Investigators Continue To Probe Molino Cheerleader Attacks

November 5, 2009

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to investigate two home invasion attacks on young cheerleaders within the past week.

homeinv567.jpgWednesday, investigators to Molino to interview witnesses and the victims of with a home invasion Friday night on Highway 95A near Highway 97 and a Tuesday morning home invasion on Nancy Lane near Highland Baptist Church.

Deputies still have little information about their suspect — both victims described him as a tall, think white male dressed in all black, including a black mask.  But authorities still have not publicly named a suspect. At this point, Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the sheriff’s office, said investigators have not determined if both attacks were carried out by the same person.

“There are some similarities but they still can’t confirm that they are the same suspect,” Roy told late Wednesday afternoon. “We are continuing to follow up on leads.”

Roy said Molino area residents need to remain aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity, persons or vehicles to the Sheriff’s Office.

The sheriff’s office has interviewed multiple witnesses in and around Molino, and deputies have spoken to friends of both victims from Northview High School and Ernest Ward Middle School. has published the most complete coverage of the attacks first, and we will continue to follow this ongoing story.

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7 Responses to “Investigators Continue To Probe Molino Cheerleader Attacks”

  1. Gdude on November 8th, 2009 5:09 pm

    I still say it never happened…hope deputies will soon come to the same conclusion.

  2. paul on November 6th, 2009 7:46 pm

    Please remember everyone, ” Stand Your Ground LAw ” is not an cover all law to sanctio vigilante ism. If you do confront this attacker, DONT BRAG, DONT SAY ANYTHING TO THE COPS

  3. SoMoteitBe on November 6th, 2009 7:16 pm

    Fewer comments, less interest. We return to our normal lives…but not the victims, not the victim’s families, and certainly not the attacker. Unsuccessful, frustrated, thwarted, does he quit??? Has he made his point? Time will tell. Stay vigilant!! Stay prepared!! Keep your eyes open and senses sharp!!

  4. C. Knowlton on November 6th, 2009 6:05 am

    Thank you North!! You do a wonderful job keeping us informed of what is going on in our neck of the woods! I haven’t heard anything from the other news sources. Please keep up the good work.

  5. gunstoregirl on November 5th, 2009 8:54 am

    For anyone (male or female) thinking of getting a handgun for self-defense, please ask yourself the following question BEFORE you purchase one…

    *If presented with the situation, am I capable of pulling the trigger with the full intention of killing (not just injuring or scaring) the attacker?

    If you can’t honestly say that you would shoot to kill, you do not need a weapon for self-defense. If you can honestly say that you will shoot to kill, I second whitepunkotondope’s suggestion of a revolver. No finicky magazine (or clip, as they’re also called) to be loaded and if the shot does not go off for whatever reason, just pull the trigger again to advance to the next round (do not purchase a single-action only revolver or you’ll have to cock the hammer back for every shot). Revolvers don’t jam and they’ve very easy to clean.

  6. whitepunknotondope on November 5th, 2009 8:43 am

    Google “Best handgun for women” and go buy one. And ladies remember: when confronted with an attacker, fire TWO shots in quick succession aimed at the abdomen. Then take steps backward while keeping the gun aimed at the intruder while ordering him/her to STOP! With a revolver (preferred) you’ll still have four shots left to drop the guy.

  7. . on November 5th, 2009 1:26 am

    Praying for the two of you wonderful young ladies!