 wks at 12oz. She surprised the Dr’s by living 8 days. The Bush family are very lucky they still have their daughter. I do hope they get their Christmas Wish

  8. Lori Simmons on December 6th, 2009 8:35 pm

    I will be praying for Olivia and I will be sure to tell everyone at my church and all about this little miracle girl. I have a miracle baby of my own, a little boy age 2 named Jaden he was born at USA Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Mobile on August 29, 2007. He was born with hydrocephalus a severe case of it he also has seizures and has a shunt, he has been in the NICU and the PICU, he has been through more in his two years than I have in my 24 and I thank God everyday that he blessed me with something so special. Many people have told me that God only gives babies like ours to special people and they are here for a purpose and I pray to the good Lord everynite for my son and I will definetly pray for yours good luck and never quit praying and believeing. I would love to talk with you sometime and listen to your story about Olivia and I would love to tell you mine. Good Luck… The Simmons Family will be praying…

  9. Tray Smith on December 6th, 2009 2:27 am

    Sometimes I have to stop and leave a comment after reading a news story. This is one of those times. We hear so much bad news so often, it is nice to read about this young girl so close to Christmas. Olivia is obviously full of purpose and emblematic of hope. My thoughts and prayers will be with her and her family as they travel to Miami. May this miracle continue to remind us all of what is most important during the holidays.

  10. Tad Bush on December 5th, 2009 7:13 pm

    I just wanted to say a quick Thank You to everyone that was so generous in giving today at the Car Wash. It was a big success. May God Bless each and everyone of you that gave. Thanks again.

  11. HS Parent on December 4th, 2009 5:01 pm

    My daughter, Jessica, went to school with Amber, and she told me just last week about Olivia. I’m sure Amber & Thad already know this, but, God has a purpose for Olivia’s life. That was evident from the premature beginning of her life on earth. She survived for a reason, so I know that He will continue to protect and keep her. I will be praying for her and her family, that she will be cured of the seizures, and that she will continue to be a blessing to others.

  12. EMD on December 4th, 2009 3:16 pm

    I will be asking a large prayer group of folks in diverse places, headed up in north west Alabama, to pray for Olivia. What a pretty little girl.

    I have friends in Virginia who have a son that had to have repeated shunts as he grew. He is now in college and is an accomplished pianist.

    God’s plan for us all is perfect. We just have to walk in it, no matter what things look like.

  13. interested reader on December 4th, 2009 1:33 pm

    Our prayers are with you, Olivia and your family. Praying your Christmas wish comes true. Remember, Jesus loves the little children, especially ones with special needs. God bless you.

  14. jennifer on December 4th, 2009 8:17 am

    Hey Amber! It’s Jennifer from school!!! I hope everything works out for Olivia! I know your christmas wish will come true!!!!

  15. mother of 4 on December 4th, 2009 7:43 am

    I will be praying for your family..I pray that everthing work out for her..she is a beautiful little girl,God has brought her this far and he will continue to take care of her,I have a daughter that was in NICU that only weighed two pounds and he as taken care of her..our prayers are with all of you!

  16. mspence on December 4th, 2009 6:39 am

    Olivia and your family will be in my prayers. God Bless You All!

  17. Willene on December 4th, 2009 6:31 am

    Olivia and the family will be in our prayers.

  18. cindy on December 4th, 2009 2:29 am

    She is a very cute girl and I hope the wish will come true..I will pray I hope the trip there and back is a safe one and I will be at the car wash for sure