Transformer Fire Leaves Some Customers Without Power, Phones

November 6, 2009

A transformer fire late Thursday morning left some area residents without power or phones.

The fire was reported at 11:26 a.m. on South Highway 99 at  the railroad crossing near the Enon community. Firefighters arriving on scene reported a live power line down.

The transformer fire and downed power left an unknown number of Escambia River Electric customers in the dark for about an hour. A small number of Frontier Communications customers were also left without phone service after the power line shorted a portion of the telephone network in the area, according to a Frontier spokesperson.


2 Responses to “Transformer Fire Leaves Some Customers Without Power, Phones”

  1. EMD on November 6th, 2009 11:19 am

    I live not too far from there, and Gulf Power is not my power company. I have Escambia River, and they do not disregard their customers. At least not to my knowledge. They are the nicest company I’ve ever dealt with. I have had a power surge problem since I moved here quite a few years ago. However they have checked this out and we had it checked out on this end, and none of us have found the problem. It is pointing more and more towards a direct lightening strike years before we moved here. It could be a fulgarite problem, affecting grounding.

  2. David on November 6th, 2009 8:52 am

    My power blinks off and then back on 5 or 6 times a week almost once a day. We have the worst power service of anywhere I have ever lived. Nearly every day I need to re-record the outgoing message on my answering machine. The clock on my microwave is constantly blinking and needing to be reset. I’ve had computers damaged, lost data on my hard drive, and back when we had modems I lost several of them because of this. It’s like living in a third world country and the PSC doesn’t want to do anything about it. We need a public uprising against Gulf Power for their crappy service and blatant disregarded of their customers.