Northview Student Leaders Discuss Their School With Malcolm Thomas

November 20, 2009



Escambia County Superintendent Malcolm Thomas sat down with student leaders at Northview High School Thursday morning to learn more about what they think about their school.

Just over a dozen students representing various clubs, organizations and sports were chosen for the round table discussion with Thomas.

“I feel like our teachers try really hard,” junior Sarah Killam told Thomas.

“So they are pushing you? Tell me about that,” the superintendent replied.

“It’s just different now because of the those scores,” she said. Last year, Northview was the only high school in the county to receive a “D” grade from the Florida Department of Education.

“You are one of my target schools for needing improvement,” Thomas told Killam. “This year, we are very serious about what we are doing. We are going to raise the rigor and make sure you are challenged.”

Students were encouraged to speak openly and freely with Thomas without school staff or faculty present.

Thomas is holding the discussions at each high school in the county, mostly with school leadership classes.

Pictured top and bottom: Escambia School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas holds a discussion with Northview High School students  Thursday morning. Pictured inset: Junior Sarah Killam talks to Thomas. photos, click to enlarge.



8 Responses to “Northview Student Leaders Discuss Their School With Malcolm Thomas”

  1. NHS STUDENT on November 21st, 2009 6:37 pm

    I agree with “parent.” NHS received the school grade of a “D” last year due to the lack of the lower percentile of students who did not improve their scores. Therefore, the whole school was punished. Simply because of the students that don’t care, or maybe a little to do with some of the students having a REAL disability. There has to be a compromise. I mean something needs to change somehow in order for our school to reflect the score of those who do pay attention in class, do their homework every night, stay after school every day of the week and work their butt off to make a better name for the school, those who put up with crap from teachers and other students, and THOSE WHO PULL THE WEIGHT FOR EVERYONE ELSE! Laziness is NOT an excuse in my book. It’s just a cop-out. But in regards to the comment from “unemployed teacher,” we did lose some very valuable teachers last year that shouldn’t have been lost. Maybe some of the tenure teachers should’ve been cut? I think the ones who were cut could’ve turned the school around. They’re missed, and it’s ashame that some don’t even have a job now.

  2. Molino Dad on November 21st, 2009 9:21 am

    That’s it folks….they are leaders. The superintendent wanted to meet with leaders. He was not there to meet with the lower quartile. Note the part about he meets at other schools with leadership classes. Northview just does not have a leadership class.

  3. parent on November 20th, 2009 4:06 pm

    I have to agree that most of the students in the pictures are leaders – whether they are from clubs, class officers, or sports. These students are not the struggling ones with grades that are below average or failing. These are your high achievers that thrive on extra curricular activities and excel at most everything they do. This didn’t give the superintendent the true picture. The representation chosen was not “every collection of students”.

  4. Unemployed Teacher on November 20th, 2009 12:01 pm

    I wish he would sit and talk to the teachers that lost their jobs last year to see how they feel! But, the people downtown just think about saving their jobs and not the teachers!

  5. me on November 20th, 2009 11:18 am

    mr. wright,
    the conversation with mr. thomas was NOT only about test scores!! it was about every aspect of the school: what students like and don’t like. he took notes on what they thought was great and what they thought should be improved. the closest thing to test scores that were discussed was the school grade process and how we received a “D”.

    and mrs. weaver DID NOT choose the students. they were taken from all groups, clubs, classes, and sports of the entire school. it ensured that every collection of students was represented.

    so don’t comment things you know nothing about!

  6. melissa franklin on November 20th, 2009 8:48 am

    I think that was a good idea for Mr. Thomas to take the time out to come to Northview to sit down and to talk to these wonderful student leaders about their school. Yes these are fine leaders at the school and I know some of the kids in the photo. Good job La’Derious Franklin.

  7. Joe Wright on November 20th, 2009 8:23 am

    I think the students probably did tell Mr. Thomas how it is,
    How it is from their perspective…….

    It seems to me that this conversation with the superintendent would have been more effective if different students were chosen. Student leaders are just that, student leaders. They are typically high performers academically and very involved with extra circular activities. These students are not the ones that score poorly on standardized tests. I am guessing Mrs. Weaver hand selected the students to speak with Mr. Thomas as she needs to protect her job after the poor scores last year. I would have selected the bottom scoring students and asked them the same questions as this would really answer the questions to the issue. I think addressing student leaders is a good idea but the issue here probably does not apply to them as they are good students already. This is just my opinion.

  8. Molino Mom on November 20th, 2009 7:48 am

    I’ve never heard of a superintendent taking the time to sit down with kids like this. I hope he really listens to them.

    I know many of the kids in the photo. They are fine leaders, and I’m sure they told him like it is.