Ida Barely A Tropical Storm

November 4, 2009

  [Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]

Ida, once a hurricane, is now barely a tropical storm.

Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 40mph with higher gusts.  Further weakening is expected as Ida moves inland over Nicaragua tonight.

The center of Tropical Storm Ida was located near latitude 13.1 north, longitude 83.7 west.

If the storm survives the mountainous territory of Nicaragua, it is expected to reach the Gulf of Mexico. will keep you updated on this latest tropical storm.

Hurricane season ends November 30.


15 Responses to “Ida Barely A Tropical Storm”

  1. Tommy Gunn on November 5th, 2009 2:47 pm

    I have lived in Molino for almost 15 years now and have lived though a few hurricanes, NO FUN, SCARY, COSTLY. I have been disabled now for about 10 years, and still have not recovered from hurricane Ivan, not able to do the work myself nor do I have the money to get it done. I don’t need another hurricane of any type and I see a lot of other places that look like they are in the same shape as I am in. There is got to be another answer to getting a job other than another hurricane. Hurricanes are scary, costly, can be deadly. So please mother nature take your hurricane out to sea. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL.

  2. denae on November 5th, 2009 10:29 am

    to whoever wrote the “please hurry think of all the jobs you would create” you are just completely of an idiotic mind frame. I was there during Hurricane Ivan and after (no power for two weeks and no food to buy) and the ONLY workers that came in to help were people with no right to be there, because they were from south of the border with no work visas!

  3. Wild Bill on November 5th, 2009 9:17 am

    Some people will look for any excuse to avoid working and some people will go to any length necessary to find work.

    Only you know which group you best fit into?

    Regardless, a hurricane would not solve anyone’s job problems.

    In reference to current unemployment rates, the areas unemployment rate has held steady around 5% – 6% for years, even prior to the recession. So basically there has only been a net increase of 4% – 5%, which is not nearly as bad as the media hype would lead you to believe. So is work harder to find? Yes! Is work impossible to find? NO!

    I was laid off in January 2009 and spent 45 days on unemployment. So I do know a little about finding a job in the current job market. During my unemployment, I treated job hunting like a JOB, and put in well over 40 hours per week looking for a job until I found one.

    Go see the folks at the Workforce EscoRosa office on L Street in Pensacola, those folks have the leads, resources and know how to get you back to work if that is really what you want.

    Like I said, only you know how hard you are looking for work. But a hurricane is hardly the answer to you or anyone else’s unemployment worries.

    Peace out……..

  4. S.L.B on November 5th, 2009 8:30 am

    You can ALWAYS count on two sides to every story! LOL

    Personally, I’m cheering for the hurricane to fade away as Hurricane Ivan was the worst night of our lives and the following days and months were not good either.

    Welcome, just a suggestion…might consider re-locating to another state that has better employment possibilities for your situation?

  5. Welcome on November 5th, 2009 8:07 am

    thank you missbhaven its easy for people to say there are lots of jobs out there I went to wild bills recomended site most jobs req. exp. in that field . I guess he could say I should have went to school to be a nurse or Dr but i chose a different path with no regrets ………

  6. missbhavin on November 5th, 2009 1:20 am

    Yes, and there are abiut that many listed in esc, AL too. Only because they are listed as far back as one year ago, and are inactive! Most of then are all for the same thing PTS, Speech pathology, RN’s, LPN’s and Occupational therapy. After going through every available avenue looking for a job for the past eight months i have enrolled myself in one of these programs. I will not be in this situation again. But do not overestimate the availability of jobs… checked the unemployement rate lately?

  7. txGodnomore on November 4th, 2009 10:11 pm

    “Ida would be a welcome sight to north florida as long as no one is hurt. Please hurry think of all the jobs you would create”

    We do not need any more flooding from immigrants, thank you, Ivan left us too many to deal with. Shotty work ,took our insurance money and ran. You should pray we never have a mess like Ivan caused all of us plus all the crooks from around the world flocking in.

  8. Welcome on November 4th, 2009 8:50 pm

    To wild bill unless you know my personal situation then you can not imagine .. Dont be so quick to think I dont try to find a job.

  9. Wild Bill on November 4th, 2009 7:20 pm

    There are nearly 500 jobs within 25 miles of zipcode 32506 listed on the employflorida website. Perhaps if finding a job is really important to you, you should be searching and posting resumes there, instead of posting nonsense here. Just a thought…………..

  10. jacoby on November 4th, 2009 6:54 pm

    Storms be bad folk

  11. welcome on November 4th, 2009 6:38 pm

    I have been through more than one thank you and I agree lives are more important, But homes and belonging are nothing if you have no jobs . Call me selfish if you like because when it comes down to it everybody is in some way no one is completely giving or we wouldnt be in such a fix we are in… We would not have rich people while we have poor . Wake up and think of someones life instead of your house and belonging.

  12. Wild Bill on November 4th, 2009 6:35 pm

    I can’t imagine anyone who rode out and cleaned up after Hurricane Ivan welcoming another hurricane ever in their lifetime. There was a time when I thought going through a hurricane would be pretty cool, but after Ivan I don’t ever want to have to experience that again.

  13. Beverly on November 4th, 2009 6:01 pm

    I don’t know how any one can say a hurricane would be a welcome site to ANY ONE! Must not have been thru one! Homes, lives, belonging are more important than anything .I know everyone needs work but not like this.

  14. sumbodywithsumthing2say on November 4th, 2009 5:14 pm

    i know think that a hurrican of any size would be a welcome sight for any state.

  15. welcome on November 4th, 2009 4:18 pm

    Ida would be a welcome sight to north florida as long as no one is hurt. Please hurry think of all the jobs you would create.