The Circus Is Coming

November 3, 2009


An old-fashioned big top circus is coming to the Atmore YMCA this weekend with jugglers, acrobats, clowns, tigers and more.

The circus show, to be performed by the Lewis & Clark Circus, will harken back to earlier days when such events came bustling into town for a day and then mysteriously disappeared overnight.

circus2.jpgLewis & Clark is a one-ring European style circus with continuous action going on in the center ring. Traditional circus acts such as hi-flying trapeze artists, amazing acrobats, zany clowns, and liberty animal acts that include horses and camel are featured.

The Circus attracts all types of people, from the young to the young at heart, which may be why it remains a popular form of family entertainment. The circus is one of about 10 traditional big top shows that operate in the United States. The circus troop presents about500 shows a year and will be in Atmore on Saturday, November 7 with performances at 4 and 7 p.m. and Sunday, November 8 at 3 p.m. You can relive childhood dreams while your children create their own dreams and memories from this fun filled event.

Tickets can be purchased at the Atmore Area YMCA, United Bank in Atmore and from any YMCA Board Member. Advance discount tickets are $10 per adult and children under 14 are free when accompanied by an adult. Non-discounted tickets will be available on circus day.

For more information, call the Atmore Area YMCA at (251) 368-9622.


17 Responses to “The Circus Is Coming”

  1. Mr. Rodgers on November 5th, 2009 4:36 pm


    DON’T GO THEN !!!

    educated – potential
    grown – adult
    opinion – NICE
    babies – killing

    THIS IS TO TELL ABOUT A NEWS EVENT >> There is a Circus in town. it will be in the fielded/blocks beside the YMCA IN ATMORE, SATURDAY STARTS 4 PM.

    This other rubbish is just that. Rubbish. Take your opinions and spread them to a spouse or sister or brother or your preacher. That way you will know what most people think of all this MY CAUSES rubbish.

    This is for the benefit of the people web site not my cause. Some of us don’t get out in the communities and this is our way of picking and chosing events we want to go to.or arranging for a ride.
    PLEASE stop making such negative comments and once really is enough for a personal statement.

  2. Get off that soapbox! on November 5th, 2009 9:35 am

    Good grief! It is the circus. Loved them all my life. Will be there with my grandchildren. Is anything fun and safe from do-gooders anymore? Chill you might actually enjoy your life again. See ya at the circus!

  3. missbhavin on November 5th, 2009 1:16 am

    I went to the circus at Flomaton about two years ago. They only had a snake. A big disapointment. I had hoped for my son to see a tiger, instead he got to see a bunch of women climbing ropes… dull.

  4. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 5:36 pm

    I never said that I didn’t like the circus as they can be very exciting to watch. And I too love animals very much. And I understand how exciting it is that something like the circus is even visiting Atmore, Al.

    I never intended my comments and feelings I posted on the subject to be considered an argument as I don’t like to argue. I just intended to express my concerns for potential animal abuse for circus animals as I just recently viewed a special on TV about the topic and it broke my heart.

    PLEASE….enjoy the circus and make lots of memories with your families!

  5. Mom of 3 on November 4th, 2009 12:52 pm

    ok, so some of you don’t like the circus and some do…so what? I don’t understand, people have animals, like dogs that they teach to do tricks and some put them in dog shows and no one is complaining about that!!! Maybe some of those dogs could be mistreated, maybe some aren’t, I would like to think that no animal is mistreated as I absolutely LOVE animals, but I know that some people mistreat dogs (and other animals) everyday and yet, there are still dog shows and pet owners still teach their dogs to do tricks. So should we stop that as well???!!! If you look at those animals in a circus, they are not under fed or even look like they are. I think this whole agruement going on is just people who want something to complain about. If you don’t want to go to the circus then DON’T GO but if you do and can afford it, then GO, it’s that simple….otherwise, stop and look at the whole picture of how EVERY KIND of animal gets treated in this world and not just at a circus!!!!

  6. LOL on November 4th, 2009 11:36 am

    who can afford the circus I live month to month wondering if my family will be able to keep our lights on and you people are argueing over a circus !! We have bigger problems at hand must be nice to be you, I wish thats all I have to worry about.

  7. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 10:04 am

    Many good points made by TRUTH, thank you for sharing them. Like everything else in this world, there are always two sides to every story to think about and consider when making your descisions.

    I would really like to believe that you are right TRUTH about not one single cirucus animal not being mistreated EVER, but there are no gaurentees on anything in this world and apparently it does happen or their wouldn’t be stories and evidence available stating otherwise.

    I suppose it’s up to each individual to make their own choices about what’s considered fun and entertainment for themselves and their families and/or where to draw the line and make a stand for animal rights.

  8. friend on November 4th, 2009 8:41 am

    Please Bycott Circuses, you are absolutely correct! I for one will not be watching, nor do I go to rodeos. This has nothing to do with killing babies! Such ignorance!

  9. The Truth on November 4th, 2009 2:23 am

    Long live the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!

  10. The Truth on November 4th, 2009 2:22 am

    Welcome to the Circus. It is good clean fun for families and a great evening out. I have lived and seen where animals are kept that perform in the circus. They are well taken care of and given breaks from performing. They are rewarded for their tricks they do and it is wrong to say that they are being mistreated. Seems like being in the wild could be very mistreating when you could be killed just for the skin you are in or for the tusks on your head. These animals that travel in the Circus are treated very well and fed very well too. With population growing and the area that is left for animals in the wild to live in gets smaller and smaller….they do not eat or live near as well as these animals. Kids love animals and there is nothing wrong with taking your child to the Circus and teaching them to enjoy and love animals. Much better than what is going on in China now with live killings of dogs and cats just for their fur , skinned alive, some even have on collars and are dropped in crates from trucks crushing their legs. If you buy something from China that has fur it could be a former pet of someones turned into a coat. If anyone wants to do something to save animals….this is what needs to be stopped…not the Circus.

  11. S.L.B on November 3rd, 2009 7:52 pm

    Thank you “Please Boycott Circuses”…. I was just thinking the same thing when I read the comment from stevie, about killing babies being legal. Two seperate issues that deserve two seperate discussions, if one chooses too, which I do not.

    bama54… I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade and I’m surely not standing in anyone’s way to attend such an event. I just merely stated my opinion about animals performing in a circus and how it affects my feelings. And I’m not alone as Bob Barker of the Price is Right is not an avid supporter of the treatment of circus animals either. And my childhood is not the story here!

  12. Please Boycott Circuses on November 3rd, 2009 2:42 pm

    I will push my agenda where ever and whenever I please. Do a little research with an open mind, if that is possible, and maybe your opinion would change.

    Type “circus animal abuse” in any search engine and you SHOULD be appalled at the way these animals are treated.

    Since William seems to be such a super sleuth, I would like to see him to do a little behind the scenes investigating and report his findings on the manner in which these animals are housed and treated. Maybe then, some of you would believe what is already thoroughly documented.

    And even in the event it is impossible to change your mind, if one person does do the research and decides that this is not a business they will patronize, then I have been successful, with or without your blessing.

    Why must people like you turn every animal rights story into a cry about abortion? They are totally different subjects and should be addressed independently; otherwise neither receives the attention they deserve.

  13. bama54 on November 3rd, 2009 11:16 am

    Please Boycott Circuses, and S.L.B please do not go to the circus. There are people out here that might enjoy something good and clean fun. People like you always try to rain on some ones parade. I bet you two really had a great childhood!! Hopefully your not from the Atmore area!! Gives us all a break and keep you animal rights to yourself. Don’t push you agenda on everyone else!!

  14. stevie on November 3rd, 2009 10:38 am

    its a circus guys…you don’t know the stories behind every animal…maybe they were from a zoo and were going to be put down for some reason or another…an animal that has been raised in a zoo can’t just be released into the wild…poor circus animals should be the least of our worries when killing babies is legal

  15. S.L.B on November 3rd, 2009 9:18 am

    You know…I attended a circus event when I was a child and thought that it was pretty cool because I didn’t know any different.
    But now that I am an educated and opiniated adult, I very much agree with the fact that wild animals should be left in Africa and/or their homelands to be wild and free. They should not be paraded around and made to do things that man makes them do for mans monetary gain. It’s just wrong and that is why I have never attended or supported a circus as an adult and it just makes me very sad to see them caged up when not perfoming and often mistreated.

  16. me on November 3rd, 2009 8:18 am


  17. Please Boycott Circuses on November 3rd, 2009 8:02 am

    Wild animals don’t do headstands or jump through fire because they enjoy it; they do it out of fear of punishment. We have to stop teaching our kids that they should applaud this kind of animal slavery, abusive confinement and training, and hideous exploitation.

    I am an avid hunter and fisherman and not some sort of PETA freak, however I also believe elephants, big cats and other “exotics” belong in their homelands, not under the bright lights of a circus ring for commercial entertainment.

    Stand up for circus animals today—kindly ask your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors to boycott the circus and to pass this message on!